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Complete Solutions to SOLVED EXAMPLE of chapter D BLOCK ELEMENTS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions21
Academic Year2023-24
  1. On what ground can you say that scandium `(Z=21)` is a transition element but zinc `(Z=30)` is not?

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  2. The element with the electronic configuration `[Ze]^(54) 4f^(14)5d^(1)6S^(2)` is a

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  3. The number of transition series is:

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  4. Why do the transition element have higher boiling & melting points?

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  5. The atomic radii of transition elements in a period are.

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  6. `Zn` form only `Zn^(2+)` and not `Zn^(3+)`, why?

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  7. For the first row transition metals the `E^(ɵ)` value are:
    Explain the irregularity in the above values.

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  8. Write the formula of different oxides of manganese. What is the oxidation state of Maganese in each of them ? Arrange them in order of their decreasing acidic character.

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  9. Name the oxometal anions of the first series of the transition metals in which the metal exhibits the oxidation state equal to its group number.

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  10. Zinc does not show variable valency Because of:

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  11. Explain the blue colour of `CuSO_(4).5H_(2)O`

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  12. Calculate the magnetic moment of a divalent ion in aqueous solution if its atomic number is 25.

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  13. How iron `(III)` catalyses the reaction between iodide & persulphate ?

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  14. Which of the following form an alloy?

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  15. `Zn(OH)_(2) undersetto(Delta)[X]`
    Select the correct statement (s) for the compound `X`.

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  16. Anhydrous white solid `(A)` on addition of potassium iodine solution gave a brown precipitate which turned white `(B)` on addition of excees of hypo solution. When potasium cyanide is added to an aqeous Solution of `(A)`a white precipitate is formed which then dissolved in excess forming `(C )` A Solution `(%)` of `(A)` on adding to a solution of white portion of egg produced violet colouration in alkaline medium `(i.e)` in presence of `NaOH)` identify compound `(A)` and explain the reactions.

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  17. `CuSO_(4).5H_(2)Oundersetto(100)^(0)C[X](S) undersetto (250^(0))C[Y](S)`

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  18. Pottassium permanganate acts as an oxidant in neutral, alkaline as well as acidic media. The final product obtained from it in three condition are respectively:

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  19. An inorganic Compound `(A)` has garnet red prismatic crystals. `(A)` is modertely soluble in water and dissolved in cold concentrated `H_(2)SO_(4)` to yield red crystal `(B)` . In presence of dilute `H_(2)SO_(4)` it converts a pungent gas `(C )` into yellow turbidity `(D)` and converts a Suffocating gas `(E)` into a green solution `(F)`. the gas `(C )` and `(E)` also combine to produced the yellow turbidity `(D)` . With `KI` and starch in presence of dilute. `H_(2)SO_(4)` (A)` and concentrated `H_(2)SO_(4)` Mixture used as a cleansing agent for glassware in the laboratory . identify `(A)` and explain the reactions.

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  20. Name the member of the lanthanoids series which exibit+4 oxidation states and those which exhibit+2 oxidation state. Try to correlate this types of behaviour with the electronic configuration of these elements.

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  21. The chemistry of the actinoid elements is not so smooth as that of the lanthanoid. Justify this statement by giving some example from the oxidation state of these elements

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SOLVED EXAMPLE questions and complete solutions for chapter D BLOCK ELEMENTS of PHYSICAL, INORGANIC, AND ORGANIC CHEMISTRY of Class 12