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Complete Solutions to PROBLEMS of chapter THE KINETIC THEORY OF GASES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions28
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The speed s of 22 particles are as follows (`N_i` represents the number of particles that have speed `V_i` ) :

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  2. gives the probaility distribution for nitrogen gas . The scale of the horizontal axis is set by ` v_ s = 2400 ` m/s what are the (a)gas temperature and (b ) rms speed of the molecules ?

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  3. Find the rms speed of argon atoms at 323 K . Sec apprndix F for molar mass of argon atoms .

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  4. Water standing in the open at 10.0°C evaporates because of the escape of some of the surface molecules. The heat of vaporization (539 cal/g) is approximately equal to en, where e is the average energy of the escaping molecules and n is the number of molecules per gram. (a) Find `epsi`. (b) What is the ratio of `epsi` to the average kinetic energy of `H_2 O` molecules, assuming the latter is related to temperature in the same way as it is for gases?

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  5. The speeds of 11 molecules are 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, ..., 12 km/s. What are their (a) average speed and (b) rms speed?

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  6. A beam of hydrogen molecules `(H_2)` is directed toward a wall, at an angle of `32^@` with the normal to the wall. Each molecule in the beam has a speed of 1.0 km/s and a mass of `3.3 xx 10^(-24)` g. The beam strikes the wall over an area of 2.0 cm?, at the rate of `4.0 xx 10^(23)` molecules per second. What is the beam's pressure on the wall?

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  7. Ten particles are moving with the following speeds: four at 300 m/s, two at 500 m/s, and four at 600 m/s. Calculate their (a) average and (b)rms speeds. (c) Is `v_(rms ) gt v_(avg )` ?

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  8. What is the average translational kinetic energy of nitrogen molecules at 1500 K?

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  9. Suppose 10.0 g of oxygen `(O_2)` gas is heated at constant atmospheric pressure from `25.0^@ C` to `125^@ C`. (a) How many moles of oxygen are present? (See Table 20-1 for the molar mass.) (b) How much energy is transferred to the oxygen as heat? (The molecules rotate but do not oscillate.) (c) What fraction of the heat is used to raise the internal energy of the oxygen?

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  10. The most probable speed of the molecules in a gas at temperature `T_2` is equal to the average speed of the molecules at temperature `T_1 ` Find `T_2 //T_1`

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  11. Oxygen gas having a volume of 1200 cm at `40.0^@ C` and `1.01 xx 10^5 ` Pa expands until its temperature is 493 k and its pressure is 1.06 x 109 Pa. Find (a) the number of moles of oxygen present and (b) the final volume of the sample.

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  12. Water bottle in a hot car. In the American Southwest, the temperature in a closed car parked in sunlight during the summer can be high enough to burn flesh. Suppose a bottle of water at a refrigerator temperature of `5.00^@ C` is opened, then closed, and then left in a closed car with an internal temperature of `65.0^@ C`. Neglecting the thermal expansion of the water and the bottle, find the pressure in the air pocket trapped in the bottle. (The pressure can be enough to push the bottle cap past the threads that are intended to keep the bottle closed.)

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  13. The lowest possible temperature in outer space is 2.7 K,which is associated with the microwave background radiation left over from the formation of the universe. What is the rms speed of hydrogen molecules at this temperature? (The molar mass is given in Table 20-1.)

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  14. A container encloses 1.5 mol of an ideal gas that has molar mass M, and 0.50 mol of a second ideal gas that has molar mass M, 3.0M What fraction of the total pressure on the container wall is attributable to the second gas? (The kinetic theory explanation of pressure leads to the experimentally discovered law of partial pressures for a mixture of gases that do not react chemically: The total pressure exerted by the mixture is equal to the sum of the pressures that the several gases would exert separately if each were to occupy the vessel alone. The molecule-vessel collisions of one type would not be altered by the presence of another type.)

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  15. Container A in holds an ideal gas at a pressure of `8.0 xx 10^5` Pa and a temperature of 250 K. It is connected by a thin tube (and a closed valve) to container B, with four times the volume of A Container B holds the same ideal gas at a pressure of `1.0 xx 10^5` Pa and a temperature of 450 K. The valve is opened to allow the pressures to equalize, but the temperature of each container is main tained. What then is the pressure?

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  16. Determine the average value of the translational kinetic energy of the molecules of an ideal gas at temperatures (a) `20.0^@ C and (b) 80.0^@ C`. What is the translational kinetic energy per mole of an ideal gas at (c)` 20.0^@ C and (d) 80.0^@ C`?

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  17. At `127^(@)C` and `1.00 xx 10^(-2)` atm pressure, the density of a gas is `1.24 xx 10^(-2) kg m^(-3)`.
    a. Find `v_(rms)` for the gas molecules.
    b. Find the molecular weight of the gas and identify it.

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  18. If vacuum techniques have reduced a gas to only 45 molecules/cm when the temperature is 293 K, what is the pressure in the gas?

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  19. Submarine rescue. When the U.S. submarine Squalus became disabled at a depth of 80 m, a cylindrical chamber was lowered from a ship to rescue the crew. The chamber had a radius of 1.00 m and a height of 3.50 m, was open at the bottom, and held two rescuers. It slid along a guide cable that a diver had attached to a hatch on the submarine. Once the chamber reached the hatch and clamped to the hull, the crew could escape into the chamber. During the descent, air was released from tanks to prevent water from flooding the chamber. Assume that the interior air pressure matched the water pressure at depth h as given by `P_0 + rho gh,` where `P_0 ` = 1.000 atm is the surface pressure and p= 1024 kg/`m^3` is the density of seawater. Assume a surface temperature of 20.0°C and a submerged water temperature of `-40.0^@ `C. (a) What is the air volume in the chamber at the surface? (b) If air had not been released from the tanks, what would have been the air volume in the chamber at depth h = 80.0 m? (c) How many moles of air were needed to be released to maintain the original air volume in the chamber?

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  20. An air bubble of volume 15 cm is at the bottom of a lake 40 m deep, where the temperature is `4.0^@ C`. The bubble rises to the surface, which is at a temperature of` 20^@ C` Take the temperature of the bubble's air to be the same as that of the surrounding water. Just as the bubble reaches the surface, what is its volume?

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  21. What is the internal energy of 2.0 mol of an ideal monatomic gas at 273 K?

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  22. Gold has a molar mass of 197 g/mol. (a) How many moles of gold are in a 1.50 g sample of pure gold? (b) How many atoms are in the sample?

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  23. A quantity of ideal gas at `10.0^@ C` and 100 kPa occupies a volume of 3.00 m. (a) How many moles of the gas are present? (b) If the pressure is now raised to 300 kPa and the temperature is raised to `30.0^@ C`, how much volume does the gas occupy? Assume no leaks.

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  24. The temperature and pressure in the Sun's atmosphere are `2.00 xx 10^6 ` K and 0.0300 Pa. Calculate the rms speed of free electrons (mass `9.11 xx 10^(-31)` kg) there, assuming they are an ideal gas.

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  25. Calculate the rms speed of helium atoms at 1200 K. See Appendix F for the molar mass of helium atoms.

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  26. Find the mass in kilograms of `3.23 xx 10^(24)` atoms of aluminum, which has a molar mass of 26.98 g/mol.

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  27. Compute (a) the number of moles and (b) the number of molecules in 1.00 cm of an ideal gas at a pressure of 75.0 Pa and a temperature of 285 K.

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  28. (a) Compute the rms speed of a nitrogen molecule at `80.0^@ `C. The molar mass of nitrogen molecules (N.) is given in Table 20-1. At what temperatures will the rms speed be (b) half that value and (c) twice that value?

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PROBLEMS questions and complete solutions for chapter THE KINETIC THEORY OF GASES of RESNICK AND HALLIDAY PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12