Complete Solutions to ASSERTION AND REASON of chapter Animal Physiology of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

ChapterAnimal Physiology
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. [A] : Vitamin K is water soluble and must for fibrin production.
    [R]: It catalyses the conversion of fibrin into fibrinogen.

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  2. [A] : The synaptic knob contains mitochondria and synaptic vesicles rich in chemical transmitters.
    [R]: Chemical transmitters are neurohormones. Their release is related to `Ca^(++)` influx.

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  3. [A] : Lymphocytes arise from bone marrow and present in the blood, lymph and connec- tive tissues.
    [R]: Lymphocytes migrate to thymus. where they develop into T cells and begin to mature.

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  4. [A]: Dental formula is the number of teeth in upper jaws of one side and low jaw of same side
    [B]: This can be used for non mammalian and insectivorous mammals also.

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  5. [A] : Synaptic vesicles fuse with membrane and release neurotransmitter molecules.
    [R]: Neurotransmitter attaches to receptor site and open sodium channels to allow sodium to flow into post synaptic cell causing depolarisation.

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  6. [A] : Each myosin filament is composed of about 500 thread iike myosin molecules.
    [R]: Actin combines with myosin to form a contractiie complex.

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  7. [A] : Retinene is a constituent of vitamin A (re- tinol).
    [R]: Vitamin A deficiency naturally causes de- ficiency of rhodopsin inducing night blind- ness (Nyctalopia).

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  8. [A] : Haversian canals are inter connecting canals that run usually longitudinally through dense bone of vertebrates.
    [R]: They contain nerves and blood. Each canal serving a series of concentric Iamellae

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  9. [A] : Cartilage (Protein matrix) and Bone (Cal- cium matrix) are rigid connective tissue.
    [R]: Blood is a connective tissue in which plasma is the matrix.

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  10. Assertion : In the descending limb of loop of Henle , the urine is hypertonic , while in ascending limb of loop of Henle , the urine is Hypotonic .
    Reason : Descending limb is impermeable to Na' while ascending limb is impermeable to `H_(2)O`

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  11. [A] : Nephritis is the inflammation of the lungs and muscles.
    [R]: It is caused. by bacterial infection.

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  12. [A] : The urinary bladder is capable of considerable expansion in volume in order to accomodate urine.
    [R]: it is lined by transitional epithelium.

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  13. [A] : Deamination occurs by transaminase enzyme in kidney.
    [R]: Removal of COOH group from an amino acid is used in the production of urea.

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  14. [A] : Hydrostatic pressure in blood forces water and other solutes of glomerulus into Bowman's capsule.
    [R]: Kidneys regulate the blood pH.

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  15. [A] : Extracellular fluid serves as the sanitary drainage line of the body
    [R] : Extracellutar iiuid collects excess `H_2O, CO_2` and metabolic wastes from all tissues of the body.

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  16. [A] : [A]: ECG is a record of electrical activity of the heart that shows certain waves called PQRS and T waves.
    [R]: It gives important information concerning the spread of excitation to the different parts of heart and helps in diagnosis of heart disor- ders.

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  17. [A] : Regulation of the rate of breathing is brought about by the respiratory centre of the medulla.
    [R]: Because of the changes' In the 002 con- tent of the blood.

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  18. [A] : Role of RBC' In `CO_2` transport Is primarily to form `HCO_3` - in plasma and reconvert them to `CO_2` .
    [R]: About 42% `CO_2` is carried in the form of carbamino haemoglobin which breaks down in the lungs to release `O_2` again

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  19. [A] : SA node is contraction centre or Pace Maker.
    [R]: Nodal fibres of SA node are embeded in the wall of right atrium

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  20. [A] : Acetylchoiine allows a nerve cell to com- municate chemically with a muscle cell at neuromuscular junction.
    [R]: Acetyicholine diffuses across the junc- tion and binds to some receptors on mem- brane of muscle cell.

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  21. A : Transmission of the nerve impulse across a synapse is accomplished by neurotransmitters .
    R : Transmission across a synapse usually requires neuro transmitters because there is space , i.e., synaptic cleft, that separates one neuron from another .

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  22. [A] : `CO_2` is mainly transported in plasma as `HCO_3^(-)` ions
    [R]: The enzyme carbonic anhydrase in RBC speeds the formation of `HCO_3` ions

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  23. [A] : Conjunctiva is composed of squamous epithelium and lines the eye lids.
    Conjuctive is thick , little cornifid and richly supplied with free nerve endings

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  24. [A] : Tympanic membrane stretching across the aperture between skull bones or within an external meatus.
    [B]: This vibrates periodically and transmit- ting external air pressure changes to ear os- sicles of middle ear.

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  25. Assertion : Lateral line system is found in fishes and aquatic larval amphibians.
    Reason : Lateral line system has receptor of sensory cells derived form ectoderm.

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  26. [A]: Parthenogenesis is a type of sexual reproduction. [R]: Because young ones develop without fertilization of egg

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  27. [A] : Our inner ear contains sense organs for balance movement of fluid over hair cells in the semicircular canals and gives us a sense of dynamic equilibrium.
    [R]: Inner ear contains Ca003 granules (otoliths) resting on hair cells. The movement of these granules gives us a sense of static equilibrium.

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  28. [A] : Hair cells on the basiiar membrane are responsible for hearing.
    [R]: Pressure waves which begin at the oval window, cause the basilar membrane to vibrate so that the cilia of the hair celis touch the tectorial membrane. This causes hair cells to initiate nerve impulses

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  29. [A]: Thyroid stimulating hormone is smallest peptide hormone.
    [R]: It has feed back regulation.

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  30. Assertion: Aldosterone is a steroid hormone and is important in the control of sodium and potassium ion concentration in mammals. 
    Reason: It upgrades sodium ioh concentration in the ECF by promoting reabsorption of sodium ions from renal tubules and excretion of potassium ions in urine

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  31. [A] : Cortisol is a protein hormone that regu- lates gluconeogenesis and lowers blood pressure.
    [R]: Low level of cortisol promotes release a factor from the aderanal cortex causing release of ACTH

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  32. [A]: A tadpole whose thyroid gland has been removed does not metamorphose into adult
    [R]: calcitonin and thyroxine are produced from thyroid gland, these hormones stimulate protein synthesis for the development and growth of tadpole larva.

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  33. [A]: The regulation of RBC production is ac complished by the hormone FSH.
    [R]: This hormone circulates to red bone marrow where it increases stem cell mitosis and speed up the RBC development.

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  34. [A] : Steroid hormones are similar to cholesterol in structure.
    [R]: Steroids contain phenanthrene ring structure.

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  35. [A] : The hormone aldosterone is secreted by adrenal cortex after the low `Na^+` content in blood and the resultant low BP causes the kidney to release renin.
    [R]: Renin in blood leads to the formation of angiotensin II which causes adrenel cortex to release aldosterone that causes kidney to retain `Na^+` and, therefore, water is reabsorbed and BP rises.

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  36. [A] : Prostaglandins are hormone like molecules produced by many body cells of mammals
    [R]: Prostaglandins stimulates contraction of smooth muscles, secretion and piatelet aggregation.

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  37. [A] : Placenta is a tissue in eutherian mam- mals that has both embryonic and maternal tissue.
    [R]: In mammals, foetal components of the placenta derive from trophoblast.

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  38. [A] : Testes are attached to abdominal wall by inguinal canal, it is drawn into scrotum during 7th month of pregnancy.
    [R]: Leydig cells secrete androgens like testosterone.

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  39. [A] : Emboly involves the invagination and involution.
    [R] : Emboly is exhibited by the formation elongation and ultimate recession of the primitive streak

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  40. [A] : In vertebrates, motor fibres to striped muscle, parasympathetic fibres to smooth muscle. and preganglionic sympathetic fibres are cholinergic.
    [R]: Cholinergic designates the type of nerve fibre that releases acetylcholine from its ending when stimulated by a nerve impulse.

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  41. [A] : Keratin is one of a group of fibrous in- soluble proteins (scelero proteins) found in ectodermal cells of animals, as in hair, horns and nails. Leather is almost pure keratin.
    [R]: Cornification is a process occurring in vertebrate epidermis and epidermal struc- tures in which keratin replaces the cytoplasm of a cell.

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  42. [A] : Macrophage is a large amoeboid cell that can engulf, ingest and destroy bacteria, damaged cells and worn-out red blood cells. This process is called phagocytosis and is an important part of the body s defence against disease.
    [R]: Macrophages are found free (wandering) in the tissues, in connective tissue (as histiocytes), in the lining of the blood sinusoids of the liver (as Kupffer cells), and in lymphoid tissue. They make up the reticulo-endothelial system.

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  43. [A] : Molecules of fatty acid, glycerol, sugars and amino acids are absorbed by the huge number of villi that line the intestinal wall.
    [R]: Absorption involves active transport and requires an expenditure of cellular energy

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  44. [A] : Vitamins, A, D, E and K dissolve in fat and are absorbed with fat from the small intes- tine.
    [R]: Fat soluble vitamins are stored in the body particularly .in the 'liver.

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  45. [A] : Vitamins A, D, E and K are fat soluble while vitamin B complex and C are water soluble.
    [R]: Fat soluble vitamins can be stored white water soluble vitamins can be excreted out through urine it they are 'in excess quantity.

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  46. [A] : In lower invertebrates the digestion is intracellular while in higher forms it is extracellular .
    [R] : Extracellular digestion is highly evolved process , it takes place in gut .

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  47. [A] : Pancreas is the second largest of the di- gestive glands.
    [R]: It plays a dual role in the body serving as both exocrine and an endocrine gland.
    a) If both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
    b) If both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
    c) If A is true and R is false
    d) If both A and R are false

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  48. [A] : In the embryos liver is haemopoietic, it produces red blood corpuscles . The breakdown products of haemoglobin of destroyed RBCs are converted into bile pigment to be eliminated with faeces.
    [R]: The main function of liver is secretion of bile, which has bile pigments, cholesterol and lecithin.

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  49. [A] : Blood plasma is the slightly alkaline, liv- ing intercellular matrix or ground fluid consti- tuting about 40-45% part of the blood.
    [R]: Blood plasma does not have a balanced quantity of salt ions for proper functioning of nervous system, muscles and other tissues

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  50. [A]: When platelets disintegrate, 5-hydroxy tryptamine and histamine are liberated.
    [R]: Speed of clot reaction is directly propor- tional to the number of platelets present.

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  51. [A] : Blood platelets play a very important role in coagulation of blood.
    [R]: When blood is shed, the platelets disin- tegrate and liberate thromboplastin which activates prothrombin into thrombin.

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  52. [A]: Prothrombin is necessory for blood clotting. ,
    [R]: This is produced in pancreas in presence of vitamin K

    a) If both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
    b) If both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
    c) If A is true and R is false
    d) If both A and R are false

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  53. [A] : In frog skull is dicondyiic.
    [R]: Skull articulates with the atlas vertebra by two occipital condyles one on each exoccipital.

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  54. [A]: Jaws suspensorium in Mammals is craniostylic.
    [R]: Articulation of lower jaw is at the mandibular fossa of the squamous region of the temporal bone rather than at the quadrate.

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  55. [A]: At any given `CO_2` tension, reduced blood takes up larger amount of `CO_2` than oxygenated blood.
    [R]: Oxygenation of blood causes evolution of `CO_2` in lungs.

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  56. [A] : The gall bladderis the chief place for bile storage.
    [R]: Bile is concentrated 50 times in the gall bladder.
    a) If both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
    b) If both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
    c) If A is true and R is false
    d) If both A and R are false

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  57. [A]: Choroid plexus is one of two thin walled greatly folded highly vascular regions in the inner wall of the brain through which exchange of materials between blood and cerebrospinal fluid takes place.
    [R]: The choroid plexuses (which form the blood brain barrier) stops the entry of blood cells and large molecules into the cerebrospinal fluid.

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  58. [A] : Most of the solutes in ECF and cytoplasm are electrolytes, i.e., electrically charged par- ticles or ions. Maintenance of an equilibrium between intracellular fluid and ECF is vitally essential for all cells.
    [R]: This osmotic equilibrium is maintained by sodium and potassium pump of the cells. It operates with the help of a `Na^+, K^+` ATP as enzyme located in the cell membrane.

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  59. [A] : All body cells continuously obtain useful material from and dispose of their waste products into the external fluid medium. This is mainly maintained as a constancy and is termed excretion.
    [R]: This is achieved by constant disposal or excretion of all waste products and as well as, useless materials from body into external environments.

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  60. [A] : lnsulin is not given orally.
    [R]: Insulin is a macromolecule and is not absorbed by the mucosa layer.
    a) If both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
    b) If both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
    c) If A is true and R is false
    d) If both A and R are false

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  61. [A] : Thiamine deficiency results in beriberi causing paralysis.
    [R]: People eating raw fish may also suffer from paralysis due to the deficiency of vitamin B1. Cooked fish has no such effect.
    a) If both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
    b) If both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
    c) If A is true and R is false
    d) If both A and R are false

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  62. Assertion. Minerals do not form a component of biologically active compounds.
    Reason. Some persons suffer from anaemia due to iron deficiency

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  63. [A] : All terrestrial mammals are air breathers.
    [R]: Because of terrestrial habitat. they have well developed lungs for air breathing.
    a) If both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
    b) If both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
    c) If A is true and R is false
    d) If both A and R are false

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  64. A : Sense organs, do not interpret the stimulus, it is done by brain.
    R : Sense organs are transducers. They transform the energy of a stimulus to the energy of nerve impulses.

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  65. [A] : The record of electric potential that is ini- tiated in the cardiac muscle is known as Electrocardiograph .
    [R]: This is valuable for preliminary studies of heart muscles.

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  66. [A] : In amphibians heart is two chambered.
    [R]: The oxygenated blood is returned to the heart through sinus venosus.

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  67. [A] : Peyer's patches are derivatives of lymphoid tissue.
    [R]: These are most numerous in the region of colon.

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  68. [A] : Elephants have lophodont type of teeth.
    [R]: There is an intricate folding of the enamel and dentine to form transverse ridges.

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  69. [A] : A complete double circulation occurs in birds for the first time.
    [R]: At no point is there any opportunity for oxygenated and unoxygenated blood to mix.

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  70. [A] : The heart of birds is more advanced than the four chambered heart of crocodiles.
    [R]: in the bird s heart, there is a complete elimination of left aorta.

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  71. A : Portal system consists of veins which start from capillaries and end into capillaries.
    R : All vertebrates have hepatic portal system.

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  72. [A]: in mammalian heart there is a very swift conduction of stimulation all over the walls of the heart
    [R]: Conduction of stimulation is caused by Purkinje fibres and Bundle of His

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  73. [A] : Reduced blood can carry more `CO_2` than oxygenated blood.
    [R]: Blood containing more `CO_2` will take up relatively less `C_2 `

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  74. [A] : The central nervous system regulates the release of saliva from the salivary glands.
    [R]: Salivary glands release lipase into the mouth and begins the digestion of starch.

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  75. [A] : Gall stones are pebbie sized structures that formed in the gall bladder.
    [R]: Gall stones develop when excess cholesterol in the bile precipitates out of solution, trapping calcium and bile salts.

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  76. [A] : Upon stimulation of a muscle cell, cal- cium ions `(Ca^(++))` are released from the sar- coplasmic reticulum.
    [R]: In reacting with a protein complex, `Ca^(++)` unmasks myosin binding sites on the ac-tin filaments.

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  77. [A]: Osteoporosis is a bone disorder that re- sults from the loss of calcium and phosphate from the bone matrix.
    [R]: In osteoporosis, osteoblast activity is de- creased and new bone is deposited more slowly than it is removed by osteoclasts.

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  78. [A] : In mammals, ends of presynaptic fibres are enlarged to form synaptic Knobs which are separated by a synaptic cleft from postsynaptic neurons. Each synaptic knob contains many mitochondria and small gran- ule-Iike synaptic vesicles filled with minute packets of the chemical that transmits im- pulses to postsynaptic neurons.
    [R]: The chemical transmitters are called neurohumors which proportionate to `K^+` in- flux.

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  79. [A] : Receptors located in tendons, joints and skeletal muscle give information regarding the position and movement of various parts of body.
    [R]: These are called Algest receptors.

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  80. [A]: Lateral-iine organs are important in con- nection with aquatic mode of life.
    [R]: They are highly supplied with branches of cranial nerves and they are entirely disap- peared in terrestrial forms.

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  81. [A] : Accomodation in the bird's eye is con- trolled by the ciliary apparatus.
    [R]: It involves deformation of retina.

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  82. [A] : Mammals lack mucous glands in their skin.
    [R] : The epidermis has many layers of cells.

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  83. [A] : In old age, the skin gets wrinkled.
    [R]: Epidermis has a single layer of cells.

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  84. [A] : In Mammals sweat glands are primarily concerned with regulations of body heat.
    [R]: Sweat glands are absent on lip margins.

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  85. [A] : [A]: Spermatogenesis occurs in the seminiferous tubules of the testes which also pro- duce testosterone in interstitial cells.
    [R]: Testosterone maintains the secondary sex characteristics of males, such as low voice, facial hair and increased muscle strength.

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  86. Statememt 1 : In a Graafian follicle, the primary cell, the and the follicle cells may be regarded sibling cells.
    Statememt 2 : Both aride from the same parent cell, the oogonium, by mitotic divisions.

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  87. [A] : Amniotic fluid serves as a protective cushion.
    [R]: It breaks the mechanical shocks and lessens the effect of changes of temperature.

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  88. [A]: Entry of sperm brings about a rearrangement of materials of cytoplasmic egg.
    [R]: Path of male nucleus is marked in ovum as copulation path.

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  89. A : in morula stage the cells divide without any increase in size
    R : zona pellucida remains intact till cleavage is completed

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  90. [A]: Brain does not affect in the absence of glucose.
    [R]: Glucose is stored in the neuron cells.

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  91. [A]: After operation, menstrual cycle in woman may be stopped.
    [R]: Ovarian hormones induce menstrual cycle

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  92. Assertion : In placental mammals the placenta is connected to the embryo by the umblical cord and has an essential role in the immunological protection of the embryo .
    Reason : In mammals foetal components of the placenta derive initially from the chondroblast connected with embryonic derive initially from he chondroblast connected with embryonic blood stream either through its contact with the yolk sac.

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  93. Assertion: Smaller the organism higher is the rate of metabolism per gram weight.
    Reason: The heart rate of a six-month-old baby is much lower than that of an old person.

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  94. [A] : Haversian canals are inter connecting canals that run usually longitudinally through dense bone of vertebrates.
    [R]: They contain nerves and blood. Each canal serving a series of concentric Iamellae

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  95. [A]: Conjunctiva is composed of squamous epithelium and is continuous with the dermis that lines the eyelids.
    [R]: The conjunctjva is thick highly cornified and richly supplied with free nerve endings.

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  96. [A]: During ovarian cycle follicles are con- trolled by gonadotropic hormones, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH).
    [R]: During ovarian cycle follicles undergo maturation, contain a secondary oocyte and produce female sex hormones.

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  97. [A] : Hydrostatic pressure in blood forces water and other solutes of glomerulus into Bowman's capsule.
    [R]: Kidneys regulate the blood pH.

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  98. [A]: Emboly involves the invagination and involution through bottling process by the mesentoblast cells.
    [R]: Emboly is exhibited by the formation, elongation and ultimate recession of the primitive streak.

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  99. [A]: Each testis is attached to the abdominal wall by a ligament and under testosterone influence it is drawn into the scrotum during development.
    (R]: Leydig or interstitial cells secrete androgens most potent being testosterone

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  100. [A]: Taste buds are called the sense organs for olfaction
    [R]: Taste buds bear olfactory receptor cells which get stimulated by certain chemical substances

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ASSERTION AND REASON questions and complete solutions for chapter Animal Physiology of TRUEMAN'S BIOLOGY (ENGLISH) of Class 12

All Exercises from TRUEMAN BIOLOGY Class 12 BIOLOGY Animal Physiology