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Complete Solutions to Solved Example of chapter NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

RESONANCESolved Example
Number Of Questions18
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Complete the following table:
    `|{:("Particle","Mass No.","Atomic No.","Protons","Neitrons","Electrons"),("Nitrogen atom",-,-,-,7,7),("Calcium ion",-,20,-,20,-),("Oxygen atom",16,8,-,-,-),("Bromide ion",-,-,-,45,36):}|`

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  2. Certain sum glasses having small of `AgCl` incroporated the lenses, on expousure to light of appropriate wavelength turns to gray colour to reduce the glare following the reactions:
    `AgCloverset(hv)(rarr) Ag("Gray")+Cl`
    If the heat of reaction for the decomposition of `AgCl` is `248 kJ mol^(-1)`, what maximum wavelength is needed to induce the desired process?

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  3. The threshold frequency `nu_(0)` for a metal is `6xx10^(14) s^(-1)`. Calculate the kinetic energy of an electron emitted when radiation of frequency `nu=1.1xx10^(15) s^(-1)` hits the metal.

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  4. Find ratio of radius of `2^(nd)` orbit of `He^(+)` ion `& 3^(rd)` orbit of `Be^(+3)` ion.

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  5. what are the frequency and wavelength of a photon emitted during a transition from n = 5 state to the n =2 state in the hydrogen atom?

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  6. A single electron system has ionization energy ` 1. 118 xx 10^7 J mol^(-1)`. Calculate the number of protons in the nucleus of the system .

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  7. Calculate the wavelength of a photon emitted when an electron in `H-` atom maker a transition from `n=2` to `n=1`

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  8. Calculate wavelength for `2^(nd)` line of Balmer series of `He^(+)` ion

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  9. If electron make transition from `7^(th)` excited state to `2^(nd)` state in `H` atom sample find the max. number of spectral lines observed.

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  10. what will be the wavelength of a ball of mass 0.1 kg moving with a velocity of `10 m s^(-1)` ?

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  11. `A` golf ball has a mass of `40g` and a speed of `45m//s`. If the speed can be measured within accuracy of `2%`, calculate the uncertainty in the position.

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  12. Write the electronic configuration and find the no. of unpaired electrons as well as total spin for the following atoms:
    `(i) `_(6)C` (ii) `_(8)O` (iii) `_(15)P`
    `(iv) `_(21)Sc` (v) `_(26)Fe` (vi) `_(10)Ne`

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  13. Write the four quantum numbers for V and VI electrons of carbon atom.

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  14. Calculate the total spin and magnitic moment for atoms having atomic numbers `7`, `24`, `34` and `36`.

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  15. `.^(23)` Na is the more stable isotope of Na. Find out the process by which `._(11)^(24)` Na can undergo radioactive decay.

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  16. The number of `beta-` particle emitted during the change `._(a)X^(c ) rarr _(d)Y^(b)` is

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  17. `._(7)N^(13)` changes to `._(6)C^(13)` by the emission of

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  18. A radioactive element `X` has an atomic number of 100. It decays directly into an element `Y` which decays directly into an element `Z`. In both the processes either one `alpha` or one `beta-` particle is emitted. Which of the following statement could be true?

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Solved Example questions and complete solutions for chapter NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY of PHYSICAL, INORGANIC, AND ORGANIC CHEMISTRY of Class 12