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Complete Solutions to OBJECTIVE PROBLEMS of chapter SOLID AND LIQUID STATES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions51
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Which of the following is an amorphous solid?

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  2. Which of the following is not a property of crystalline substance

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  3. A crystal may have one or more planes of symmetry as well as one or more axes of symmetry but it has

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  4. The number of basic crystal systems is

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  5. The total number of elements of symmetry in a cubic crystal is

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  6. The number of Bravais lattices in a cubic crystal is:

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  7. In a sodium chloride crystal, each chloride ion is surrounded by:

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  8. The structure of CsCl crystal is:

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  9. The structure of NaCl crystal is:

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  10. The arrangement of `Cl^(-)` ions in CsCl structure is-

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  11. The number of atoms per unit cell in a face-centred cube is:

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  12. The coordination number of a body-centred atom in cubic structure is

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  13. Close packing is maximum in the crystal which is

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  14. In a body-centred cubic arrangement the ion A occupies the centre while the ions of B occupy the corners of a cube. The formula of the crystal is:

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  15. The number of atoms per unit cell in a simple cube, face `-` centred cube and body`-` centred cube are respectively `:`

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  16. The radius of an ion in a body-centred cube of edge a is:

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  17. The volume occupied by an atom in a simple cubic unit cell is:

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  18. In a body centred cubic cell an atom at the body of centre is shared by-

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  19. In a face centred cubic cell, an atom at the face centre is shared by-

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  20. An atom at the corner of a simple cubic cell is shared by:

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  21. The atomic radius in a face-centred cubic cell is:

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  22. The fraction of the total volume occupied by atoms in a simple cube is

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  23. The Miller indices of two parallel planes in a crystal are:
    (a) same , (b) different

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  24. Bragg's law is given by the equation:

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  25. A mineral having the formula `AB_2` crystallizes in the c.c.p. lattice, with A atoms occupying the lattice points. The CN of A is 8 and that of B is 4. What percentage of the tetrahedral sites is occupied by B atoms? (CsCl = 168.40

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  26. The number of octahedral sites per sphere in a c.c.p. (f.c.c.) structure is:

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  27. The density of crystalline CsCl is 3.988 g/cc. The volume effectively occupied by a single CsCl ion pair in the crystal is:

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  28. The CsCl structure is observed in alkali halides only when the radius of the cation is sufficiently large to keep its eight nearest-neighbour anions from touching. What minimum value of `r_(+)//r_(-)` is needed to prevent this contact?

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  29. A swubstance `A_(x)B_(y)` crystallises in a face cubic centred cubic (fcc) lattice in which `A` occupy each corner of the cube and atoms `B` occapy the centers of each face of the ci=ube identical the correct composition of the substance `A_(x)B_(y)`

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  30. In a solid AB of NaCl structure, A atoms occupy the corners of the cubic unit cell. If all the corner atoms are removed then the formula of the unit cell will be:

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  31. In a crystal AB, which of the following crystal systems will have parameters, `a ne b ne c` and `alpha = beta = gamma = 90^(@)` ?

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  32. In the NaCl crystal, which of the following facts is not true?

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  33. The decreasing order of the size of void is ______.

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  34. The greater the value of `r_(+)//r_(-)`.

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  35. An organic liquid rises 2.0 cm in a capillary tube. How much will it rise if the cross-sectional area of the tube is doubled?

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  36. When the temperature is increased, surface tension of water:

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  37. The units of surface tension in cgs and SI units are respectively,

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  38. The units of viscosity in cgs and SI units are respectively,

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  39. The rise of a liquid in a capillary tube is due to :

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  40. The coefficient of viscosity of a solution and its solvent are respectively `eta` and `eta_(0)`. The specific viscosity `eta_(sp)` may be expressed as:

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  41. Which of the following properties of liquids increases with the increase in temperature?

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  42. The surface tension of several alcohols at 20°C is `gamma(CH_(3)OH)= 22.61 "dyne" cm^(-1), gamma(C_(2)H_(5)OH) = 2.275 xx 10^(-2) Nm^(-1)` and `gamma(n-C_(3)H_(7)OH) = 23.7 mJ m^(-2)`. The alcohol having the highest surface tension is:

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  43. The packing fraction of the two dimensional square unit cell shown below is (all the circles are of the same radius):

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  44. Which of the following exists as covalent crystals in the solid state?

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  45. `CsCl`crystallizes in body centred cubic lattice. If `'a'` is its edge length then which of the following expressions is correct ?

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  46. Sodium metal crystallises in a body centred cubic lattice with a unit cell edge of 4.29 A. The radius of Na atom is approximately

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  47. If the unit cell of a mineral has cubic close packed (ccp) array of oxygen atoms with m fraction of octahedral holes occupied by aluminium ions and n fraction of tetrahedral holes occupied by magnesiums ions, m and n respectively, are

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  48. Which type of 'defect' has the pressence of cations in the interstitial sites?

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  49. The correct statement (s) for cubic close packed (ccp) three dimensional structure is (are)

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  50. A metal crystallises in a face centred cubic structure. If the edge length of its cell is 'a' the closest approach between two atoms in metallic crystal will be

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  51. All of the following share the same crystal structure except

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OBJECTIVE PROBLEMS questions and complete solutions for chapter SOLID AND LIQUID STATES of BHARATI BHAWAN CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12