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Complete Solutions to Exercise-1 of chapter NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions47
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Why cathode ray tube experiment is not conducted at atmospheric pressure?

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  2. Complete the following table:
    `|{:("Particale","Atomic No.","Mass No.","No. of electrons","No. of protons","No. of neutrons"),("Sodium atom",11,---,---,---,12),("Aluminium ion",---,27,10,---,---),("Chloride ion",---,---,18,---,18),("Phosphorus atom",---,31,---,15,---),("Coprous ion",---,---,28,---,35):}|`

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  3. The approximate radius of a H-atom is `0.05` nm, and that of proton is `1.5 xx 10^-15` m. Assuming both hydrogen atom and the proton to be spherical, calculate fraction of the space in an atom of hydrogen that is occupied by the nucleus.

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  4. (A) Find the radius of nucleus of an atom having atomic mass number equal to `125. ("Take" R_(0)=1.3xx10^(-15) m)` (B) Find the distance of closest approach when an `alpha` particle is projected towards the nucleus of silver atom having speed `v`. (mass of `alpha` particle `=m_(alpha)`, atomic number pf `Ag=47`)

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  5. Calculate the energy of `100` photons if the wavelength of the light is `2000 Å`.

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  6. How many photons are emitted per second by a `5 mW` laser operating at `620 nm`?

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  7. The Vividh Bharati Station of All india Radio, Delhi broadcasts on a frequency of `1368 kHz` (kilo hertz). Calculate the wavelength and wave number of the electronetic radiation emitted by the transmitter.

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  8. One quantum is absorbed per gaseous molecules of `Br_(2)` for converting into `Br` atoms. If light absorbed has wavelength `5000 Å`, calculate energy required in kJ//mol.

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  9. The eyes of certain member of the reptile family pass a single visual signal to the brain when the visual receptors are struck by photons of wavelength `850nm`. If a total energy of `3.15xx10^(14)J` is required to trip the signal. What is the minimum number of photons that must strike the receptor?

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  10. Two bulbs 'A' and 'B' emit red light and yellow light at 8000 "Å" and 4000 "Å" respectively. The number of photons emitted by both the bulbs per second is the same. If the red bulb is labelled as 100 watts, find the wattage of the yellow bulb.

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  11. The threshold frequency for the ejection of electrons from potassium metal is `5.3xx10^(14) s^(-1)`. Will the photon of a radiation having energy `3.3xx10^(-19) J` exhibit photoelectric effect? `(h=6.626xx10^(-34) Js)`

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  12. If a light with frequency `4xx10^(16) Hz` emitted photoelectrons with double the maximum kinetic as are emitted by the light of frequency `2.5xx10^(16) Hz` from the same metal surface, then what is the threshold frequency `(v_(0))` of the metal?

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  13. If the work function `(w)` of an arbitrary metal is `3.1 eV`, find its threshold wavelength and the maximum kinetic energy of the electron emitted when radiation of `300 nm` strike the metal surface. `("Take" hc=12400 eV Å)`

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  14. Which state of the triply ionized Beryllium `(Be^(3+))` has the same orbit radius as that of the ground state of hydrogen atom?

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  15. If the velocity of the electron in first in first of `H` atom is `2.18xx10^(6) m//s`, what is its value in third orbit?

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  16. Consider Bohr's theory for hydrogen atom . The magnitude of orbit angular momentum orbit radius and velocity of the electron in nth energy state in a hydrogen atom are l , r and v respectively. Find out the value of 'x' if product of v, r and l (vrl) is directly proportional to `n^(x)`.

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  17. Find the ratio of the time period of `2^(nd)` Bohr orbit of `He^(+)` and `4^(th)` Bohr orbit of `Li^(2+)`

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  18. Consider three electron jumps described below for the hydrogen atom
    `{:["X: n=3 to n=1"],["Y: n=4 to n=2"],["Z: n=5 to n=3"]:}`
    (a) The photon emitted in which transition ` X, Y` or (Z) will have shortest wavelength ?
    (b) For which transition will the electron experience the longest charge in orbit radius ?

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  19. A hydrogen sample is prepared in a particular excited state. Photons of energy `2.55 eV` get absorbed into the sample to take some of the electrons to a further excited state `B`. Find orbit numbers of the states `A` and `B`. Given the allowed energies of hydrogen atom:
    `E_(1)=-13.6 eV, E_(2)=-3.4 eV, E_(3)=-1.5 eV, E_(4)=-0.85 eV. E_(6)=-0.54 eV`

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  20. A single electron ion has nuclear chrage `+Ze` where `Z` is atomic number and `e` is electronic charge. It requires `16.52 eV` to excite the electron from the second Bohr orbit to third Bohr orbit. Find
    (a) The atomic number of element?
    (b) The energy required for transition of electron from first to third orbit?
    (c ) Wavelength of photon required to remove electron from first Bohr orbit to infinity?
    (d) The kinetic energy of electron on first Bohr orbit?

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  21. The energy levels of hypothetical one electron atom are shown below.
    `0 eV "__________" n=oo`
    `-0.50 eV "__________" n=5`
    `-1.45 eV "__________" n=4`
    `-3.08 eV "__________" n=3`
    `-5.3 eV "__________" n=2`
    `-15.6 eV"__________" n=1`
    (a) Find the ionisation potential of atom?
    (b) Find the short wavelength limit of the series terminating at `n=2`?
    (c ) Find the wave no. of photon emitted for the transition made by the electron from third orbit to first orbit?

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  22. The excitation energy of a hydrogen -like ion in its first excited state is `40.8 eV` Find the energy needed to remain the electron from the ion

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  23. Calculate the two highest wavelength of the radiation emitted when hydrogen atoms make transition from higher state to `n = 2`

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  24. What electron transition in the `He^(+)` spectrum would have the same wavelength as the first Lyman transition of hydrogen.

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  25. Calculate the frequency of light emitted in an electron transition from the sixth to the second orbit of a hydrogen atom. In what region of the specturm does this frequency occur?

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  26. At what atomic number would a transition from `n=2"to"n=1` energy level result in emission of photon of `lambda= 3xx10^(-8)m`?

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  27. Calculate the energy emitted when electron of 1.0 gm atom of Hydrogen undergo transition giving the spectrtal lines of lowest energy is visible region of its atomic spectra. Given that, `R_(H)`=`1.1xx10^(7) m^(-1)`,` c=3xx10^8m//sec`,` h=6.625xx10^(-34) Jsec`.

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  28. In a container a mixture is prepared by mixing of three samples of hydrogen helium ion `(He^(+))` and lithium ion `(Li^(2+)).` In sample , all the hydrogen atoms are in 1st excited state and all the `He^(+)` ions are in third excited state and all the `Li^(2+))` ions are in fifth excited state. Find the total number of spectral lines observed in the emission spectrum of such a sample when the electrons return back to the ground state.

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  29. An electron in H-atom in its ground state absorbs ` 1.5` times as much energy as the minimum required for its escape ( i. e., 13 . 6 eV) from the atom . Calculate the wavelength of emitted electron.

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  30. Deduce the condition when the De-Broglie wavelength associated with an electron would be equal to that associated with a proton if a proton is `1836` times heavier than an electron.

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  31. An electron, practically at rest, is initially accelerated through a potential difference of `100` volts. It then has a de Broglie wavelength `=lambda_(1) Å`. It then get retarded through `19` volts and then has a wavelength `lambda_(2) Å`. A further retardation through `32` volts changes the wavelength to `lambda_(3)Å`, What is `(lambda_(3)-lambda_(2))/(lambda_(1))`?

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  32. If an electron having kinetic energy `2 eV` is accelerated through the potential difference of `2` volt. Then calculate the wavelength associated with the electron

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  33. The uncertainty in position and velocity of the particle are 0.1 nm and `5.27xx10^(-24) ms^(-1)` respectively then find the approximate integral mass of the particle (in g ) . `(h=6.625xx10^(-34) Js)`

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  34. An electron moving near an atomic nucleus has a speed of `6xx10^(6) +- 1% m//s`. What is the uncertainty in its position?

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  35. An electrons in a hydrogen atom finds itself in the fourth energy level.
    (i) Write down a list of the orbits that it might be in.
    (ii) Can it be in all of these orbitals at once?
    (iii) Can you tell which orbital it is in ?

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  36. The wave function of `3s` electron is given by
    It has a node at `r=r_(0)`, Find out the relation between `r_(0)` and `a_(0)`

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  37. How many unpaired electrons are there in `Ni^(2+)`?

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  38. Write the electronic configuration of the element having atomic number `56`

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  39. Given below are sets of quantum numbers for given orbitals. Name these orbitals.
    (a) `n=3, l=1` (b) `n=5, l=2` (c) `n=4, l=1` (d) `n=2, l=0` (e) `n=4, l=2`

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  40. Point out the anugular momentum of an electron in,
    (a) `4s` orbital (b) `3p` orbital (c ) `4^(th)` orbit )according to Bohr model)

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  41. Which of the following sets of quantum numbers are impossible for electrons? Explain why in each case.

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  42. Find the total spin and spin magnetic moment of following ion.
    (i) `Fe^(+3)` (ii) `Cu^(+)`

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  43. Calculate the loss in mass during the change:
    `._(3)Li^(7) + ._(1)He^(1) rarr 2 ._(2)He^(4) + 17.25 MeV`

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  44. When `^(24)Mg` is bombared with neutron then a proton is ejected. Complete the equation and report the new element formed.

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  45. Write equations for the following transformation:
    (a) `._(7)^(17)N (n, p)` (b) `._(19)^(39)K(n, alpha)`

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  46. Explain with reason the nature of emitted particle by:

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  47. For the given series reaction in `n^(th)` step, find out the number of protons & energy.
    `_(92).^(238)U rarr Ba+Kr+3_(0)n^(1)+"Energy" (E)`

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Exercise-1 questions and complete solutions for chapter NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY of PHYSICAL, INORGANIC, AND ORGANIC CHEMISTRY of Class 12