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Complete Solutions to IIT JEE WORKSHEET(III. Paragraph Type) of chapter ELECTRIC CURRENT AND ITS EFFECTS of Class 7 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions3
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The rate of flow of charge in a circuit is called electric current. In other words, it is the amount of charge flowing per second. It is denoted by the letter
    I. If Q is the charge which is flowing through a conductor in time t, then current is given by `i = Q/t`
    Unit of current:
    The S.I unit of current is ampere and it is denoted by the letter 'A'.
    The S.I unit of Q is coulomb and that oft is second. Thus, the S.I unit of electric current is
    `("1 coulomb")/("1 second") = 1A`
    If there is a current of 10 amperes in a circuit for 10 minutes, what quantity of electric charge flows in through the circuit?

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  2. The rate of flow of charge in a circuit is called electric current. In other words, it is the amount of charge flowing per second. It is denoted by the letter
    I. If Q is the charge which is flowing through a conductor in time t, then current is given by `i = Q/t`
    Unit of current:
    The S.I unit of current is ampere and it is denoted by the letter 'A'.
    The S.I unit of Q is coulomb and that oft is second. Thus, the S.I unit of electric current is
    `("1coulomb")/("1 second") = 1A`
    How much current must there be in a circuit if 100 coulombs flow past a point in the circuit in 4 seconds?

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  3. The rate of flow of charge in a circuit is called electric current. In other words, it is the amount of charge flowing per second. It is denoted by the letter
    I. If Q is the charge which is flowing through a conductor in time t, then current is given by `i = Q/t`
    Unit of current:
    The S.I unit of current is ampere and it is denoted by the letter 'A'.
    The S.I unit of Q is coulomb and that oft is second. Thus, the S.I unit of electric current is
    `("1 coulomb")/("1 second") = 1A`
    How much time is required for 10 coulombs of charge to flow past a point if the rate of flow (current) is 2 amperes?

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IIT JEE WORKSHEET(III. Paragraph Type) questions and complete solutions for chapter ELECTRIC CURRENT AND ITS EFFECTS of BEIITIANS of Class 7