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Complete Solutions to EXERCISE (MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS) (LEVEL-1) of chapter PRACTICAL GEOMETRY of Class 6 book with complete answers and questions

Class 6MATHS
Number Of Questions30
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If two line segments cut each other at right angles then they are ____.

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  2. _______ is used to draw and measure an angle.

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  3. The instrument in the geometry box having the shape of a triangle is called a

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  4. Which is used to draw line segments and to measure their lengths ?

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  5. If we bisect an angle of a rectangle, we get 2 angles each of ______

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  6. AB is of length 7.5 cm. From A an arc of 5.9 cm is cut off. Find measure PB .

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  7. If we bisect `bar (PQ) = 8 cm,` then what will be length of each part ?

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  8. Given figure shown an angle of ______

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  9. Concentric circles have different radii but same ____

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  10. Bisector of a line segment means dividing a line segment ______

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  11. Given `angle ABC= 60^(@) .` If we divide it inot four equal angles then measure of each angle would be ___.

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  12. Angle bisector of given angle can be constructed accurately using ______

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  13. Measure of `angle XQR` equals ____.

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  14. Which of the following is the most accureate method to copy a given line segment ?

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  15. Two lines are said to be perpendicular if angle between them is _____

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  16. The instrument used to draw a circle of given radius is ______

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  17. The measures of 3 diffferent angles of one of the set squares are _____.

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  18. A straight angle can be bisected in ____ right angles .

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  19. Figure shows construction of ____ to line l.

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  20. A `bar (AB)` is 10.2 cm long. If P is the mid point of AB, then the length of `bar(PB)` is ____

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  21. If `bar (BX)` bisects `angle ABC` of measure `75^(@),` what will be the measure of `angle ABX?`

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  22. What angle would you get if you bisect an angle of an equilateral triangle ?

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  23. Name the geometrical instrument having a pair of pointers.

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  24. A _____ is a simple closed curve, all of whose points are at the same distance from a fixed point.

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  25. If we bisect an angle of a square, we get two angles of measure

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  26. Following are steps while constructing a line segment of length 5 cm using ruler. Which of the following steps is incorrect?
    Step-1: First mark a point A on paper.
    Step-2: Place a ruler in such a way that its zero point coincide with point A.
    Step-3 : Draw a line from the point A of the measure of 4.5 cm on the ruler.
    Step-4: Now, name the end point as Q.
    Step-5: AB is the required line segment.

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  27. Arrange the following steps to construct an angle of `120^(@)`
    Step-1 : Again, with C as centre, without changing the radius, draw one more arc. Both arcs intersect at D.
    Step-2 : Draw a ray OD with O as initial point through the point D. Now, measure of `angle DOA = 120^(@)`
    . Step-3: Draw a ray OA.
    Step-4 : Now, without changing the radius, keeping B as centre, draw an arc. Both the arcs intersect at a point C.
    Step-5: With O as centre, draw an arc cutting OA at B.

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  28. Arrange the following steps to construct perpendicular bisector of line segment AB.
    Step-1 : With the same radius and with B as centre, draw another circle using compasses, which cuts the previous circle at X and Y.
    Step-2: Join `bar(XY.)` Now `bar(XY)` is the required perpendicular bisector of `bar(AB). `
    Step-3: Draw `bar(AB)` of any length.
    Step-4: With A as centre, using compasses, draw a circle. The radius of the circle should be more than half the length of `bar(AB).`

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  29. Following are the steps while constructing a perpendicular to a line 'l' through a point 'P' not on it. Out of these one of the steps is incorrect. Select the incorrect step.
    Step-1: Given a line l and a point P not on it.
    Step-2 : With P as centre, draw an arc which intersects line l at two points L and M.
    Step-3 : With any convenient radius and with L and Mas centres, construct two arcs that intersect at a point, say Q, on the other side.
    Step-4 : Join PQ.

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  30. If YA = AB, then measure of `angle XYC` equals

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EXERCISE (MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS) (LEVEL-1) questions and complete solutions for chapter PRACTICAL GEOMETRY of MTG IIT JEE FOUNDATION of Class 6