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Complete Solutions to FORMATIVE WORKSHEET of chapter ELECTRIC CURRENT AND ITS EFFECTS of Class 7 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions78
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A flow of `10^7` electrons per second in a conducting wire constitutes a current of

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  2. If the electronic charge is `1.6 xx 10^(-19_ C`, then find the number of electrons passing through a section of a wire per second, when the wire carries a current of 4 ampere.

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  3. A polythene piece rubbed with wool is found to have a negative charge of `3.2xx10^(-7)`C (i) Estimate the number of electrons transferred. (ii) Is there a transfer of mass from wool to polythene ?

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  4. A person combs his hair on a dry day. The comb causes `10^(22)` electrons to leave the person's hair and stick to the comb. Calculate the charge the comb carries.

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  5. A current of `0.5 A` is drawn by a filament of an electric bulb for `10` minutes. Find the amount of electric charge that flows through the electric circuit.

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  6. An electric bulb draws a current of 0.2 A when the voltage is 220 Calculate the amount of electric charge flowing through it in one hour.

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  7. Show that one ampere is equivalent to flow of `6.25xx10^(-18)` elementary electrons per second ? Charge on electron `=1.6 xx 10^(-19)C`.

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  8. `10^(20)` electrons, each having a charge of `1.6xx10^(-19) C, pass from a point A towards another point B in 0.1 s. What is the current in ampere ? What is its direction ?

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  9. If a current of 10 mA passed through your cell phone battery charger wire for 10 minute, what quantity of electric charge is transferred through the wire to the battery?

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  10. How much current does your laptop consume if `100 C` of charge is transferred through the charger wire in 4 second ?

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  11. A body has a negative charge of 1 coulomb. It means that it has

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  12. One million electrons are added to glass rod. The total charge on the rod is

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  13. A conductor carries a current of 2A. How long will it take for 1800C of electricity to flow through a given cross-section ?

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  14. How many electrons flow through a light bulb each second if the current through the bulb is 1.6A ?

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  15. A current of 1.5A exists in a conductor whose terminals are connected across a potential difference of 100 volt. Find a) the total charge of transferred in one minute.
    b) the work done in transferring the charge.

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  16. A polythene piece rubbed with wool is found to have a negative charge of `6xx10^(-7)C`. The number of electrons transferred to polythene from wool is

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  17. When a piece of polythene is rubbed with wool, a charge of `-2xx10^(-7) C` is developed on polythene. What is the amount of mass, which is transferred to polythene.

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  18. An electric cell does 5 J of work in carrying 10 C charge around a closed circuit. The electromotive force of the cell is _____.

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  19. A work of 100 joule is performed in carrying a charge of -5 coulomb from infinity to a particular point in an electrostatic field. The potential of this point is _______.

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  20. The work done in moving a charge of 20 C from A to B over a distance of 0.2 m is 2 J. The potential difference across A and B is _______.

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  21. A charge of 5 C is given a displacement of 0.5m. The work done in the process is 10 J. The potential difference between the two points will be _________.

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  22. An electron of charge 'e' coulomb passes through a potential difference of `V` volts. Its energy in 'joules' will be

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  23. To construct an electromagnet, Morgan uses an iron bar as the core and uses four electrical coils, made of four different materials to construct a solenoid. This is represented in the given figure.

    The iron bar will not be converted into an electromagnet if the solenoid is made of a

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  24. A light bulb is an incandescent source of light. A light bulb emits light

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  25. Joseph wants to pick the iron nails kept on a table.

    Which of the following devices should Joseph use to pick the iron nails?

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  26. Thomas brings four different devices near a current carrying wire.

    Which device will show a deflection?

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  27. Which of the following actions will produce a magnetic field?

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  28. An electromagnet is not used in the functioning of which of the following devices?

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  29. Adam has an electromagnet in his school's electrical laboratory

    Which of the following materials can be used to make the rod of an electromagnet?

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  30. The hair dryer works on the principle of `ul(i)` effect of current. The component of the hair dryer that works on this principle is called `ul(ii)` .
    The information in which alternative completes the given statements?

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  31. Tempenny constructs a simple electric generator as shown in the figure.

    The part of the electric generator which is an electromagnet is the

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  32. When current flows through the coil, the iron rod is attracted downward because the

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  33. The figure shows an electromagnetic train signal. When it is switched on, the signal remains in the upward position, whereas when it is switched off, the signal remains in the downward position as shown in the figure.

    Which part of the electromagnetic train signal is the electromagnet?

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  34. Steve constructs an automatic door latch as shown in the figure. When the switch is closed, the electromagnet attracts the door latch toward itself and the door can be opened. When the switch is opened again, the door latch comes back to its original position using the spring attached between the core of the electromagnet and the door latch.

    Steve can improve the structure of the automatic door latch by

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  35. Clarke constructs a device by passing current through a piece of long insulated wire wrapped around an iron core. He uses this device for picking paper clips.

    What is the name of the device constructed by Clarke?

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  36. An electric iron works on the principle of i effect of electric current. The component of an iron that works on this principle is its ii.
    The information in which alternative completes the given statements?

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  37. A doorbell can be constructed by using a coil, a steel gong, and a hammer.

    When current is passed through the coil, the hammer strikes the gong because it becomes

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  38. The presence of a magnetic field created by an electromagnet can be detected by a

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  39. How many poles does an electromagnet have?

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  40. When current is passed through a wire wound around an iron rod, it produces

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  41. Four parts of an electric iron are labelled as I, II, III, and IV (as shown in the given figure).

    The element of the given electric iron is labelled as

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  42. The element of a heater is

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  43. An electric fuse of 3 A rating is connected in a branch circuit. Suddenly, a current of amount 4 A flows through the circuit that consists of a bulb. Which of the following events could be a possibility in the given circuit?

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  44. An electric fuse works on the :

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  45. Which of the following devices works on the principle of heating effect of current?

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  46. While reading about the heating effect of current, Raju list some electrical devices that work on that principle. He lists some devices . His father notices that one device is listed incorrectly. Electrical device:
    Electric kettle, Motor, Toaster, Geyser, Hair dryer Which device is listed incorrectly by Raju ?

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  47. If a current of 3 A flows through a wire of resistance 8 ohms, calculate the potential difference applied across its ends.

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  48. What would be the resistance of a conductor if the current flow through it is 0.35 A when the potential difference across is 1.4 V?

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  49. How much current will an electric bulb draw from a 220 V source, if the resistance of the bulb filament is `1200 Omega`?

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  50. How much current will an electric heater coil draw from a 220 V source, if the resistance of the heater is `100Omega` ?

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  51. The potential difference between the terminals of an electric heater is 60 V when it draws a current of 4 A from the source. What current will the heater draw if the potential difference is increased to 120 V?

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  52. If a current of 10 mA passed through your cell phone battery charger wire for 10 minute , what quantity of electric charge is transferred through the wire to the battery?

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  53. How much current does your laptop consume if 100 C of charge is transferred through the charger wire in 4 second ?

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  54. How much time is required for 10 Coulombs of charge to flow past a point if the current is 2 amperes?

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  55. Which of the following materials is a good conductor of electricity?

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  56. The handle of every repairing tool is covered by a certain insulating material so that the user may not get an electric shock. Which of the following materials cannot be used to cover the handle

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  57. Mason constructs the circuit shown in the figure. He leaves a gap in the circuit to test the conductivity of various materials.

    On inserting which of the following materials in the gap will the bulb not light up?

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  58. Which of the following objects is an insulator?

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  59. Martin is constructing an electrical circuit. He notices that all electrical metal wires are covered with plastic. Electrical metal wires are covered with plastic because plastics are good

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  60. Tommy sets up an electrical circuit as shown in the figure. He connects points P and Q with different materials.

    The bulb will light up when points P and Q are connected by a plate made of

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  61. Brad sets up an electrical circuit as shown in the given figure. He connects points P and Q of the circuit with four different rods made of four different materials - glass, wood, copper, and asbestos.

    The bulb in the circuit will not light up when points P and Q are connected with

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  62. Ronald wants to make electrical wires with a wire drawing machine. He considers using steel, copper, aluminum, and plastic as raw material.
    The material that Ronald cannot use to make electrical wires is

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  63. Margaret notices that there are ceramic pulley-like structures attached to the overhead electrical lines near her house. Electrical wires pass over the pulleys. These pulleys are used as electrical

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  64. Which of the following materials cannot be used as an electrical insulator?

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  65. John is repairing the electrical line of his house. As a precautionary measure, he stands on a wooden plank. John uses the wooden plank because wood is

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  66. The given figure shows a simple circuit consisting of a bulb and a switch.

    On closing the switch, the bulb will

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  67. The given figures shows four wires , a switch , a bulb and a battery.

    The bulb will glow when the given components are connected as

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  68. The given figure shows a simple circuit involving a battery, a switch, and a bulb.

    If the terminals of the battery are reversed, then the bulb will

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  69. A simple electrical circuit containing two bulbs and a battery is shown in the given figure.

    If bulb 1 fuses on closing the switch, then bulb 2 will

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  70. The symbol for a fuse is

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  71. The symbol for a ammeter is

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  72. In a parallel circuit of bulbs

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  73. 01:46
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  74. When negative terminal of a cell is connected to the positive terminal of the next cell are said to be in

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  75. When electric cells are connected in series the electromotive force

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  76. Choose the correct option

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  77. If a voltage V is applied across the bulbs in series then

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  78. Greater potential difference (or emf) is obtained in the circuit when cells are connected in

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FORMATIVE WORKSHEET questions and complete solutions for chapter ELECTRIC CURRENT AND ITS EFFECTS of BEIITIANS of Class 7