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Complete Solutions to SHORT ANSWER of chapter CARBONYL COMPOUND of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions26
Academic Year2023-24
  1. How is acetaldehyde prepared by the ozonolysis of `CH_(3)CH=CHCH_(3)`?

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  2. Explain Stephen's reaction.

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  3. What is Rosenmund's reduction? What is the purpose of adding `BaSO_(4)` in it?

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  4. Formaldehyde and benzaldehyde give Cannizaro reaction but acetaldehyde does not - account for this.

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  5. Explain the isomerism exhibited by carboxylic acids.

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  6. How is ethanoic acid prepared from ethanol? Give the chemical equation.

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  7. How are the following conversions carried out ?
    (i) benzaldehyde from Toluene, (ii) acetophenone from benzene, and
    (iii) benzoin from benzaldehyde.

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  8. How are the following conversions carried out ?
    (i) benzaldehyde from Toluene, (ii) acetophenone from benzene, and
    (iii) benzoin from benzaldehyde.

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  9. Write a note on (i) Perkins reaction, and (ii) Knoevenagal reaction.

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  10. Write a note on
    Knoevenagal reaction.

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  11. An organic compound, `C_(2)H_(4)O` gives a red precipitate when warmed with Fehling’s solution. It also undergoes aldol condensation in presence of alkali.
    (i) Write IUPAC name of the compound.
    (ii) What is the hybridization of carbon atoms in the compound ?
    (iii) Write equation for the reaction.

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  12. What happens when the following compounds are treated with dilute NaOH solution in cold?

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  13. What happens when the following compounds are treated with dilute NaOH solution in cold?

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  14. Write short notes on Propoff's rule.

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  15. How will you convert benzaldehyde to

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  16. How will you convert benzaldehyde to

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  17. How will you convert benzaldehyde to

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  18. Organic compound with molecular formula `C_(3)H_(6)O` has two isomers (A) and (B). (A) on heating with NaOH in `I_(2)` forms a yellow precipitate while (B) does not. Identify the isomers A and B and explain the reactions.

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  19. What is Malachite green dye? Explain its preparation?

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  20. Predict the product when calcium ethanoate and calcicum methanote are dry distilled. Explain the reaction.

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  21. Formic acid reduces Tollen's reagent, but acetic acid does not-Give reasons.

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  22. What is acidity constant? How is it expressed.

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  23. Write the structure of 'A' and 'B' in the following reaction.
    `C_(6)H_(5)MgBrunderset((ii)H_(2)O //H^(+))overset((i)CO_(2))toAunderset(FeBr_(3))overset(Br_(2))toB`

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  24. Complete the following reactions

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  25. Complete the following reactions

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  26. Give the IUPAC names for the following :
    (i) Crotonaldehyde
    (ii) Methyl n-propyl ketone
    (iii) Phenyl acetaldehyde.

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SHORT ANSWER questions and complete solutions for chapter CARBONYL COMPOUND of SURA CHEMISTRY (TAMIL ENGLISH) of Class 12