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Complete Solutions to QUESTION BANK of chapter SOLUTIONS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Define the term solution. How many types of solutions are formed? Write briefly about each type with an example.

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  2. Give an example of a solid'solution in which the solute is a gas.

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  3. Define the following terms: i. Mole tion fi. Molality ifi. Molarity iv. Mass percentage.

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  4. Concentrated nitric acid used in laboratory works is '68 %' nitric acid by mass in aqueous solution. What should be the molarity of such .. a sample of the acid if the density of the solution is '1.504 g ml^-1 ?'

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  5. A solution of glucose in water is labelled as '10 % w / w', what would be the molality and mole tion of each component in the solution? If the density of solution is '1.2 ~g ~mL^-1', then what shall be the molarity of the solution?

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  6. How many mL of 0.1 M HCl are required to react completely with 1 g mixture of 'Na_2 CO_3' and 'NaHCO_3' containing equimolar amơunts of both?

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  7. A solution is obtained by mixing 300 g of '25 %' solution and '400 g' of '40 %' solution by mass. Calculate the mass percentage of the resulting solution.

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  8. An antifreeze solution is prepared from '222.6 g' of ethylene glycol '(C, H_6 O_2)' and '200 g' of water. Calculate the molality of the solution. If the density of the solution is '1.072 gmL^-1,' then what shall be the-molarity of the solution?

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  9. . A sample of drinking water was found to be severely contaminated with chloroform '(CHCl_3)' supposed to he a carcinogen. The level of contamination was 15 ppm (by mass):i. express this in percent by mass ii. determine the molality of chloroform in the water sample.

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  10. What role does the molecular interaction play in a solution of alcohol and water?

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  11. Why do gases always tend to be less soluble in liquids as the temperature is raised?

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  12. State Henry's law and mention some important applications?

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  13. The partial pressure of ethane-over at solution containing '6.56 x 10^-3g' of ethane is 1 bar. If the solution contains '5.00 x 10^-2 g' of ethane, then what shall be the partial pressure of the gas?

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  14. What is meant by-positive and negative deviations from Raoult's law and how is the sign of 'Delta sol H' related to positive, and negative deviations from Raoult's law?

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  15. An aqueous solution of '2 %' non-volatile sol ute exerts a pressure of 1.004 bar at the nor mal boiling point of the solvent. What is the molar mass of the solute?

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  16. Heptane and octane form an ideal solution. At '373 ~K,' the vapour pressures of the two liquid components are'105.2 kPa and 46.8 kPa respectively. What will be the vapour pressure of a mixture of '26.0 ~g' of heptane. and '35 . g' of octane?

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  17. The vapour pressure of water is 12.3.kRa at 300.calculate the vapour pressure of 1 molal solution in it

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  18. Calculate the mass of a non-volatilesolute' (molar. mass 40 g mol '^-1' ) which should be dis: "solved in 114 g octane to reduce its vapour pressure to '80 %' "

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  19. A solution containing '30 g' of.non-volatile solute exactly in '90, g' of water has a vapour pressure of '2.8 kPa' at '298 K'. Further, '18 g' of water is then added to the solution and the new vapour pressure becomes '2.9 kPa' at '298K' Calculate: (i) molar mass of the solute (ii) vapour pressure of water at '298 K'.

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  20. 5 %' solution (by mass) of cane sugar in water has freezing point of '271 K .' Calculate the freezing point of '5 %' glucơse in water if freezing point of pure water is 273.15

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  21. Two elements 'A' and 'B' form compounds having formula 'AB2' and 'AB_4' .When dissolved in '20 g' of benzene '(C_6 H_6), 1 g' of 'AB_2' lowers the freezing point by '2.3 K' whereas '1.0 g' of 'AB_4' lowers it by 1.3. K: The molar depression constant for benzene is 5.1 K kg mol −1. Calculate atomic masses of A and B.

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  22. At '300 K, 36 g' of glucose present in a litre of its solution has an osmotic pressure of 4.98 bar. If the osmotic pressure of the solution is 1.52 bars at the same temperature, what would be its concentration?

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  23. Suggest the most important type of intermolecular attractive interaction in the following pairs. i. n-hexane and n-octane ii. 'I_2' and 'C C I_4' iji. 'NaClO_4' and water iv. methanol and acetone v. acetonitrile (CH,CN) and acetone ' '(fC_3 H_6 O)'

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  24. Based on solute-solvent interactions, arrange the following in order of increasing solubility in n-octane and explain. Cyclohexane, KCI, 'CH_3 OH, CH_3 CN'

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  25. Amongst the following compounds, identify which are. insaluble, partially solable and. highly soluble in water?i. phenol - if toluene iii. formic acid iv. ethylene glycơl y. chloroform vi. pentanol.

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  26. If the density of some lake water is '1.25 g m ^-(-1)` and contains '92 g' of 'Na^+' ions per 'kg' of water, calculate the molality, of Nat ions in -the lake.

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  27. If the solubility product of 'CuS' is '6 xx 10^-16' calculate the maximum molarity of CuS in aqueous solution

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  28. Calculate the mass percentage of aspirin '(C_9 H_8 O_2)' in acetonitrile '(CH_3 CN)' when '6.5 g' of 'C_9 H_8 O_4' is dissolved in '450 g' of 'CH_3 CN'

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  29. .Nalorphene '(C_14 H_2 NO_3),' similar to morphine, is used to combat withdrawal symptoms in narcotic users. Dose of nalorphene generally given is '1.5 mg'. Calculate the mass of '1.5-10^-3 m' aqueous solution required for the above dose

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  30. Calculate ofhe amount of benzoic acid '(C6H5 COOH)' required for preparing '250 ml' of'0.15 M' solution in methanol. -

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  31. The depression in freezing point of water observed for the same amount of acetic acid, trichloroacetic acid and trifluoracetic acid increases in the order given above. Explain briefly.

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  32. Calculate the depression in the freezing point of water when '10 g' of 'CH_3 CH_2 CHClCOOH' is added to '250 g' of water. 'Ka=1.4 xx 10^-3, Kf=1.86Kkgmol^-1'

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  33. 19.5 g' of 'CH_2 FCOOH' is dissolved in '500 g' of water. The depression in the freezing point of water observed is '1 C. Calculate the van't Hoff factor and dissociation constant of : 'fluoroacetic acid.

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  34. . Vapour pressure of water'at '293 K' is 17.535 'mm Hg .' Calculate the vapour pressure of water at '293 K' when '25 g' of glucose is dissolved in '450 g' of water.

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  35. Henry's law constant for the molality of methane in benzene at '298 K' is '4,27 xx 10^5 mm Hg' Calculate the solubility of methane in benzene at '298 K' under '760 mm Hg'

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  36. 100 g of liquid 'A' (molar mass '140 g/ mol' ) was dissolved in 1000 g of liquid 'B'. (molar mass 180 g/mol The vapour pressure of pure liquid B was found to be 500 torr. Calculate the vapour pressure of pure liquid A and its vapour pressure in the solution, if the total vapour pressure of the solution is 475 torr.

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  37. Vapour pressures to pure acetone and chloroform at '328 K' are '741.8 mm Hg' and '632.8 mm' Hg respectively. Asśuming that they form ideal solution over the entire range of composition, The experimental data observed for different compositionis of mixture is Plot this data also on the same graph paper. Indicate whether it has positive deviation or negative deviation from the ideal solution.

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  38. Benzene and toluene form' ideal solution over the entire range of composition. Pressure of pure benzene and toluene at'300 K' are '50.71 mm Hg' and '32.06 mm Hg' respectively. Calculate the mole fraction of benzene in vapour phase if '80 g' of benzene is mixed with '100 g' of toluene

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  39. .The air is a mixture of a number of gases. The major components are oxygen and.nitrogen with approximate proportion of '20 %' is to '79 %' by volume at '298 K'. The water is in equilibrium with air at a pressure of '10 ~atm'. At '298 K' if the Henry's law constants for oxygen and nitrogen at '298 K' are '3.30 xx 10^7 mm' and '6.51 xx' '10^7 mm' respectively, calculate the composition of these gases in water.

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  40. Determine the amount of 'CaCl_2(i=2.47)' dissolved in 2.5 litre of water such that its osmotic pressure is '0.75 atm' at '27^circ C'

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  41. .ietermine the osmotic pressure of a solution prepared by dissolving '25 mg' of 'K_2S O_4' in 2 litre of water at '25^circ' C assuming that it is completely dissociated.

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  42. 1. Give reasons for the following: when '30 ml' of ethanol and '30 ml' of water are mixed, the volume of resulting 'solution. is more than '60 ml'. Ans: In ethanol and water, the molecules are by. drogen bonded. When these are mixed 't 0' form a solution, each liquid tends to break the hydrogen bonds of the other liquid. The attractive forces decrease. The total volume of the solution becomes more than '60 m'

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  43. Why is elevation in b.p of water different in the following SOLUTIONS? a. 0.1 molar 'dotNaCl' solution b. ' 0.1' molar sugar solution

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  44. What type of,azeotrope is formed on mixing nitric acid and water?

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  45. A and B liquids on mixing produce a warm solution. Which type of deviation from Raoult's Iaw is there?

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  46. Mention a large scale, use of the phenomenon called 'reverse osmosis'

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  47. Why is elevation in b.p of water different in the following SOLUTIONS? a. 0.1 molar 'dotNaCl' solution b. ' 0.1' molar sugar solution

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  48. What happens' when blood celis are placed in pure water?

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  49. 'CCl_4' and water are immiseibe whereas ethyl alcohol and water are miscible in all propor tions. Predict the behaviour of molecular structures of these compounds.

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  50. When fruits and vëgetables are dried'and placed in whater, they slowly swell and refurn to orginal form, why? Does an increase in temperature accelerate the process? Explain.

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  51. What are non-ideal solution?

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  52. State the conditions under which the Raoult's law holds goods.

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  53. Why do we keep ice cream in a mixture containing ice-and common salt?

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  54. What are isotonic SOLUTIONS?

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  55. When two liquids 'X' and 'Y' are mixed the solution becomes hot. When pair of liquids, 'Y' and 'Z' are mixed, the solution'becomes cold. Which of these SOLUTIONS will exhibit negative deviations from Raoult's law?

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  56. Why is the vapour pressure of a solvent lowered by the ạddition of a non- volatile solute?

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  57. What does an ideal solution mean at the molecular level?

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  58. Give an example of a solution in which 'A-B' interaction are stronger than 'A-A' or 'B-B interaction

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  59. Ideńitify the quantity. which,chainges with tem perature - molärity or molality? Why?

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  60. What is the normality of a 0.4 M aqueous solution of a tribasic acid?

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  61. When and why is molality, preferred to, molarity in handling solutions in chemistry?

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  62. What is the effect of rise in temperature on solubility of a gas in liquid?

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  63. If 'Delta H_ sot gt0' for a solid, predict the effect of temperatüre on,its solubility?

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  64. Which is more concentrated, 1 molar (iM) or 1 , molal (1m) Why?

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  65. The vapour pressure of a liquid is a constant at constant temperature? Why?

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  66. Pressure cooker reduce-cooking time. Why?

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  67. I5cc of liquid 'X' is mixed with '15 cc of liquid 'Y'. The volume of the resulting solution is found to be '30.1 cc .' What is the nature of the resulting solution?

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  68. Interpret the following a) A cooling effect is produced when two liquids are mixed. b) A warm solution is formed, when two liquids are mixed.

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  69. After removing the outer shell ( 'CaCO_3' ) of two eggs in đil 'HCl,' one is placed in distilled 'H_2 O' and the other is placed'in a saturated solution ' of NaCl. Explain the observation?

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  70. Name the colligative property, used for the determination of molar mass of macromolecules (eg. proteins)?

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  71. Account for the following Ethylene glycol is added to radiator in automobiles.

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  72. What happens when red blood corpuscles (RBC) are placed in (a) '1 %'. NaCl solution (b) '0.6 %' NăCl solution?

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  73. When does the measurement of colligative properties of a solution leads to abnormal molecular masses?

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  74. Equimolal solutions of 'NaCl' and 'BaCl_2' are prepared in 'H_2 O'. Freezing point of 'NaCl' is found to be-` 2 C` . What is the freezing point of `BaCl_2` ?

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  75. How is molecular mass of a solute related to the elevation in boiling point of the solution?

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  76. The boiling point of 'A' is higher than that of 'B'. Which of them will have higher vapour pressure?

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  77. State Henry's law.

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  78. State Raoult's law i) volatile solutes and ii) for a non - volatile soiute.

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  79. Differentiate between iđeal and non - ideal SOLUTIONS?

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  80. Derive an expression for the relative lowering of vapour pressure?

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  81. Define (i) ebullioscopic constant and (ii) cryoscopic constant.

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  82. Show that (i) elevation in boiling point is a colligative property (ii) depression in freezing point is a colligative property and (iii) osmotic pressure is a colligative property?

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  83. Which is the colligative property, osmosis or osmotic pressure ? Suggest application of reverse osmosis.

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  84. What are isotonic, hypertonic hyptonic SOLUTIONS

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  85. Show graphically how the vapour pressure of a solvent and a solution of a non volatile solute change with temperature. Show the boiling points of the solvent and the solution in the graph. Which is higher and why?

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  86. What is van't Hoff factor? What are its possible values when the solute molecules undergo (i) association and (ii) dissociation in solution?

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  87. Explain the reason for non ideal behaviour shown by liquid mixtures? Give one example for each case?

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  88. What is the nature of the solution obtained by mixing a) phenol and aniline and b) ethyl alcohol and H2O

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  89. When two liquids 'X' and 'Y' are mixed the solution becomes hot. When pair of liquids, 'Y' and 'Z' are mixed, the solution'becomes cold. Which of these SOLUTIONS will exhibit negative deviations from Raoult's law?

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  90. Define osmosis and osmotic pressure? Arrange the following SOLUTIONS in the increasing order of their osmotic pressure? (a) '3.42 g / L' g sucrose (b) '60 g / L' urea glucose (c) '90 g / L' (d) '58.5 g / L NaCl'

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  91. An antifreeze solution is prepared from '222.6 g' of ethylene glycol '(C, H_6 O_2)' and '200 g' of water. Calculate the molality of the solution. If the density of the solution is '1.072 gmL^-1,' then what shall be the-molarity of the solution?

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  92. Find the molarity and molality of a 15% Solution of H2SO4 (density of H2SO4 = 1.020 g cm−3) (Atomic mass: H = 1, O = 16, S = 32 amu).

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  93. The solubility of 'Ba(OH)_2. 8 H2O' in water at '288 K' is '5.6 g' per '100 g' of water. molality of the hydroxide ions in solution of 'Ba(OH), 8 H_2 O' at '288 K' [At. mass of 'Ba=137, O=16, H=1'

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  94. Find the molarity of water in pure water(d=1g mol^-1)

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  95. How much water should be added to '300 mL' of 0.5 M NaOH solution so as fo prepare a solution of 0.2 M?

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  96. 20 mL' of '0.02 M KMnO4' was required to completely oxidise 10mL' of oxalic acid solution. What is the molarity of oxalic acid solution?

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  97. 300 mL 0.1M HCl and '200 mL' of '0.3M H_2 SO' are mixed. Calculate the normality of the resulting mixture?

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  98. Calculate the molaity of a solutioniof Cöric.HCl containing '36.5 %' by weight of HCl?

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  99. '8.0575 xx 10^-2 kg' of Glauber's salt is dissolved in water to obtain '1 dm^3' of a solution of density '1077.2 kgm^-3'. Calculate the molarity, molality and mole tion of 'Na_2 SO_4' in solution

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  100. Calculate the molality of 1 litre solution of '93 %' 'H_2 SO_4' (weight / vol.) The density of the solution 1.84 g/ml

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QUESTION BANK questions and complete solutions for chapter SOLUTIONS of V PUBLICATION of Class 12