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Complete Solutions to PRACTICE QUESTIONS of chapter THE KINETIC THEORY OF GASES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions72
Academic Year2023-24
  1. According to the kinetic theory of gases, the pressure of a gas is due to

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  2. Which one of the following properties of a gas is not consistent with kinetic theory?

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  3. A closed vessel is maintained at a constant temperture. It is first evacuated and then vapour is injected it continuously. The pressure of the vapour in the vessel

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  4. Which one of the following statements concerning a collection of gas molecules at a certain temperature is true?

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  5. Under which one of the following conditions do real gases approach the ideal gas behaviour?

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  6. It is known that 28 grams of a certain ideal gas occupy 22.4 liters at standard conditions (0°C, 1 atm). The volume occupied by 42 grams of this gas at standard conditions is

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  7. The approximate number of air molecules in a 1 `m^3` volume at room temperature (300 K) and atmospheric pressure is (Use `R = 8.2 xx 10^(-5 ) m^3` atm/mol K and `N_A =6.02 xx 10^(23)` mol^(-1)`)

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  8. What is the internal energy of `1.75 ` kg of helium ( atomic mass `= 4.00260 `u ) with a temperature of `100^@ `C ?

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  9. A runner weighis 580 N (about 130 lb), and 71% of this weight is water. How many moles of water are in the runner's body?

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  10. A 0.030 m container is initially evacuated. Then, 4.0 g of water is placed in the container and, after some time, all the water evaporates. If the temperature of the water vapor is 388 K, what is its pressure?

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  11. What is the density (in kg/m) of nitrogen gas (molecular mass = 28 u) at a pressure of 2.0 atmospheres and a temperature of 310 K?

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  12. The capacity of a vessel is 31. It contains 6g `O_2`,8g `N_2` and 5g `CO_2` mixture at `27^@`C. If R = 8.31 J/mol K, then the pressure in the vessel in N/m2 will be (approx.)

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  13. If the translational rms speed of the water vapor molecules (`H_2 O`) in air is 648 m/s, what is the translational rms speed of the carbon dioxide molecules (`CO_2`) in the same air? Both gases are at the same temperature.

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  14. Each molecule in a gas has an average kinetic energy. What is the total average kinetic energy of all the molecules in 3.0 mol of a gas whose temperature is 320 K?

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  15. Helium (He), a monatomic gas, fills a 0.010 `m^3` container. The pressure of the gas is `(6.2 xx 10^5` Pa). How long would a 0.25 hp engine have to run (1 hp = 746 W) to produce an amount of energy equal to the internal energy of this gas?

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  16. A gas is confined to a cylindrical container of radius 1 cm and length 1 m. The pressure exerted on an end face, compared with the pressure exerted on the long-curved face, is

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  17. The equation of state for 5 g of oxygen at a pressure P and temperature T, when occupying a volume V, will be

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  18. A tank contains 0.85 mol of molecular nitrogen (`N_2`). Determine the mass (in grams) of nitrogen that must be removed from the tank in order to lower the pressure from 38 to 25 atm. Assume that the volume and temperature of the nitrogen in the tank do not change.

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  19. The force on the walls of a vessel of a contained gas is due to

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  20. Initially, the translational rms speed of a molecule of an ideal gas is 463 m/s. The pressure and volume of this gas are kept constant, while the number of molecules is doubled. What is the final translational rms speed of the molecules?

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  21. Two pure samples of atoms, labeled A and B, contain oxygen atoms and carbon atoms, respectively. Each sample contains the same number of atoms. What is the ratio of the mass of sample B to that of sample A, `m_B//m_A` ? Note the following atomic masses: C = 12 u, 0= 16 u,

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  22. An ideal gas with a fixed number of molecules is maintained at a constant pressure. At `30.0^@ C`, the volume of the gas is `1.50 m^3` . What is the volume of the gas when the temperature is increased to `75.0^@`C?

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  23. The density of diamond, a form of carbon, is 3520 kg/`m^3` If the atomic mass of carbon is 12.011 u, how many carbon atoms are there in a solid diamond sphere with a radius of 0.033 m?

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  24. A sample of a monatomic ideal gas is originally at `20^@ C`. What is the final temperature of the gas if both the pressure and volume are doubled?

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  25. A sample of gas is taken in a closed vessel at `20^(@)C`. The gas is heated until the pressure is doubled. What is the final temperature?

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  26. Argon gas at 305 K is confined within a constant volume at a pressure p. If the gas has a pressure `p_2` when it is cooled to 195 K, what is the ratio of `p_2` to `p_1`?

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  27. The temperature of a monatomic ideal gas with a mass per mole of 0.00750 kg/mol is 294 K. The absolute pressure of the gas is `1.05 xx 10^5` Pa when its volume is `1.31 xx 10^(-3)`m. What is the mass of the gas?

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  28. The temperature of low pressure hydrogen is reduced from `100^@ C `to `20^@ C`. The rms speed of its molecules decreases by, approximately

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  29. A mixture of two ideal gases A and B is in thermal equilibrium at 600 K.A molecule of A has one-fourth the mass of a molecule of B and the rms speed of molecules of A is 400 m/s. Determine the rms speed of molecules of B.

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  30. A canister containing 150 kg of an ideal gas has a volume of 8.0 m'. If the gas exerts a pressure of `5.0 xx 10^5` Pa, what is the rms speed of the molecules?

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  31. According to the Maxwellian speed distribution, as the temperature increases the most probable speed

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  32. A tank contains 135 moles of the monatomic gas argon at a temperature of `15.3^@ C`. How much energy must be added to the gas to increase its temperature to `45.0^@ `C?

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  33. How many air molecules are in a room at temperature `23.8^@ C` and standard pressure if the dimensions of the room are `3.66 m xx 3.66 m xx 2.43 m`?

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  34. Platinum has a molar mass of 195 g/mol. If you have a ring that contains 2.3 g of platinum, how many moles does it contain?

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  35. The pressures p and volumes V of the five ideal gases, with the same number of molecules, are given below. Which has the highest temperature?

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  36. The speeds of 25 molecules are distributed as follows: 5 in the range from 2 to 3 m/s, 10 in the range from 3 to 4 m/s, 5 in the range from 4 to 5 m/s, 3 in the range from 5 to 6 m/s, 1 in the range from 6 to 7 m/s, and 1 in the range from 7 to 8 m/s. Their average speed is about

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  37. A sample of argon gas (molar mass 40 g) is at four times the absolute temperature of a sample of hydrogen gas (molar mass 2 g). The ratio of the rms speed of the argon molecules to that of the hydrogen is

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  38. In a certain gas the molecules are `5.0 xx 10^(-9)`m apart on average, have a mean free path of `5.0 xx 10^(-6)` m, and have an average speed of 500 m/s. The rate at which a molecule has collision with other molecules is about

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  39. A certain ideal gas has a temperature 300 K and a pressure `5.0 xx 10^4 ` Pa. The molecules have a mean free path of `4.0 xx 10^(-7)`m. If the temperature is raised to 350 K and the pressure is reduced to `1.0 xx 10^4` Pa the mean free path is then

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  40. The pressure of an ideal gas of diatomic molecules is doubled by halving the volume. The ratio of the new internal energy to the old, both measured relative to the internal energy at 0 K, is

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  41. Assume that helium behaves as an ideal monatomic gas. If 2 moles of helium undergo a temperature increase of 100 K at constant pressure, how much energy has been transferred to the helium as heat?

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  42. `A 1.00 xx 10^(-2) m^3` flask contains 0.0160 kg of oxygen gas,`O_2`at `770^@C`. What is the pressure exerted on the inner walls of the flask by the oxygen gas? (The atomic mass of O is 15.9994 u.)

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  43. An air bubble in a water tank rises from the bottom to the top. Which of the following statements are true?

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  44. The root-mean-square (rms) speed of oxygen molecules `(O_(2))` at a certain absolute temperature is v.If the temperature is double and the oxygen gas dissociated into atomic oxygen, the rms speed would be

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  45. Figure shows graphs of pressure versus density for an ideal gas at two temperatures `T_1` and `T_2` Then

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  46. `P - T` diagram is shown in Fig. Choose the corresponding `V - T` diagram.

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  47. A frictionless gas-filled cylinder is fitted with a movable piston, as shown in the figure. The block resting on the top of the piston determines the constant pressure that the gas has. The height his 0.120 m when the temperature is 273 K and increases as the temperature increases. What is the value of h when the temperature reaches 318 K?

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  48. A bulb contains 1 mol of hydrogen mixed with one mole of oxygen at temperature T. The ratio of rms values of velocity of hydrogen molecules to that of oxygen molecules is

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  49. A primitive diving bell consists of a cylindrical tank with one end open and one end closed. The tank is lowered into a freshwater lake, open end downward. Water rises into the tank, compressing the trapped air, whose temperature remains constant during the descent. The tank is brought to a halt when the distance between the surface of the water in the tank and the surface of the lake is 40.0 m. Atmospheric pressure at the surface of the lake is `1.01 xx 10^5` Pa. Find the fraction of the tank's volume that is filled with air.

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  50. Near the surface of Venus, the rms speed of carbon diox ide molecules (`CO_2`) is 650 m/s. What is the temperature (in kelvins) of the atmosphere at that point?

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  51. Consider a collision between an oxygen molecule and a hydrogen molecule in a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen kept at room temperature. Which of the following are possible?

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  52. Let `barv,v_(rms) and v_p` respectively denote the mean speed. Root mean square speed, and most probable speed of the molecules in an ideal monoatomic gas at absolute temperature T. The mass of a molecule is m. Then

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  53. Which of the following statements are correct?

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  54. A box contains a mixture of H, and He gases. Which of the following statements are correct?

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  55. Which of the following quantities is the same for all ideal gases at the same temperature?

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  56. Two vessels of the same volume and filled with the same gas at the same temperature. If the pressure of the gas in these vessel be in the ratio 1:2, then state : (i) the ratio of the rms speeds of the molecules, (ii) the ratio of the number of molecules.

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  57. The total kinetic energy of translational motion of all the molecules of 5 L of nitrogen exerting a pressure P is 3000 J.

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  58. If the atoms in a diatomic molecule can vibrate, the molecule has

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  59. A vessel contains an ideal gas at `27^@ C` and pressure 200 kPa. The volume of the gas is 8.0 L. The molecules of the gas collide with the walls of the vessel and exert a pressure. The gas is allowed to leak till the pressure falls to 150 kPa and the temperature remains the same. The diameter of the ideal gas molecule is 300 pm. The average distance traveled by the molecule between collisions is termed as the mean free path. The mean free path of a gas molecule varies directly proportional to the temperature and inversely proportional to the pressure. Take, R = 8.3 J/mol K and `N_A = 6.02 xx 10^(23)`/mol.
    The number of moles of the gas in the vessel before the gas was leaked is

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  60. A vessel contains an ideal gas at `27^@ C` and pressure 200 kPa. The volume of the gas is 8.0 L. The molecules of the gas collide with the walls of the vessel and exert a pressure. The gas is allowed to leak till the pressure falls to 150 kPa and the temperature remains the same. The diameter of the ideal gas molecule is 300 pm. The average distance traveled by the molecule between collisions is termed as the mean free path. The mean free path of a gas molecule varies directly proportional to the temperature and inversely proportional to the pressure. Take, R = 8.3 J/mol K and `N_A = 6.02 xx 10^(23)`/mol.
    The amount of gas leaked is

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  61. A vessel contains an ideal gas at `27^@ C` and pressure 200 kPa. The volume of the gas is 8.0 L. The molecules of the gas collide with the walls of the vessel and exert a pressure. The gas is allowed to leak till the pressure falls to 150 kPa and the temperature remains the same. The diameter of the ideal gas molecule is 300 pm. The average distance traveled by the molecule between collisions is termed as the mean free path. The mean free path of a gas molecule varies directly proportional to the temperature and inversely proportional to the pressure. Take, R = 8.3 J/mol K and `N_A = 6.02 xx 10^(23)`/mol.
    the average translation kinetic energy of the molecules of the gas is

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  62. X and Y are two equal size containers. X contains a gas A at a temperature `75^@ `C and Y contains a gas B at a temperature `40^@ `C. Each gas behaves as an ideal gas and specific heat at constant pressure for both gases has the same value.
    From the given information, we can conclude that

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  63. X and Y are two equal size containers. X contains a gas A at a temperature `75^@ `C and Y contains a gas B at a temperature `40^@ `C. Each gas behaves as an ideal gas and specific heat at constant pressure for both gases has the same value.
    It can be concluded that the

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  64. X and Y are two equal size containers. X contains a gas A at a temperature `75^@ `C and Y contains a gas B at a temperature `40^@ `C. Each gas behaves as an ideal gas and specific heat at constant pressure for both gases has the same value.
    It can be concluded that the

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  65. Match the statements in Column I with those in Column II.Any given statement in Column I can have correct matching with one or more statements in Column II.

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  66. In the question, there is a table having 3 columns and 4 rows. Based on the table, there are 3 questions. Each question has 4 options (a), (b), (c) and (d), ONLY ONE of these four options is correct.

    Which combination has 379.28 mL as value for `V_2`?

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  67. In the question, there is a table having 3 columns and 4 rows. Based on the table, there are 3 questions. Each question has 4 options (a), (b), (c) and (d), ONLY ONE of these four options is correct.

    Which combination has 317 mL as value for `V_2`?

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  68. In the question, there is a table having 3 columns and 4 rows. Based on the table, there are 3 questions. Each question has 4 options (a), (b), (c) and (d), ONLY ONE of these four options is correct.

    Which has combination 250 mL as value for `V_2`?

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  69. At what temperature is the rms velocity of a hydrogen molecule equal to that of an oxygen molecule at `47^(@)C`?

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  70. Find the temperature at which oxygen molecules have the same rms speed as `N_2` molecules at `7^@ `C.

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  71. Nitrogen is in equilibrium state at T=421K .The value of most probable speed,`v_(mp)` is

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  72. What is the degree of freedom of gas? If at STP, the velocity of sound in it is 330 m/s, gas density = 1.3 mg/`cm^3`

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