Complete Solutions to DELHI 2013 - SET I of chapter DELHI 2013 of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

ChapterDELHI 2013
Number Of Questions39
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Who was Cunningham ? Mention any one account used by him to locate the early settlements of Harappa civilization.

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  2. Which dynasty did Krishnadeva Raya belong to ? Mention any one of his expansion and consolidation policies.

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  3. Why is 'objectives resolution' of Nehru considered a momentous resolution ? Give any two reasons.

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  4. 'The most unique feature of Mohenjodaro was the planned urban centre.' Support the staternent with examples.

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  5. "The Mahabharata is a good source to study the Kinfolk's values of ancient times." Justify this statement with suitable arguments

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  6. "The principle of ahimsa and renunciation emphasized by Jainism Support the statement with has left its mark." Lord Mahavira's and Renunciation is a fundamental messages.

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  7. How do the modetn historians explain the development of Magadha as the most powerful Mahajanpada? Explain.

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  8. "Beenier's ownership influenced western theorists like French philosopher Montesquieu and German Kar Marx." Justify it with suitable arguments.

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  9. Explain the features of Islamic religion which contributed to its spread through the subcontinent.

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  10. In what ways have the daily routine and special festiviti s associated with the Mughal court conveye d a sense of power of the Mughal emperor? Explain

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  11. Why did the Fifth Report become the basis of intens: debate in England? Explain.

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  12. How have the diffetent kinds of available sources helped the historians in reconstructing the political career of Gandhiji and the history of the national movement that was associated with it ? Explain.

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  13. The colonial cities offered new opportunities to women during the 19th century." Support the stalement with facts,

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  14. Read the value-based passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
    Navab Wajid Ali Shah was dethroned and exiled to Calcutta on the plea that the region was being disy overned' The British governiment also wrongly 1ped that Wajid Ali Shah was an ruker. On the contrary, he was widely loved, and when he left his beloved Lucknow, there were many who followed him all the way to songs of lament. The widespread sense of grief and loss at-the Nauab's exile was recorded by many contemporary observers. One of them wIote: The life was gone out of the body, and the body of his town had been left ifeless.. there was no street or market and house which did not wail out the cry of agony in separation of Jan-i-Alam." One follk song bemoaned that "the honourable English cane and took the country",
    (Angrez Bahadur ain, mulk lai linho)
    Why did people bemoan and show an emotional upheaval at? Explain.
    What human values are revealed in the above passage ?"

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  15. Explain why Abdur Razzak, a Perisian Ambassador, was greatly impressed fortification of Vijaynagar Empire during the 15'b century.

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  16. Explain the ways through which Mughal village Panchayats and village headmen regulated rural Society.

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  17. Explain how Indian partition was a culmination of communal politics that started developing in the opening decades of the 20th century.

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  18. Explain how the Constitution of India protects the rights of the Central Government and the States.

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  19. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow:
    A ryot petitions
    This is an example of a petition from a ryot of the village of Mirajgaon, Taluka Karjat, to the Collector, Ahmednagar Deccan Riots Commission: The sowkars (sahukars) have of late begun to oppress us. As we cannot eatn enough to defray our houschold expenses, we are actually forced to beg of them to provide us with money, clothes and grain,, which we obtain from them not without great difficulty, nor without their compelling us to enter into hard conditions in the, bond. Moreover, the necessary clothes and grain are not sold to us at cash rates.. The prices asked from us are generally twenty-five or fifty per cent more than demanded from customers making ready money payments The produce of our fields is also taken by the sowkars, who at the time of removing it assure us that it will be credited to our account, but they do not actually make any mention of it in the accounts. They also refuse to pass us any receipts for the produce so removed by them.
    What kind of injustice was experienced by the ryots?

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  20. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow:
    A ryot petitions
    This is an example of a petition from a ryot of the village of Mirajgaon, Taluka Karjat, to the Collector, Ahmednagar Deccan Riots Commission: The sowkars (sahukars) have of late begun to oppress us. As we cannot eatn enough to defray our houschold expenses, we are actually forced to beg of them to provide us with money, clothes and grain,, which we obtain from them not without great difficulty, nor without their compelling us to enter into hard conditions in the, bond. Moreover, the necessary clothes and grain are not sold to us at cash rates.. The prices asked from us are generally twenty-five or fifty per cent more than demanded from customers making ready money payments The produce of our fields is also taken by the sowkars, who at the time of removing it assure us that it will be credited to our account, but they do not actually make any mention of it in the accounts. They also refuse to pass us any receipts for the produce so removed by them.
    Why was the harvest taken away by the money lenders and why was it not credited to the peasant's account?

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  21. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow:
    A ryot petitions
    This is an example of a petition from a ryot of the village of Mirajgaon, Taluka Karjat, to the Collector, Ahmednagar Deccan Riots Commission: The sowkars (sahukars) have of late begun to oppress us. As we cannot eatn enough to defray our houschold expenses, we are actually forced to beg of them to provide us with money, clothes and grain,, which we obtain from them not without great difficulty, nor without their compelling us to enter into hard conditions in the, bond. Moreover, the necessary clothes and grain are not sold to us at cash rates.. The prices asked from us are generally twenty-five or fifty per cent more than demanded from customers making ready money payments The produce of our fields is also taken by the sowkars, who at the time of removing it assure us that it will be credited to our account, but they do not actually make any mention of it in the accounts. They also refuse to pass us any receipts for the produce so removed by them.
    Give details on the commission that investigated petitions and grievances of the concerned people.

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  22. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow:
    Ordinary life in extraordinary times
    What happened in cities during the, months of Revolt ?How did people live, through those months of tumult ? How was normal life affected ? Reports from different cities tell us about the breakdown in rontine activities. Read these reports from the Delhi Urdu Akhbar, 14 June, 1857:
    The same thing is truc far vegetables and saag (spinach). People have been found to complain that even kaddu (pumpkin)and baingan (brijal) cannot be four d in the bazars. Potatoes and arvi (yam) when available are of stale and rotten variety, stored from befere by fassighted kuajeas fuegetable-grewere)- From the gardens inside the city does re ach a few places but the poor and the middle class can only liek their lips-and wetch them (as they are ear marked for the select)
    ...There is something that else needs attention which is causing a lot of damage that the water-carriers have stopped filling water.
    Poor Shurfas (gentility) are seen carrying water in On their shoulders and only then the necessary to the people which is pails housel old tasks such as cooking, etc. can take placc The haalkhors (righteous) have become haramkhors (corrupt), many mohallas have not been able to earn for several days and if this situation continues then decay, death and disease will combine together to spoil the city's air and an over the city and even to areas epidemic will spread all adjacent and around.
    Explain what happened in Delhi city during the months of the 1857 Revolt?

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  23. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow:
    Ordinary life in extraordinary times
    What happened in cities during the, months of Revolt ?How did people live, through those months of tumult ? How was normal life affected ? Reports from different cities tell us about the breakdown in rontine activities. Read these reports from the Delhi Urdu Akhbar, 14 June, 1857:
    The same thing is truc far vegetables and saag (spinach). People have been found to complain that even kaddu (pumpkin)and baingan (brijal) cannot be four d in the bazars. Potatoes and arvi (yam) when available are of stale and rotten variety, stored from befere by fassighted kuajeas fuegetable-grewere)- From the gardens inside the city does re ach a few places but the poor and the middle class can only liek their lips-and wetch them (as they are ear marked for the select)
    ...There is something that else needs attention which is causing a lot of damage that the water-carriers have stopped filling water.
    Poor Shurfas (gentility) are seen carrying water in On their shoulders and only then the necessary to the people which is pails housel old tasks such as cooking, etc. can take placc The haalkhors (righteous) have become haramkhors (corrupt), many mohallas have not been able to earn for several days and if this situation continues then decay, death and disease will combine together to spoil the city's air and an over the city and even to areas epidemic will spread all adjacent and around.
    How did people live through those months of tumult?

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  24. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow:
    Ordinary life in extraordinary times
    What happened in cities during the, months of Revolt ?How did people live, through those months of tumult ? How was normal life affected ? Reports from different cities tell us about the breakdown in rontine activities. Read these reports from the Delhi Urdu Akhbar, 14 June, 1857:
    The same thing is truc far vegetables and saag (spinach). People have been found to complain that even kaddu (pumpkin)and baingan (brijal) cannot be four d in the bazars. Potatoes and arvi (yam) when available are of stale and rotten variety, stored from befere by fassighted kuajeas fuegetable-grewere)- From the gardens inside the city does re ach a few places but the poor and the middle class can only liek their lips-and wetch them (as they are ear marked for the select)
    ...There is something that else needs attention which is causing a lot of damage that the water-carriers have stopped filling water.
    Poor Shurfas (gentility) are seen carrying water in On their shoulders and only then the necessary to the people which is pails housel old tasks such as cooking, etc. can take placc The haalkhors (righteous) have become haramkhors (corrupt), many mohallas have not been able to earn for several days and if this situation continues then decay, death and disease will combine together to spoil the city's air and an over the city and even to areas epidemic will spread all adjacent and around.
    How did the routine activities disturb the people?

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  25. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
    "Moistening the rose garden of fortune"
    In this extract Abul Fazl gives a vivid account of how and from whom he collected his information: ... to Abul Fazl, son of Mubarak.. this sublime mandate was given. "Write with the pen of sincerity the account of the glorious events and of our dominion-conqucting victorics... Assuredly, I spent much labour and research in collecting the records and narratives of His Majesty's actions and I was a long time interrogating the servants of the State and the old memberS of the illustrious family. I examined both prudent, truth-speaking old men and activeminded, right actioned young ones and reduced their statements to writing. The Royal commands werei sued to the provinces, that those who from old service remembered, with certainty or with admninicle of doubt, the events of the past, should copy out -the notes and memoranda and transit them to the court.
    (Then) a second command shone forth from the holy Presence-chamber-, to wit--that the materials which had been collected should be ... recited in the royal hearing and whatever mighe have-to be written down afterwards, should be introduced into the noble volume as a supplement, and that such details a account of the minuteness of the inquiries and the nehutiac of affairs, (which) could not then be brought to an end, should beinserted afterwards at my leisure Being relieved by this royal order-the interpreter of the Divine ordinance- from the secret anxiety of my heart, I proceeded to reduce into writing the rough draughts (drafts) which were void of the grace of arrangement and style. I obtained the chronicle of events beginning at the Nineteenth Year of the Divine Era, when the Record Office was established by the enlightened intellect of His Majesty, and from its rich pages, I gathered the accounts of many events. Great pains too, were taken to procure the or copies of most of the orders which had be en issued to the provinces from the Accession up to the present-day... I also took much trouble to incorporate many of the reports which ministers ard high officials had submitted, about the affairs of the empire and the events of foreign countries. Agd my labour-loving soul was satiated by the ab aratus of inquiry and research. I also exerted to collect the rough notes and memoranda of sagacious and well-informed men. By these means, I constructed a reservoir for irrigating and moistening the rose garden of fortune.
    (The Akbarnanma)
    Who was Abul Fazl?

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  26. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
    "Moistening the rose garden of fortune"
    In this extract Abul Fazl gives a vivid account of how and from whom he collected his information: ... to Abul Fazl, son of Mubarak.. this sublime mandate was given. "Write with the pen of sincerity the account of the glorious events and of our dominion-conqucting victorics... Assuredly, I spent much labour and research in collecting the records and narratives of His Majesty's actions and I was a long time interrogating the servants of the State and the old memberS of the illustrious family. I examined both prudent, truth-speaking old men and activeminded, right actioned young ones and reduced their statements to writing. The Royal commands werei sued to the provinces, that those who from old service remembered, with certainty or with admninicle of doubt, the events of the past, should copy out -the notes and memoranda and transit them to the court.
    (Then) a second command shone forth from the holy Presence-chamber-, to wit--that the materials which had been collected should be ... recited in the royal hearing and whatever mighe have-to be written down afterwards, should be introduced into the noble volume as a supplement, and that such details a account of the minuteness of the inquiries and the nehutiac of affairs, (which) could not then be brought to an end, should beinserted afterwards at my leisure Being relieved by this royal order-the interpreter of the Divine ordinance- from the secret anxiety of my heart, I proceeded to reduce into writing the rough draughts (drafts) which were void of the grace of arrangement and style. I obtained the chronicle of events beginning at the Nineteenth Year of the Divine Era, when the Record Office was established by the enlightened intellect of His Majesty, and from its rich pages, I gathered the accounts of many events. Great pains too, were taken to procure the or copies of most of the orders which had be en issued to the provinces from the Accession up to the present-day... I also took much trouble to incorporate many of the reports which ministers ard high officials had submitted, about the affairs of the empire and the events of foreign countries. Agd my labour-loving soul was satiated by the ab aratus of inquiry and research. I also exerted to collect the rough notes and memoranda of sagacious and well-informed men. By these means, I constructed a reservoir for irrigating and moistening the rose garden of fortune.
    (The Akbarnanma)
    Enumerate the sources he used to compile his work.

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  27. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
    "Moistening the rose garden of fortune"
    In this extract Abul Fazl gives a vivid account of how and from whom he collected his information: ... to Abul Fazl, son of Mubarak.. this sublime mandate was given. "Write with the pen of sincerity the account of the glorious events and of our dominion-conqucting victorics... Assuredly, I spent much labour and research in collecting the records and narratives of His Majesty's actions and I was a long time interrogating the servants of the State and the old memberS of the illustrious family. I examined both prudent, truth-speaking old men and activeminded, right actioned young ones and reduced their statements to writing. The Royal commands werei sued to the provinces, that those who from old service remembered, with certainty or with admninicle of doubt, the events of the past, should copy out -the notes and memoranda and transit them to the court.
    (Then) a second command shone forth from the holy Presence-chamber-, to wit--that the materials which had been collected should be ... recited in the royal hearing and whatever mighe have-to be written down afterwards, should be introduced into the noble volume as a supplement, and that such details a account of the minuteness of the inquiries and the nehutiac of affairs, (which) could not then be brought to an end, should beinserted afterwards at my leisure Being relieved by this royal order-the interpreter of the Divine ordinance- from the secret anxiety of my heart, I proceeded to reduce into writing the rough draughts (drafts) which were void of the grace of arrangement and style. I obtained the chronicle of events beginning at the Nineteenth Year of the Divine Era, when the Record Office was established by the enlightened intellect of His Majesty, and from its rich pages, I gathered the accounts of many events. Great pains too, were taken to procure the or copies of most of the orders which had be en issued to the provinces from the Accession up to the present-day... I also took much trouble to incorporate many of the reports which ministers ard high officials had submitted, about the affairs of the empire and the events of foreign countries. Agd my labour-loving soul was satiated by the ab aratus of inquiry and research. I also exerted to collect the rough notes and memoranda of sagacious and well-informed men. By these means, I constructed a reservoir for irrigating and moistening the rose garden of fortune.
    (The Akbarnanma)
    Name any two administrative and two literary projects compiled by him at the order of Emperor Akbar.

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  28. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
    Kings and traders Kishnadeva Raya (tuled 1509-29), the most famous ruler of Vijaynagar, composed a'work on statecraft in Telugu known as the AmukuwWyada. About traders he wrote.
    Acting should improve the harbours of his country and so encourage its commerce that horses, elephants, precious gems, sandalwood, pearls and other articles are freely imported ... He should arrange that the foreign sailors who land in his country on account of storms, illncss and exhaustion are looked after in a suitable manner.
    Make the merchants of distant foreign countries who import elephants and good horses be attached to yourself by providing thern with daily audierce, presents and allowing decent profits. Then those ar icles will never go to your enemies.
    Who was the most famous ruler of Vijaynagar Kum pue

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  29. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
    Kings and traders Kishnadeva Raya (tuled 1509-29), the most famous ruler of Vijaynagar, composed a'work on statecraft in Telugu known as the AmukuwWyada. About traders he wrote.
    Acting should improve the harbours of his country and so encourage its commerce that horses, elephants, precious gems, sandalwood, pearls and other articles are freely imported ... He should arrange that the foreign sailors who land in his country on account of storms, illncss and exhaustion are looked after in a suitable manner.
    Make the merchants of distant foreign countries who import elephants and good horses be attached to yourself by providing thern with daily audierce, presents and allowing decent profits. Then those ar icles will never go to your enemies.
    Mention the name and theme of the work compiled by him.

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  30. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
    Kings and traders Kishnadeva Raya (tuled 1509-29), the most famous ruler of Vijaynagar, composed a'work on statecraft in Telugu known as the AmukuwWyada. About traders he wrote.
    Acting should improve the harbours of his country and so encourage its commerce that horses, elephants, precious gems, sandalwood, pearls and other articles are freely imported ... He should arrange that the foreign sailors who land in his country on account of storms, illncss and exhaustion are looked after in a suitable manner.
    Make the merchants of distant foreign countries who import elephants and good horses be attached to yourself by providing thern with daily audierce, presents and allowing decent profits. Then those ar icles will never go to your enemies.
    Why do you think the King was interested in encouraging trade? Example.

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  31. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
    Buddhism In practice
    Ths is an excerpt from the Sum Pitaka and contains the advice given by the Buddha to a wealthy householder named Sigala n five vays should a master look after his servants and assigning theu work according to their strength, by supplying them with food and wages, by tending them in sickness, by sharing delicachs with tiem and by granung leave at umes... In five vays should the clansmen look after the needs of Sam inas (those who have renounced the world) and Br.hmanas-by affection in act and specch and mind, bi keeping open house to them and supplying their we ddlyaseds There are similar insteuctions to Sigala about how to behave with his parents, teacher and wife.
    Whiat advice was given by Buddha to Sigala regarding relationship between a master and his servants and employees?

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  32. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
    Buddhism In practice
    Ths is an excerpt from the Sum Pitaka and contains the advice given by the Buddha to a wealthy householder named Sigala n five vays should a master look after his servants and assigning theu work according to their strength, by supplying them with food and wages, by tending them in sickness, by sharing delicachs with tiem and by granung leave at umes... In five vays should the clansmen look after the needs of Sam inas (those who have renounced the world) and Br.hmanas-by affection in act and specch and mind, bi keeping open house to them and supplying their we ddlyaseds There are similar insteuctions to Sigala about how to behave with his parents, teacher and wife.
    List the instructions given by Buddha to the clansmen for Samanas and Brahmanas.

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  33. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
    Buddhism In practice
    Ths is an excerpt from the Sum Pitaka and contains the advice given by the Buddha to a wealthy householder named Sigala n five vays should a master look after his servants and assigning theu work according to their strength, by supplying them with food and wages, by tending them in sickness, by sharing delicachs with tiem and by granung leave at umes... In five vays should the clansmen look after the needs of Sam inas (those who have renounced the world) and Br.hmanas-by affection in act and specch and mind, bi keeping open house to them and supplying their we ddlyaseds There are similar insteuctions to Sigala about how to behave with his parents, teacher and wife.
    Acording to you what suggestion Buddha would have advocated regarding parents and teachers?

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  34. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
    A divine order?
    To jusify their claims, Brahmans often cited a verse from a hymn in the Rigveda known as the Purusha Sukta, describing the sacrifice of Purusha, the primeval man. All the elements of the universe, including the four social categories, were supposed to have emanated from his body:
    The Brahmans was his mouth, of his arms was made the Ks hatriya. His thighs became the Vaishya, of his feet the Shudra was born.
    How does Rigveda describe the sacrifice of Purusha?

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  35. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
    A divine order?
    To jusify their claims, Brahmans often cited a verse from a hymn in the Rigveda known as the Purusha Sukta, describing the sacrifice of Purusha, the primeval man. All the elements of the universe, including the four social categories, were supposed to have emanated from his body:
    The Brahmans was his mouth, of his arms was made the Ks hatriya. His thighs became the Vaishya, of his feet the Shudra was born.
    According to Rigveda how did the elements oeuniverse and four social categories eraanate?

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  36. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
    A divine order?
    To jusify their claims, Brahmans often cited a verse from a hymn in the Rigveda known as the Purusha Sukta, describing the sacrifice of Purusha, the primeval man. All the elements of the universe, including the four social categories, were supposed to have emanated from his body:
    The Brahmans was his mouth, of his arms was made the Ks hatriya. His thighs became the Vaishya, of his feet the Shudra was born.
    How did the Brahmanas enforce these norms ?

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  37. On the given political outline map of India mark and name the following: (a) Kuru (b) Rajgir (c) Magadha (d) Avanti (e) Ujjain

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  38. On the given political outline map of India, mark and nar ne the following: (a) Golconda (b) Vijayanagar (c) Mysore (d) Quilon (e) Tirunelveli

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  39. On the given political map of India five centres of the Revolt of 1857 are masked as 1,2,3,4 and 5 Identify them and write their name in the line given against each on the map.

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DELHI 2013 - SET I questions and complete solutions for chapter DELHI 2013 of XII BOARDS PREVIOUS YEAR of Class 12

All Exercises from BOARD PAPER SOLUTION Class 12 HISTORY DELHI 2013