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Complete Solutions to Exercise of chapter GASEOUS STATE of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions73
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Identify true and false statements for fixed amount of gas in following isotherm of real gas.
    (i) Keeping pressure constant state `x` can be converted into state `y` only by decreasing volume.
    (ii) Keeping volume constant state `x` can be converted into state `z` only by decreasing pressure.
    (iii) State `x` can never be converted into state `z` only by increasing pressure at the temperature above `C`.
    (iv) Below temperature `C` state `x` cann't exist at any pressure.
    (v) State `x,y` and `z` gas, liquid and liquid vapour respectively.
    (vi) State `x` canbe converted into state `y` at temperature `d` and pressure `F`.

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  2. Explain the physical significance of vanderWaals parameters.

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  3. Calculate van der Waals constansts a and b if critical temperature and critical pressure are `30^(@)C` and 72 atm respectively .

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  4. Calculate the volume occupied by `2.0` mole of `N_(2) at 200K` and `8.21 atm` pressure, if `(P_(C)V_(C))/(RT_(C)) = (3)/(8)` and `(P_(r)V_(r))/(T_(r)) = 2.4`.

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  5. Using the van der Waals equation, calculate the pressure of `10.0mol NH_(3)` gas in a `10.0 L` vessel at `27^(@)C`.

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  6. If density of vapours of a substance of molar mass `18 gm at 1 atm` pressure and`500K` is `0.36 kg m^(-3)`, then calculate the value of `Z` for the vapours. (Take `R = 0.082 L atm mole^(-1)K^(-1))`

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  7. One litre gas at `400K` and `300atm` pressure is compressed to a pressure of `600 atm` and `200K`. The compressibility factor is changed from `1.2 to 1.6` respectively. Calculate the final volume of the gas.

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  8. Reduced temperature for benzene is `0.7277` and its reduced volume is `0.40`. Calculated the reduced pressure of benzene.

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  9. The values of a and b for oxygen are `a = 1.360 atm litre^(2) mol^(-2)` and `b = 0.03183 litre//mol`.
    (i) Calculate the value of `(b-(a)/(RT)) at 0^(@)C`. (ii) Calcualte the Boyles temperature at which `(b-(a)/(RT)) = 0`.

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  10. Consider an ideal gas contained in a vessel If the intermolecular interaction suddenly begins to act which of the following will happen ?.

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  11. The process of real gases is less than the pressure of an ideal gas because of:

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  12. The critical temperature of water is higher than that of `O_(2)` because the `H_(2)O` molecule has

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  13. Select incorrect statement:

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  14. However great the pressure , a gas cannot be liquified above its :

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  15. A real obeying vander Waals equation will resemble ideal gas , if the

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  16. Graph depicting correct behaviour of ideal gas and `H_(2)` gas will be (neglect a):

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  17. If temperature and volume are same, the pressure of a gas obeying van der Waal's equation is :

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  18. At `273K` temp, and 9 atm pressure, the compressibility fog a gas is `0.9`. The volume of 1 mill-moles of gas at this temperature and pressure is `:`

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  19. Positive deviation from ideal behaviour takes place because of

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  20. For the non-zero value of the force of attraction between gas molecules, gas equation will be

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  21. Compressibility factor for `H_(2)` behaving as real gas is:

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  22. At low pressures (for 1 mole), the van der Waal's equation is written as `[P+(a)/(V^(2))]V=RT`
    The compressibility factor is then equal to :

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  23. Calculate the radius of He atoms if its van der Waal's constant 'b' is 24mL `"mol"^(-1)`. (Note: mL=cubic centimeter)

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  24. In van der Waal's equation of state for a non ideal gas the term that accounts for i9ntermolecular forces is:

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  25. The van der Waals' constant 'a' for the gases `O_(2), N_(2), NH_(3) "and " CH_(4)` are 1.36, 1.39, 4.17 and 2.253 respectively, the gas which can be most easily liquefied is :

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  26. The correct order of normal boiling of `O_(2), N_(2), NH_(3)` and `CH_(4)` for whom the values of van der Waals constant `'a'` are `1.360, 1.390, 4.170` and `2.253 L^(2) atm mol^(-2)` respectively, is:

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  27. A gas obeys the equation of state `P(V-b) =RT` (The parameter b is a constnat The slope for an isochore will be .

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  28. van der Waals constant b of helium is 24 mL `mol^(-1)`. Find molecular diameter of helium.

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  29. If `v` is the volume of one molecule of a gas under given conditions, then van der Waals constant `b` is

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  30. In van der Waals equation of state for a non-ideal gas , the term that accounts for intermolecular forces is

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  31. On heating vapours of `S_(8)(g)` decomposes to `S_(2)(g)`. Due to this, the van-der Waal's constant 'b' for the resulting gas

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  32. What is the compressibility factor (Z) for 0.02 mole of a van der Waals's gas at pressure of 0.1 atm. Assume the size of gas molecules is negligible.
    Given : RT=20 L atm `mol^(-1)` and a=1000 atm `L^(2) mol^(-2)`

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  33. The van der Waals parameters for gases W, X, Y and Z are
    `{:("Gas",a("atm"L^(2)mol^(-2)),b(L"mol"^(-1))),(W," "4.0," "0.027),(X," "8.0," "0.030),(Y," "6.0," "0.032),(Z," "12.0," "0.027):}`
    Which one of these gases has the highest critical temperature?

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  34. One way of writing the equation of state for real gases is `PV = RT [1+(B)/(V)+…]` where `B` is a constant. An approximate expression for `B` in terms of the van der Waals constant 'a' and 'b' is

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  35. The temperature at which a real gas obeys the ideal gas laws over a wide range of pressure is called

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  36. The temperature at which the second virial coefficient of a real gas is zero is called .

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  37. Consider the following statements : if the van der Waal's parameters of two gases are given as:
    `a("atm"L^(2)"mol"^(-2)) b(L"mol"^(-1))`
    `{:("Gas X:",6.5,0.056),("Gas Y:",8.0,0.011):}`
    (P): `V_(C)(X)ltV_(C)(Y)` (Q): `P_(C)(X)ltP_(C)(Y)`
    (R) : `T_(C)(X)ltT_(C)(Y)`
    Select the correct alternate.

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  38. Select correct statements(s):

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  39. For a real gas the `P -V` curve was experimentally plotted and it hed the following appearance. With respect to liquifaction. Choose the correct statement.

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  40. A real gas most closely approaches the behaviour of an ideal gas at:

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  41. Calculate the compressibility factor for `CO_(2)` if one mole of it occupies `0.4` litre at `300K` and `40 atm`. Comment on the result:

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  42. Consider the following statements `PV_(m)=RT(1+(\B)/(V_(m))+(B)/(V_(m)^(2))+...)` Then `V_(m)` .

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  43. At Boyle's temperature the value of compressibility factro `Z = (PV_(m(//RT = V_(real)//V_(ideal))` has a value of 1 over a wide range of pressure. This is due to the fact that in the van der Waal's equation

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  44. The critical density of the gas `CO_(2)` is `0.44 g cm^(-3)` at a certain temperature. If r is the radius of the molecules, `r^(3)` in `cm^(3)` is approximately. `(N` is Avogadro number)

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  45. The curve of pressure volume `(PV)` against pressure `(P)` of the gas at a particular temperature is as shown, according to the graph which of the following is incorrect (in the low pressure region):

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  46. The vander waals constatn 'b' of a gas is `4 pi xx 10^(-4) L//mol`. The radius of gas atom can be expressed in secientific notation as `z = 10^(-9)cm`. Calculate the value fo `z`.(Given `N_(A) = 6 xx 10^(23))`

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  47. For a fixes amount of real gas when a graph of `z v//s` was plotted than at very high pressure slope was observed to be `0.01 atm^(-1)`. At the same temperature if a graph is plotted b//w pv v//s `P` then for 2 moles of the gas 'Y' intercept is found to be 40 atm-litre. calculate excluded volume in litres for 20 moles of the real gas.

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  48. If `C` & `D` are the third & fourth virial coefficients. If `(D)/(C ) = (V_(c))/(x)`. Then find the value of `x`.

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  49. Calculate molecular diameter for a gas if its molar exclued volume is `3.2 pi ml`. (in nenometer) (Take `N_(A) = 6.0 xx 10^(23))`

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  50. If the ratio of `PV_(m) & RT` for a real gas is `(x)/(24)` at a temp where `((delP)/(delV_(m))) =0`. The find value of `10x`.

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  51. `1 mol` of `C Cl_(4)` vapours at `77^(@)C` occupies a volume of `35.0 L`. If van der Waals constants are `a=20.39 L^(2) atm mol^(-2)` and `b=0.1383 L mol^(-1)`, calculate compressibility factor `Z` under
    (`a`) Low pressure region
    (`b`) High pressure region

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  52. To an evacauted `504.2 mL` steel container is added `25 g CaCO_(3)` and the temperature is raised to `1500K` causing a complete decomposition of the salt. If the density of `CaO` formed is `3.3 g//cc`, find the accurate pressure developed in the container using the Van der waals equation of state. The van der waals constants for `CO_(2)(g)` are `a = 4 (L^(2)-atm)/(mol^(@)), b = 0.04 (L)/(mol). (ca-40, C -12 ,O -16)`. Report your answer as nearest whole number.

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  53. Which of the following statements are correct?

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  54. Which of the following is correct for critical temperature ?

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  55. The vander waal gas constant `'a'` is given by

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  56. Which of the following are correct statements?

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  57. Select the correct statements(s):

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  58. Which is/are correct for real gases?

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  59. Which of the following statements are incorrect?

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  60. One of the important approach to the study of real gases involves the analysis of parameter `Z` called the compressibility factor `Z = (PV_(m))/(RT)` where `P` is pressure, `V_(m)` is molar volume, `T` is absolute temperature and `R` is the universal gas constant. such a relation can also be expressed as `Z = ((V_(m)real)/(V_(m)ideal))` (where `V_(m ideal)` and `V_(m real)` are the molar volume for ideal and real gas respectively). Gas corresponding `Z lt 1` have attractive forces amoung constituent particles. As the pressure is lowered or temperature is increased the value of `Z` approaches 1. (reaching the ideal behaviour)
    `{:("Observation",,"Conclusion"),(I.Z =1,,I."The gas need not be showing the ideal behaviour"),(II. Zgt1,, II. "On applying pressure the gas will respond by"),(,,"increasing its volume"),(III. Z lt 1,, III. "The gas may be liquefied"),(IV. Z rarr1 "for low" P,, IV. "The gas is approaching the ideal behaviour") :}`

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  61. One of the important approach to the study of real gases involves the analysis of parameter `Z` called the compressibility factor `Z = (PV_(m))/(RT)` where `P` is pressure, `V_(m)` is molar volume, `T` is absolute temperature and `R` is the universal gas constant. such a relation can also be expressed as `Z = ((V_(m)real)/(V_(m)ideal))` (where `V_(m ideal)` and `V_(m real)` are the molar volume for ideal and real gas respectively). Gas corresponding `Z lt 1` have attractive forces amoung constituent particles. As the pressure is lowered or temperature is increased the value of `Z` approaches 1. (reaching the ideal behaviour)
    For a real gas `G Z gt 1` at `STP` Then for 'G': Which of the following is true:

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  62. One of the important approach to the study of real gases involves the analysis of parameter `Z` called the compressibility factor `Z = (PV_(m))/(RT)` where `P` is pressure, `V_(m)` is molar volume, `T` is absolute temperature and `R` is the universal gas constant. such a relation can also be expressed as `Z = ((V_(m)real)/(V_(m)ideal))` (where `V_(m ideal)` and `V_(m real)` are the molar volume for ideal and real gas respectively). Gas corresponding `Z lt 1` have attractive forces amoung constituent particles. As the pressure is lowered or temperature is increased the value of `Z` approaches 1. (reaching the ideal behaviour)
    Following graph represents a pressure `(P)` volume `(V)` relationship at a fixed temperature `(T)` for n moles of a real gas. The graph has two regions marked `(I)` and `(II)`. Which of the following options is true.

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  63. When pressure is increases at constant temp volume of gas decreases `AB rarr gases, BC rarr vpour +liquid, CD rarr liquid`
    critical point: At this point all the physical propeties of liquid phase will be same as the physical properties in vapour such as, density of liquid = density of vapour
    `T_(c)` or critical temp: Temperature abive which a gas can not be liquified
    `P_(c)` or critical pressure: minimum pressure which must be applied at critical temp to convert the gas into liqid.
    `V_(c)` or critical volume: volume occupied by one mole of gas at `T_(c) & P_(c)`
    `{:((P+(a)/(V_(m)^(2)))(V_(m)-gb)=RT,rArr,(PV_(m)^(2)+a)(V_(m)-b)=RTV_(m)^(2)),(PV_(m)^(3)+aV_(m)-PbV_(m)^(2) -ab -RTV_(m)^(2) =0, rArr, V_(m)^(3)+V_(m)^(2) (b+(RT)/(P))+(a)/(P)(V)/(m)-(ab)/(P) = 0):}`
    since equation is cubic in `V_(m)` hence there will be three roots of equation of any temperature and pressure. At critical point all three roots will coincide and will given single value of `V_(m) = V_(c)` at critical point. Vander Waal equation will be
    `V_(m)^(3) - V_(m)^(2) (b+(RT_(C))/(P_(C))) +(a)/(P_(C)) V_(m) - (ab)/(P_(C)) = 0 ...(i)`
    But at critical point all three roots of the equation should be equal, hence equation should be:
    `V_(m) = V_(c)`
    `(V_(m) -V_(c))^(3) = 0`
    `V_(m)^(3) - 3V_(m)^(2) V_(c) +3V_(m) V_(c)^(2) -V_(c)^(3) = 0 ..(2)`
    comparing with equation (1)
    `b +(RT_(c))/(P_(c)) = 3V_(c)` ...(i) `(a)/(P_(c)) = 3V_(c)^(2)` ...(ii) `(ab)/(P_(c)) = V_(c)^(3)` ..(iii)
    From (ii) and (iii), `V_(c) = 3b`
    From (ii) `P_(c) = (a)/(3V_(c)^(2))` substituting `P_(c) = (a)/(3(3b)^(2)) = (a)/(27b^(2))`
    From (i) `(RT_(c))/(P_(c)) = 3V_(c) -b = 9b -b = 8b rArr T_(c) = (8a)/(27Rb)`
    At critical point, the slope of `PV` curve (slope of isotherm) will be zero at all other point slope will be negative zero is the maximum value of slope.
    `((delP)/(delV_(m)))_(TC) =0 ..(i) (del)/(delV_(m)) ((delP)/(delV_(m)))_(TC) = 0 ...(ii)`
    {Mathematically such points an known as point of inflection (where first two derivatives becimes zero)}
    using the two `T_(c)P_(c)` and `V_(c)` can be calculated by

    A scientist proposed the following equation of state `P = (RT)/(V_(m)) - (B)/(V_(m)^(2)) +(C )/(V_(m)^(3))`. If this equation leads to teh critical behaviour then critical temperature is:

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  64. When pressure is increases at constant temp volume of gas decreases `AB rarr gases, BC rarr vpour +liquid, CD rarr liquid`
    critical point: At this point all the physical propeties of liquid phase will be same as the physical properties in vapour such as, density of liquid = density of vapour
    `T_(c)` or critical temp: Temperature abive which a gas can not be liquified
    `P_(c)` or critical pressure: minimum pressure which must be applied at critical temp to convert the gas into liqid.
    `V_(c)` or critical volume: volume occupied by one mole of gas at `T_(c) & P_(c)`
    `{:((P+(a)/(V_(m)^(2)))(V_(m)-gb)=RT,rArr,(PV_(m)^(2)+a)(V_(m)-b)=RTV_(m)^(2)),(PV_(m)^(3)+aV_(m)-PbV_(m)^(2) -ab -RTV_(m)^(2) =0, rArr, V_(m)^(3)+V_(m)^(2) (b+(RT)/(P))+(a)/(P)(V)/(m)-(ab)/(P) = 0):}`
    since equation is cubic in `V_(m)` hence there will be three roots of equation of any temperature and pressure. At critical point all three roots will coincide and will given single value of `V_(m) = V_(c)` at critical point. Vander Waal equation will be
    `V_(m)^(3) - V_(m)^(2) (b+(RT_(C))/(P_(C))) +(a)/(P_(C)) V_(m) - (ab)/(P_(C)) = 0 ...(i)`
    But at critical point all three roots of the equation should be equal, hence equation should be:
    `V_(m) = V_(c)`
    `(V_(m) -V_(c))^(3) = 0`
    `V_(m)^(3) - 3V_(m)^(2) V_(c) +3V_(m) V_(c)^(2) -V_(c)^(3) = 0 ..(2)`
    comparing with equation (1)
    `b +(RT_(c))/(P_(c)) = 3V_(c)` ...(i) `(a)/(P_(c)) = 3V_(c)^(2)` ...(ii) `(ab)/(P_(c)) = V_(c)^(3)` ..(iii)
    From (ii) and (iii), `V_(c) = 3b`
    From (ii) `P_(c) = (a)/(3V_(c)^(2))` substituting `P_(c) = (a)/(3(3b)^(2)) = (a)/(27b^(2))`
    From (i) `(RT_(c))/(P_(c)) = 3V_(c) -b = 9b -b = 8b rArr T_(c) = (8a)/(27Rb)`
    At critical point, the slope of `PV` curve (slope of isotherm) will be zero at all other point slope will be negative zero is the maximum value of slope.
    `((delP)/(delV_(m)))_(TC) =0 ..(i) (del)/(delV_(m)) ((delP)/(delV_(m)))_(TC) = 0 ...(ii)`
    {Mathematically such points an known as point of inflection (where first two derivatives becimes zero)}
    using the two `T_(c)P_(c)` and `V_(c)` can be calculated by

    If the critical constants for a hypotentical gas are `V_(c) = 150 cm^(3) mol^(-1). P_(c) = 50 atm` and `T_(c) = 300K`. then the radius of the molecule is: [Take `R = (1)/(12)Ltr atm mol^(-1)K^(-1)]`

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  65. When pressure is increases at constant temp volume of gas decreases `AB rarr gases, BC rarr vpour +liquid, CD rarr liquid`
    critical point: At this point all the physical propeties of liquid phase will be same as the physical properties in vapour such as, density of liquid = density of vapour
    `T_(c)` or critical temp: Temperature abive which a gas can not be liquified
    `P_(c)` or critical pressure: minimum pressure which must be applied at critical temp to convert the gas into liqid.
    `V_(c)` or critical volume: volume occupied by one mole of gas at `T_(c) & P_(c)`
    `{:((P+(a)/(V_(m)^(2)))(V_(m)-gb)=RT,rArr,(PV_(m)^(2)+a)(V_(m)-b)=RTV_(m)^(2)),(PV_(m)^(3)+aV_(m)-PbV_(m)^(2) -ab -RTV_(m)^(2) =0, rArr, V_(m)^(3)+V_(m)^(2) (b+(RT)/(P))+(a)/(P)(V)/(m)-(ab)/(P) = 0):}`
    since equation is cubic in `V_(m)` hence there will be three roots of equation of any temperature and pressure. At critical point all three roots will coincide and will given single value of `V_(m) = V_(c)` at critical point. Vander Waal equation will be
    `V_(m)^(3) - V_(m)^(2) (b+(RT_(C))/(P_(C))) +(a)/(P_(C)) V_(m) - (ab)/(P_(C)) = 0 ...(i)`
    But at critical point all three roots of the equation should be equal, hence equation should be:
    `V_(m) = V_(c)`
    `(V_(m) -V_(c))^(3) = 0`
    `V_(m)^(3) - 3V_(m)^(2) V_(c) +3V_(m) V_(c)^(2) -V_(c)^(3) = 0 ..(2)`
    comparing with equation (1)
    `b +(RT_(c))/(P_(c)) = 3V_(c)` ...(i) `(a)/(P_(c)) = 3V_(c)^(2)` ...(ii) `(ab)/(P_(c)) = V_(c)^(3)` ..(iii)
    From (ii) and (iii), `V_(c) = 3b`
    From (ii) `P_(c) = (a)/(3V_(c)^(2))` substituting `P_(c) = (a)/(3(3b)^(2)) = (a)/(27b^(2))`
    From (i) `(RT_(c))/(P_(c)) = 3V_(c) -b = 9b -b = 8b rArr T_(c) = (8a)/(27Rb)`
    At critical point, the slope of `PV` curve (slope of isotherm) will be zero at all other point slope will be negative zero is the maximum value of slope.
    `((delP)/(delV_(m)))_(TC) =0 ..(i) (del)/(delV_(m)) ((delP)/(delV_(m)))_(TC) = 0 ...(ii)`
    {Mathematically such points an known as point of inflection (where first two derivatives becimes zero)}
    using the two `T_(c)P_(c)` and `V_(c)` can be calculated by

    Identify the wrong statement related to the above graph:

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  66. A gas described by van der Waals equation .

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  67. The term that corrects for the attractive forces present in a real gas in the van der Waal's equation is

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  68. For one mole of a van der Waals' gas when `b=0` and `T=300K`, the `pV vs 1//V` plot is shown below. The value of the vander Waals' constant `a`(atm `L mol^(-2)`)

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  69. One mole of a monoatomic real gas satisfies the equation `p(V -b) = RT` where `b` is a constant. The relationship of interatomic potential `V(r )` and interatomic distance `r` for the gas is given by

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  70. In van der Waals' equation of state of the gas law the constnat 'b' is a measure of .

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  71. a' and 'b' are van der Waals' constants for gases Chlorine is more easily liquefied than ethane because .

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  72. The compressibility factor for a real gas at high pressure is .

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  73. If `Z` is a compressibility factor, van der Waals' equation at low pressure can be written as

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Exercise questions and complete solutions for chapter GASEOUS STATE of PHYSICAL, INORGANIC, AND ORGANIC CHEMISTRY of Class 12