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Complete Solutions to Formative Worksheet of chapter HEAT of Class 7 book with complete answers and questions

BEIITIANSFormative Worksheet
Number Of Questions22
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A laboratory thermometer generally reads temperature from i while a clinical thermometer reads temperature from ii. The information in which alternative completes the given statement?

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  2. A metallic ball at `40^@C` is dropped in a vessel containing water at `20^@C.` Which of the following statements corresponding to the above statement is correct?

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  3. A solid substance having a temperature of `90^@C` is kept in a beaker. Some water having temperature of `60^@C` is then poured into the beaker. After sometime, the temperature of the water will be

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  4. Which of the following graphs represents rate of cooling of hot water?

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  5. The given table lists some materials as conductors or insulators.
    Which is listed incorrectly in the table?

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  6. The alternatives in the given table can be correctly matched as.

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  7. The body temperature of an animal is `86^@F.` Express the same temperature in degree Celsius.

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  8. The day temperature in Delhi on a hot day was `45^@C.` Express this temperature in degree Fahrenheit.

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  9. Express the following temperatures on the Fahrenheit Scale.
    `35^@C` (b) `15^@C`

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  10. Express the following temperatures on the Celsius Scale.
    (a) `95^@F` (b) `41^@F`

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  11. In solids, heat flow from a i temperature to a ii temperature by the process of iii. The information in which alternatively completes the given statement?

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  12. Four rods made up of glass, plastic, aluminium, an wood are covered with wax at one end. The other ends of these rods are inserted in a container containing hot water
    The wax on which rod will melt first?

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  13. Four pins (I, II, III, and IV) are fixed to a metallic rod with the help of wax. The rod is heated at one end.

    Which of the following pins would drop first?

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  14. Kitchen utensils are provided with a copper base because

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  15. A litre of water at `50^@C` is mixed with another litre of water at `70^@C.` What will be the temperature of the mixture?

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  16. i breeze blows during the ii from the land to the sea.
    The information in which alternative completes the given statement?

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  17. i is a good conductor of heat, but ii is a bad conductor of heat.
    The information in which alternative completes the given statement?

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  18. During the daytime, the air over the land becomes i and rises up. The cold air from the ii starts moving towards the iii to fill the vacuum created. This movement of air is known as iv. The information in which alternative completes the given statements?

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  19. Four rods made of iron, wood, paper, and plastic are connected by a straight metallic rod, as shown in the given figure. The rods are heated by a hot filament placed near them. After sometime, it is observed that the temperature of the iron rod is more than that of the other three rods.

    Heat transfer whitin the rods takes place by

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  20. When a layer of air receives enough heat from Earth's surface, it expands and becomes less dense. This layer is then pushed upward by buoyancy. The cool and heavy air sinks under this layer. This cycle repeats with the re-heating of the cool air. The phenomenon described in the preamble is known as

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  21. Heat transfer by the process of i requires medium while no medium is required for the heat transfer by the process of ii. The information in which alternative completes the given statement?

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  22. Convection is a process of heat transfer by the actual movement of molecules. Convection can take place only in I and II Heat transfer by III. can take place without any medium. The given statements are correctly completed by alternative

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Formative Worksheet questions and complete solutions for chapter HEAT of BEIITIANS of Class 7