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Complete Solutions to EXERCISE-3 PART-III of chapter D BLOCK ELEMENTS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions37
Academic Year2023-24
  1. (a) of the ions `A^(+),CO^(2+)` and `Ti^(+)`, which one will be coloured in aqueous solution? (Atomic no. s: Ag=47,Co=27,Ti=22)
    (b) If each ore each one of the above ionic species is in turn placed in a magnetic field, how will it respond and why?

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  2. Name one ore each of manganese and chromium.

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  3. In the transition series with an increase in atomic number, the atomic radius does not change very much. Why is it so?

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  4. Why `Zr` and `Hf` or `Nb` and `Ta` exhibit similar properties?
    Or Zirconium (atomic number40) and hafnium number 72) occur together in minerals and they exhibit similar properties. Give reasons.

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  5. Why among the lanthanides `Ce`,(III), can be easily oxidised to `Ce(IV)` (At. No. of Ce=58). Explain why?
    Or of the lanthanides , cerium (At.Nos.58) forms a tetrapositive ion `Ce^(4+)` in aqueous solution. Why?

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  6. Wxplain why `E^(@)` for `Mn^(3+)//Mn^(2+)` couple is more positive than that for `Fe^(3+)//Fe^(2+)`(At. Nos. Mn=25,Fe=26)?

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  7. What is the effect of increasing `pH` on `K_2Cr_2O_7` solution?

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  8. What is the basic difference between the electronic configuration of transition and inner transition elements?

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  9. Why do transition elements show variable oxidation state?

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  10. Give reasons for each of the following:
    (i) Size of trivalent lanthanoid cation decrease with increase in the atomic number.
    (ii) Transition metal fluorides are ionic in nature whereas bromides and chlorides are usualy covalent in nature.
    (iii) Chemistry of all the lanthanoids is quite similar.

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  11. The `E^(@)` value in respect of the electrodes `(Z=24)`, manganese `(Z=25)` and iron `(Z=26)` are : `Cr^(3+)//Cr^(2+)=-0.4V,Mn^(3+)//Mn^(2+)=+1.5V`, " " `Fe^(3+)//Fe^(2)=+0.8V`.
    On the basic of the above information compare the feasibilities of further oxidation of their `+2` oxidation states.

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  12. The outer electronic configuration of two members of the lanthanoid series are as follows:
    `4f^(1)5d^(1)6s^(2)` and `4f^(7) 5d^(0) 6s^(2)`
    What are their atomic number ? Predict the oxidation states exhibited by elements in their compounds.

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  13. Assign reason for each of the following statement:
    (i) The largest number of oxidation states are exhibited by the elements in their row transition elements.
    (ii) The atomic radii decrease in Size with the increasing atomic number in the lanthanoid series

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  14. Write all posible oxidation state of an element having atomic number `25`.

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  15. Why is `+2` oxidation state of mmanganese quite stable while the same is not true for iron?`[Mn=25,Fe=26]`.

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  16. How is the variability in oxidation states fo transition metals different from that of the non transition metaals?
    Illustrate with examples.

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  17. Write the electronic configuration of the element with atomic number `102`.

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  18. (a) Describe the general trends in the following properties of the first series of the transition elements:
    (i) Stability of `+2` oxidation state " "(ii) Formation of oxometal ions
    (b) Assign reason for each of the following:
    (i) Transition elements exhibit variable oxidation states.
    Transition metal ions are usually coloured

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  19. How would you account for the fact that the transition metals and their compounds are found to be good catalysts in many processes?

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  20. Assign reasons for the following :
    (i) The enthalpies of atomisation of transition elements are high.
    (ii) The transition metals and many of their compounds act as good catalyst.
    (iii) From element to element the actinoid contraction is greater than the lanthanoid contraction.
    (iv) The `E^(@)` value for the `Mn^(3+)//Mn^(2+)` couple is much more positive than that for `Cr^(3+)//Cr^(2+)`.
    (v) Scandium (Z = 21) does not exhibit variable oxidation states and yet it is regarded as transition element.

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  21. How would you account for the fact that actinoids exhibit a larger number of oxidation state than the corresponding lanthanoids?

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  22. (a) Complete the following chemical reaction equation :`(i)MnO_(4(aq))^(-)+C_(2)O_(4(aq))^(2-)+H_(aq)^(+) to`
    (ii) `Cr_(2)O_(7(aq))^(2-)+Fe_((aq))+H_((aq))^+to`
    (b) Explain the following observation about the transition /inner transition elements:
    (i) There is in general an increase in density of element from titanium `(Z=22)` to copper `(Z=29)`
    (ii) there occurs much more frequent metal bonding in compounds of heavy transition elements `(3^(rd)` series)
    (iii) The members of the actinoid series exhibit a larger number of oxidation states than the corresponding members of the lanthanoid series
    (a) Complete the following chemical equation for reaction:
    (i) `8MnO_(4)^(-)+H_(2)O+3S_(2)O_(3)^(2-) to`
    (ii) `Cr_(2)O_(7)^(2-)+3H_(2)S+8H^(+) to`
    (b) Give an explanation for each of the following observations:
    (i) The gradual decrease in size (actinoid contractions) from element to element is greater among the actinoids than among the lanthanoids (lanthanoid contraction).
    (ii) The greatest number of oxidation states are exhibited by the members in the middle of a transition series.
    (iii) With the same d-orbital configuration `(d^(4) Cr^(2+))` ion is a reducing agent but `Mn^(3+)` ion is an oxidising agent.

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  23. Explain the following observation:
    (i) Generally there is an increase in density of elements from titanium `(Z=22)`to copper `(Z=29)` in the first series of transition elements.
    (ii) Transition elements and their compounds are generally found to be catalysts in chemical reactions.

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  24. How would you account for the following?
    (i) The atomic radii of the metals of the third`(5d)` series of transition elements are virtually the same as those of the corresponding member of the second `(4d)` serie
    (ii) The `E^(@)` value for the `Mn^(3+)//Mn^(2+)` couple is much more positive than that for `Cr^(3+)//Cr^(2+)` couple of `Fe^(3+)//Fe^(2+)` couple.
    (iii) The highest oxidation state of a metal is exhibited in its oxides or fluoride.

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  25. Explain the following cases giving appropriate reason:
    (i) Nickel does not from low spin octahedral complexes:
    (ii) The `pie`-Complexes are known for the transition metals only.
    (iii) `CO^(2+)` is easily oxidised to `Co^(3+)` in the presence of a strong ligand.

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  26. (a) Complete the following chemical equation:
    (i) `Cr_(2)O_(7)^(2-)(aq)+H_(2)S(g)+H^(+)(aq) to` ,
    (ii) `Cu^(2+)(aq)+I^(-)(aq) to`
    (b) How would you account for the following:
    (i)The oxidising power of oxoanion are in the order`VO_(2)^(+)ltCr_(2)O_(7)^(2-)ltMnO_(4)^(-)`.
    (ii) The third ionization enthalpy of manganese `(Z=25)` is exceptionally high.
    (iii) `Cr^(2+)` is a stronger reducing agent than `Fe^(2+)`.
    (a) Complete the following chemical equation:
    (i) `MnO_(4)^(-)(aq)+s_(2)O_(3)^(2-)(aq)+H_(2)O(I) to`
    (ii) `Cr_(2)O_(7)^(2-)(aq)+Fe^(2+)(aq)+H^(+)(aq) to`
    (b) Explain the following observation:
    (i) `La^(3+)(Z=57)` and `Lu^(3+)(Z=71)` do not show any colour in solutions.
    (ii) Among the divalent cation in the first series of transition elements, manganese exhibits the maximum paramagnetism.
    (iii) `Cu^(+)` ion is not known in aqueous solutions.

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  27. How would you account for the following?
    (i) The atomic radii of the metals of the third`(5d)` series of transition elements are virtually the same as those of the corresponding member of the second `(4d)` serie
    (ii) Because oxygen and fluorine are highly electronegative elements and small in size.

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  28. Explain the following observation:
    (i) Transiton elements generally from colourd compounds.
    (ii) Zinc is not regarded as a transition element.

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  29. What is meant by the 'lanthanide contraction'? Mention one important fact that can be considered as a consequence of the lanthanide contraction.

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  30. How would you account for the following:
    (i) `Cr^(2+)` is reducing in nature while with the same d-orbital configuration `(d^(4)) Mn^(3+)` is an oxidising agent
    (ii) In a transition series of metals, the metal which exhibits the greatest number of oxidation state occurs in the middle of the series.

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  31. Complete the following chemical equation:
    (i) `MnO_(4)^(-)(aq)+s_(2)O_(3)^(2-)(aq)+H_(2)O(I)`to (ii) `MnO_(4)^(-) +NO_(2)^(-)+H^(+)`to
    State reason for the following :
    (i) `Cu(I)` ion is not stable in an aqueous solution.
    (ii) Unlike `Cr^(3+),Mn^(2+),Fe^(3+)` and the subsequently other `M^(2+)` ions of the `3d` series of elements, the `4d` and the `5d` series metals generally do not form stable cationic species.

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  32. Assign reasons for the following :
    (i) Copper (I) ion is not known in aqueous solution.
    (ii) Actinoids exhibit greater range of oxidation states than lanthanoids.

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  33. Complete the following chemical equation:
    (i) `MnO_(4)^(-)(aq)+s_(2)O_(3)^(2-)(aq)+H_(2)O(I)`to (ii) `MnO_(4)^(-) +NO_(2)^(-)+H^(+)`to

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  34. How would you account for the following :
    (i) Among lanthanoids,Ln(III) compounds are predominant. However,occasionally in solution or in solid compound,`+2` and `+4` ions are also obtained.
    (ii) The `E_(M^(2)//M)^(@)` for copper is positive `(0.34 V)` copper is the only metal in the first series of transition elements showing this behaviour.
    (iii) The metallic radii of the third `(5d)` series of transition metals are nearly the same as those of the corresponding member of the second series.

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  35. How would you account for the following ?
    (i) Many of the transition elements are known to form interstitial compounds.
    (ii) The metallic radii of the third `(5d)` series of transition metals are virtually the same as those of the corresponding group members of the second `(4d)` series
    (iii) Lanthanoids from primarily +3 ions, while the actinoids +1 usually have higher oxidation state in their compounds ,`+4 or even +6being typical.

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  36. (a) Which metal in the first transition series (3d series) exhibits+ 1 oxidation state most frequently and why?
    (b) Which of the following cations are coloured in aqueous solutions and why?
    `Sc^(3+),V^(3+),Ti^(4+),Mn^(2+)(At. "nos".Sc=21,V=23,Ti=22,Mn=25)`

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  37. How would you account for the following?
    (i) Transition metals exhibits variable oxidation state.
    (ii) `Zr(Z=40)` and `Hf(Z=72)` have almost identical radii.
    (iii) Transition metals and their compounds act as catalyst.
    Complete the following chemical equation:
    (ii) `CrO_(4)^(2-)+2H^(+)rarr`
    (iii) `2MnO_(4)^(2-)+5C_(2)O_(4)^(2-)+16H^(+)rarr`

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EXERCISE-3 PART-III questions and complete solutions for chapter D BLOCK ELEMENTS of PHYSICAL, INORGANIC, AND ORGANIC CHEMISTRY of Class 12