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Complete Solutions to Level 2 (MCQs) of chapter MEASUREMENTS of Class 7 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions58
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A stone of density `5xx 10^(3)` Kg `m_(-3)` and mass 2 kg is immeresed into a liquid, inside a graduted cylinder. The reading on the graduated cylinder. The reading on the graduated cylinder is `1000 cm^(3)`before the stone is immersed into it, the reading after the stone is immersed in it is`"________"` `cm^(3)` .

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  2. The weight of the givensolid cylinder rodis 2512 N.
    The density of the body is `"________"` Kg `m_(-3)`.
    `(take g =10 m s_(-2))`

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  3. The mass of a density bottle when it is filled with a liquid of density 3000 kg `m_(-3)` is 400 g and the mass of the bottle when it is filled with water is 200 g. The mass of the empty density bottle is ` "__________"` g.

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  4. 1 g `m_(-3) = ` __________` kg `cm^(-3)`

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  5. In a particular scale A, one metreis divided into 500equal parts and in scale B one cm is divided into 5 equal parts and in scale C one mm is divided into 2 equal parts, then the accuracy of ` "________"`.

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  6. A wire is wound over a pencil and placed over a scale as shown in the figure. The diameter of the given wire is `"________"`.

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  7. If the radius of a sphere is doubled, then the density of the sphere is `"________"` times its original value.

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  8. A paper cutting is placedon a graph as shownin the figure, each on he X and Y axes represens a distance of2 cm. The area of the paper cutting is `"_________"` ` Cm^(2)`.

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  9. The mass of an empty density bottle is 50 g. When it is completely filledwith water, its mass is foundto be 100 g and when itiscompletly filledwith aliquid,its mass is 150 g. The density of the liquid is `"_________"` kg `m^(-3)`.

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  10. The density of the solid cylindrical bar shown in the figure is` 5xx 10^(3)` kg `m^(-3)` . The weight of the bar is `"_________"` N. (take g=10 m `s^(2)`

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  11. The readings in a graduated cylinder are`10 cm^(3)` and` 20 cm^(3)`, respectively, before and after a metal alloy piece of mass 200 g is put in it. Thedensity of the material of the alloy is `"________"`kg `m^(-3)`

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  12. A stock of identical coins are placed on a scale as shown in the figure. The thickness of a coin is `"_______"`

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  13. If the density of a sphere is reduced to `1//8` of its original value, then the radius of the sphere is `"_________"` times its original radius (assume that there is no change in mass). S

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  14. A paper cutting is placed on a graph a as shown in the figure, each division on the X and Y axes represents a distance off 1 cm. The area of the paper cutting is `"__________"` `cm^(2)`.

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  15. Density of the material of a paper is o.4g `cm^(-3)`.The mass of the paper is 0.5 g and its length and breadth are 10 cm and 4 cm, respectively. Determine the thickness of the paper.

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  16. If the length, breadth and height of a cuboid are all increased to 'n'times their original values of 'n'.

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  17. Solve the following example :
    A body of volume `100 cm^3` is immersed completely in water. Find the weight of the water displaced by the body. `[g = 9.8 m//s^2, rho(water) = 10^3 kg//m^3]`

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  18. A student was given a task to find the destiny of a cube whose mass and side are 100 g and 5 cm, respectively. What is his answer?

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  19. A physics student was given a 400 pages book and a metre scale and asked to measure the thickness of the paper in the book. Explain how can he measure it.

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  20. A wire wound over a rod and placed over a scale, as shown in figure. Calculate the radius of the wire.

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  21. A student took a spring balance calibrated in gf. He then suspended an object of mass 1 kg to the spring balance. Determine what would be the reading of the spring balance.

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  22. A physics scholar took two spring balances `'S_(1)'` and `(s_(2)` that are calibrated on the surface of the Moon and the Earth, respectively. He then weighed a body using both `S_(1)` and `S_(2)` at a given place on the surface of the earth. He determind the ratio of the readings. What is the ratio?S

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  23. A scientist took a physical balance and an object of weight 10 kgwt from the Earth to the surface of the Moon. There on the Moon, if he placed this 10 kgwt object on one of the pansof physical balance, find the mass of the object required to balance the physical balance.

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  24. The change in volume of a gas with change in temperature is plotted on a graph, as shown in he figure. Calculate the ratio of density at `50 ^(@)C and 100 ^(@)C`

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  25. Ram took an empty density bottle and a weighing machine. He measures the density bottle and a weighing machine. He measures the empty bottle and found it to be 40 .g. He then completely filled it with water and weighed it to be 100 g. With this data can he calculate the capacity of the density bottle? If so, what is its capacity

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  26. The densities fo three substances A, B and C are given below. If equal voumes of A, B and C are taken, arrange then in increasing order of their masses.

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  27. Triangulation method is used to determine the distance between two places A and C. A triangle obtained to a reduced scale is as shown below The ratio of the actual distances from C to another place B: and A to B is 5. Determine the distance between A and C. The actual distance between B and C is 20 km.

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  28. The weight of a body on the earth is 500 gf. The volume of water displaced when it is immersed in water in` 250 ""cm^(3)`. Determine the density of the material fo the body.

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  29. Ram took an empty ballon of mass 5 g and filled it with air. He then measured the mass of ballon filled with air tube to be 5.05 g. He considered the density of the air filled inside th ballon as `1.5" kg " m^(-3)` and found the volume of air present inside the ballon. Find his answer.

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  30. A stone of density `5xx 10^(3)` Kg `m_(-3)` and mass 2 kg is immeresed into a liquid, inside a graduted cylinder. The reading on the graduated cylinder is `1000 cm^(3)`before the stone is immersed into it, the reading after the stone is immersed in it is`"________"` `cm^(3)` .

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  31. The weight of the givensolid cylinder rodis 2512 N.
    The density of the body is `"________"` Kg `m_(-3)`.
    `(take g =10 m s_(-2))`

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  32. The mass of a density bottle when it is filled with a liquid of density 3000 kg `m_(-3)` is 400 g and the mass of the bottle when it is filled with water is 200 g. The mass of the empty density bottle is ` "__________"` g.

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  33. 1 g `m_(-3) = ` __________` kg `cm^(-3)`

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  34. In a particular scale A, one metreis divided into 500equal parts and in scale B one cm is divided into 5 equal parts and in scale C one mm is divided into 2 equal parts, then the accuracy of ` "________"`.

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  35. A wire is wound over a pencil and placed over a scale as shown in the figure. The diameter of the given wire is `"________"`.

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  36. If the radius of a sphere is doubled, then the density of the sphere is `"________"` times its original value.

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  37. A paper cutting is placedon a graph as shownin the figure, each on he X and Y axes represens a distance of2 cm. The area of the paper cutting is `"_________"` ` Cm^(2)`.

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  38. The mass of an empty density bottle is 50 g. When it is completely filledwith water, its mass is foundto be 100 g and when itiscompletly filledwith aliquid,its mass is 150 g. The density of the liquid is `"_________"` kg `m^(-3)`.

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  39. The density of the solid cylindrical bar shown in the figure is` 5xx 10^(3)` kg `m^(-3)` . The weight of the bar is `"_________"` N. (take g=10 m `s^(2)`

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  40. The readings in a graduated cylinder are`10 cm^(3)` and` 20 cm^(3)`, respectively, before and after a metal alloy piece of mass 200 g is put in it. Thedensity of the material of the alloy is `"________"`kg `m^(-3)`

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  41. A stock of identical coins are placed on a scale as shown in the figure. The thickness of a coin is `"_______"`

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  42. If the density of a sphere is reduced to `1//8` of its original value, then the radius of the sphere is `"_________"` times its original radius (assume that there is no change in mass). S

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  43. A paper cutting is placed on a graph a as shown in the figure, each division on the X and Y axes represents a distance off 1 cm. The area of the paper cutting is `"__________"` `cm^(2)`.

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  44. Density of the material of a paper is o.4g `cm^(-3)`.The mass of the paper is 0.5 g and its length and breadth are 10 cm and 4 cm, respectively. Determine the thickness of the paper.

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  45. If the length, breadth and height of a cuboid are all increased to 'n'times their original values of 'n'.

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  46. A wooden block is tied to a metallic rod of mass 100 g and immersed completely inwater. When the displaced water is collected in water.

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  47. A student was given a task to find the destiny of a cube whose mass and side are 100 g and 5 cm, respectively. What is his answer?

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  48. A physics student was given a 400 pages book and a metre scale and asked to measure the thickness of the paper in the book. Explain how can he measure it.

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  49. A wire wound over a rod and placed over a scale, as shown in figure. Calculate the radius of the wire.

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  50. A student took a spring balance calibrated in gf. He then suspended an object of mass 1 kg to the spring balance. Determine what would be the reading of the spring balance.

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  51. A physics scholar took two spring balances `'S_(1)'` and `(s_(2)` that are calibrated on the surface of the Moon and the Earth, respectively. He then weighed a body using both `S_(1)` and `S_(2)` at a given place on the surface of the earth. He determind the ratio of the readings. What is the ratio?S

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  52. A scientist took a physical balance and an object of weight 10 kgwt from the Earth to the surface of the Moon. There on the Moon, if he placed this 10 kgwt object on one of the pansof physical balance, find the mass of the object required to balance the physical balance.

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  53. The change in volume of a gas with change in temperature is plotted on a graph, as shown in he figure. Calculate the ratio of density at `50 ^(@)C and 100 ^(@)C`

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  54. Ram took an empty density bottle and a weighing machine. He measures the density bottle and a weighing machine. He measures the empty bottle and found it to be 40 .g. He then completely filled it with water and weighed it to be 100 g. With this data can he calculate the capacity of the density bottle? If so, what is its capacity

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  55. The densities fo three substances A, B and C are given below. If equal voumes of A, B and C are taken, arrange then in increasing order of their masses.

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  56. Triangulation method is used to determine the distance between two places A and C. A triangle obtained to a reduced scale is as shown below The ratio of the actual distances from C to another place B: and A to B is 5. Determine the distance between A and C. The actual distance between B and C is 20 km.

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  57. The weight of a body on the earth is 500 gf. The volume of water displaced when it is immersed in water in` 250 ""cm^(3)`. Determine the density of the material fo the body.

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  58. Ram took an empty ballon of mass 5 g and filled it with air. He then measured the mass of ballon filled with air tube to be 5.05 g. He considered the density of the air filled inside th ballon as `1.5" kg " m^(-3)` and found the volume of air present inside the ballon. Find his answer.

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Level 2 (MCQs) questions and complete solutions for chapter MEASUREMENTS of PEARSON IIT JEE FOUNDATION of Class 7