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Complete Solutions to VERY SHORT ANSWER of chapter CARBONYL COMPOUND of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions62
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Name one reagent used to distinguish acetaldehyde and acetone.

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  2. Give four example of carbonyl compounds?

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  3. Does formaldehyde undergo aldol condensation? Justify your answer.

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  4. What type of aldehydes undergo Cannizaro reaction?

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  5. What is urotropine? Give its use.

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  6. What happens when calcium acetate is dry distilled?

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  7. What is formalin? Write its use.

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  8. Ethanal is more reactive towards nucleophilic addition reaction than propanone. Why?

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  9. Write a note on haloform reaction.

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  10. Arrange the following in increasing order of reactivity towards nucleophilic addition.

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  11. Predict the formula of the products in the following reactions.
    (i) `CH_(3)COCH_(3)+HCNto?`
    (ii) `C_(6)H_(5)COCH+NH_(2)OHto`

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  12. Mention the industrial use of formaldehyde.

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  13. How will you distinguish between formaldehyde and acetaldehyde?

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  14. What is aldol condensation?

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  15. Give nucleophilic addition reaction of acetaldehyde with (a) `NaHSO_(3)`, and (b) `LiAlH_(4)`.

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  16. Identify (B), ( C) and (D)

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  17. Give the IUPAC names of
    (i) `CH_(3)-underset(OCH_(3))underset(|)(CH)-underset(O)underset(|)(C)-underset(CH_(3))underset(|)(CH)-OCH_(2)CH_(3)`
    (ii) `CH_(3)-CO-underset(C_(2)H_(5))underset(|)(CH)-CH_(2)-CH_(2)-Cl`

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  18. Write the structural formula of the main product formed when , (i) The compound obtained by hydration of ethyne is treated with dilute alkali. (ii) Methanal reacts with ammonia.

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  19. Write any three uses of acetaldehyde.

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  20. Benzaldehyde reduces Tollen's reagent but not Fehling's solution explain.

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  21. How is Schiff's base prepared?

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  22. Give the IUPAC names of :
    (i) `CH_(3)-underset(OCH_(3))underset(|)(CH)-underset(O)underset(||)(C)-underset(CH_(3))underset(|)(CH)-OCH_(2)CH_(3)`
    (ii) `CH_(3)-CO-underset(C_(2)H_(3))underset(|)(CH)-CH_(2)-CH_(2)-Cl`

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  23. Complete the following reaction

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  24. What is DIBAL - H? What is it used for?

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  25. Convert hex-4-ennitrile to hex-4-enal.

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  26. Write a note on Etard reaction?

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  27. Explain Gattermann - Koch reaction.

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  28. Write the structural formula of 1, 1 - dimethoxy ethane. How is it prepared from ethanal?

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  29. Write the structural formula of
    (i) p - methyl benzaldehyde
    (ii) 2 - methyl cyclohexanone

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  30. Acetone soluble in water but benzophenone is not. Give reason.

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  31. Butanol has higher boiling point than Butanal. Justify.

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  32. Write the structures of A and B in the following reaction. Name the reaction involved.

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  33. Write two tests of carboxylic acid.

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  34. What are carboxylic acids?

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  35. Give the source and trivial names of
    (i) `C_(3)H_(7)COOH and (ii) HCOOH.`

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  36. How is the conversion of acetonitrile to acetic acid effected ?

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  37. Give the resonance structure of carboxylate anion.

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  38. Mention the inductive effect in monochloro acetic acid.

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  39. Write a note on esterification reaction with an example.

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  40. How is acetic acid prepared from amides and esters?

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  41. What happens when soda lime is treated with (i) `CH_(3)COONa`
    (ii) `C_(6)H_(5)COOH` ?

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  42. Explain HVZ reaction.

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  43. Write short note on Kolbe's electrolytic reaction.

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  44. Give any three uses of benzoic acid.

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  45. Compare the strength of mono, di, trichloro acetic acid.

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  46. Write any three uses of formic acid.

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  47. Write the structure formula of the following compounds.
    (i) 3-bromo-4 phenylpent - 3- enoic acid
    (ii) 2-methylbutanoic acid

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  48. Draw the structure of 2-methylcyclopent-3-ene-1-carboxylic acid.

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  49. Lower aliphatic carboxylic acids are soluble in water where as higher ones are insoluble. Given reason.

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  50. What is vinegar?

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  51. Name the reagent used in reaction given below.
    `underset("Sodium acetate")(CH_(3)-overset(O)overset(||)(C)-ONa)+overset(?)tounderset("Methane")(CH_(4)+Na_(2)CO_(3))`

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  52. What is glacial acetic acid? How is it obtained.

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  53. Suggest a scheme to convert `CH_(3)CH_(2)OH` into an acid containing 1 more carbon atom.

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  54. Write a test to distinguish `C_(2)H_(5)OHandCH_(3)COOH`.

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  55. How will you bring about the conversion of acetic acid to acetamide?

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  56. Complete the following reaction and Identify products 'A' and 'B'.

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  57. Write note on trans esterification.

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  58. Esters are colourless liquids with characteristic fruity smell. Identify the ester which gives the following flavours.
    (i) Raspberry
    (ii) Pine apple
    (iii) Orange

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  59. Write any two uses benzoic acid.

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  60. Write a note on Claisen Condensation.

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  61. Amino acids are amphoteric in nature. Explain.

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  62. Name a chemical test to distinguish between the following.
    (i) 2-Pentanone, 3-Pentanone
    (ii) Acetone, acetaldehyde
    (iii) Benzaldehyde, butanal

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VERY SHORT ANSWER questions and complete solutions for chapter CARBONYL COMPOUND of SURA CHEMISTRY (TAMIL ENGLISH) of Class 12