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Complete Solutions to Exercise of chapter COMPARING QUANTITIES of Class 8 book with complete answers and questions

Class 8MATHS
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Suppose for the principal P, rate R% and time T, the simple interest is S and compound interest is C. Consider the possibilities.
    (i) `CgtS` (ii) C=S (iii) `CltS` Then

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  2. Suppose a certain sum doubles in 2 years at r % rate of simple interest per annum or at R% rate of interest per annum compounded annually. We have

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  3. The compound interest on Rs 50,000 at 4% per annum for 2 years compounded annually is

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  4. If marked price of an article is Rs 1,200 and the discount is 12% then the selling price of the article is

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  5. If 90% of x is 315 km, then the value of x is

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  6. To gain 25% after allowing a discount of 10%, the shopkeeper must mark the price of the article which costs him Rs 360 as

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  7. If a % is the discount per cent on a marked price x, then discount is

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  8. Ashima took a loan of Rs 1,00,000 at 12% p.a. compounded half- yearly. She paid Rs 1,12,360. If `(1.06)^(2)` is equal to 1.1236, then the period for which she took the loan is

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  9. For calculation of interest compounded half yearly, keeping the principal same, which one of the following is true.

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  10. Shyama purchases a scooter costing Rs 36,450 and the rate of sales tax is 9%, then the total amount paid by her is

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  11. The marked price of an article is Rs 80 and it is sold at Rs 76, then the discount rate is

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  12. A bought a tape recorder for Rs 8,000 and sold it to B. B in turn sold it to C, each earning a profit of 20%. Which of the following is true:

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  13. Latika bought a teapot for Rs 120 and a set of cups for Rs 400. She sold teapot at a profit of 5% and cups at a loss of 5%. The amount received by her is

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  14. A jacket was sold for Rs 1,120 after allowing a discount of 20%. The marked price of the jacket is

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  15. A sum is taken for two years at 16% p.a. If interest is compounded after every three months, the number of times for which interest is charged in 2 years is

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  16. The original price of a washing machine which was bought for Rs 13,500 inclusive of 8% VAT is _________.

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  17. Avinash bought an electric iron for Rs 900 and sold it at a gain of 10%. He sold another electric iron at 5% loss which was bought Rs 1200. On the transaction he has a

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  18. A TV set was bought for Rs 26,250 including 5% VAT. The original price of the TV set is

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  19. `40%` of `[ 100 – 20% of 300]` is equal to

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  20. Radhika bought a car for Rs 2,50,000. Next year its price decreased by 10% and further next year it decreased by 12%. In the two years overall decrease per cent in the price of the car is

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  21. _________ is a reduction on the marked price of the article.

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  22. Increase of a number from 150 to 162 is equal to increase of _________ per cent.

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  23. 15% increase in price of an article, which is Rs 1,620, is the increase of Rs _________.

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  24. Discount=__________.

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  25. Discount = Discount % of _________.

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  26. ________ is charged on the sale of an item by the government and is added to the bill amount.

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  27. What is amount when compounded annually.

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  28. Sales tax = tax % of _________.

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  29. The time period after which the interest is added each time to form a new principal is called the _________.

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  30. _________ expenses are the additional expenses incurred by a buyer for an item over and above its cost of purchase.

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  31. The discount on an item for sale is calculated on the _________.

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  32. When principal P is compounded semi-annually at r % per annum for t years, then Amount = _________.

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  33. Percentages are _________ to fractions with _________ equal to 100.

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  34. The marked price of an article when it is sold for Rs 880 after a discount of 12% is _________.

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  35. The compound interest on Rs 8,000 for one year at 16% p.a. compounded half yearly is _________, given that `(1.08)^(2)= 1.1664`.

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  36. In the first year on an investment of Rs 6,00,000 the loss is 5% and in the second year the gain is 10%, the net result is _________.

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  37. If amount on the principal of Rs 6,000 is written as 6000 `[1+(5)/(100)]^3` and compound interest payable half yearly, then rate of interest p.a. is _________ and time in years is_________.

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  38. By selling an article for Rs 1,12,000 a girl gains 40%. The cost price of the article was _________.

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  39. The loss per cent on selling 140 geometry boxes at the loss of S.P. of 10 geometry boxes is equal to ________.

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  40. The cost price of 10 tables is equal to the sale price of 5 tables. The profit per cent in this transaction is _________.

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  41. Abida bought 100 pens at the rate of Rs 3.50 per pen and pays a sales tax of 4%. The total amount paid by Abida is _________.

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  42. The cost of a tape-recorder is Rs 10,800 inclusive of sales tax charged at 8%. The price of the tape-recorder before sales tax was charged is _________.

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  43. 2500 is greater than 500 by _________%.

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  44. Four times a number is a _________ % increase in the number.

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  45. 5% sales tax is charged on an article marked Rs 200 after allowing a discount of 5%, then the amount payable is _________.

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  46. To calculate the growth of a bacteria if the rate of growth is known, the formula for calculation of amount in compound interest can be used.

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  47. Additional expenses made after buying an article are included in the cost price and are known as Value Added Tax.

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  48. Discount is a reduction given on cost price of an article.(True/False)

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  49. Compound interest is the interest calculated on the previous year’s amount.

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  50. C.P. = M.P. – Discount.

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  51. A man purchased a bicycle for Rs 1,040 and sold it for Rs 800. His gain per cent is 30%.

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  52. Three times a number is 200% increase in the number, then one- third of the same number is 200% decrease in the number.

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  53. Simple interest on a given amount is always less than or equal to the compound interest on the same amount for the same time period and at the same rate of interest per annum.

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  54. The cost of a sewing machine is Rs 7,000. Its value depreciates at 8% p.a. Then the value of the machine after 2 years is Rs 5,924.80.

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  55. If the discount of Rs y is available on the marked price of Rs x, then the discount percent is `(x)/(y)xx100%`

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  56. Number of students appearing for class X CBSE examination increases from 91,422 in 1999–2000 to 11,6054 in 2008–09. Increase in the number of students appeared is approximately 27%.

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  57. Selling price of 9 articles is equal to the cost price of 15 articles. In this transaction there is profit of `66(2)/(3)%`. (True/False)

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  58. The compound interest on a sum of rsp, for T years at R% per annum is given by `l=[(1+(R)/(100))^(T)-1]` . Make R as the subject of the formula .

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  59. In case of gain, S.P. `=((100+"gain"%)xxC.P.)/(100)`. (True/False)

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  60. In case of loss, C.P. `=(100xxS.P.)/(100+"Loss%")` (True/False)

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  61. The value of a car, bought for Rs 4,40,000 depreciates each year by 10% of its value at the beginning of that year. So its value becomes Rs 3,08,000 after three years.

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  62. The cost of a book marked at Rs 190 after paying a sales tax of 2% is Rs 192. (T/F)

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  63. The buying price of 5 kg of flour with the rate Rs 20 per kg, when 5% ST is added on the purchase is Rs 21.

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  64. The original price of a shampoo bottle bought for Rs 324, if 8% VAT is included in the price is Rs. 300. => (T/F)

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  65. Sales tax is always calculated on the cost price of an item and is added to the value of the bill.

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  66. In a factory, women are 35% of all the workers, the rest of the workers being men. The number of men exceeds that of women by 252. Find the total number of workers in the factory.

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  67. Three bags contain 64.2 kg of sugar. The second bag contains `(4)/(5)` of the contents of the first and the third contains `45(1)/(2)%` of what there is in the second bag. How much sugar is there in each bag?

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  68. Find the S.P. if
    M.P. = Rs 5450 and discount = 5%

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  69. Find the S.P. if
    M.P. = Rs 1300 and discount = 1.5%

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  70. Find the M.P. if
    S.P. = Rs 495 and discount = 1%

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  71. Find the M.P. if
    S.P. = Rs 9,250 and discount `=7(1)/(2)%`

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  72. Find discount in per cent when
    M.P. = Rs 625 and S.P. = Rs 562.50

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  73. Find discount in per cent when
    M.P. = Rs 900 and S.P. = Rs 873

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  74. The marked price of an article is Rs 500. The shopkeeper gives a discount of 5% and still makes a profit of 25%. Find the cost price of the article.

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  75. In 2007 – 08, the number of students appeared for Class X examination was 1,05,332 and in 2008–09, the number was 1,16,054. If 88,151 students pass the examination in 2007–08 and 103804 students in 2008–09. What is the increase or decrease in pass % in Class X result?

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  76. A watch worth Rs 5400 is offered for sale at Rs 4,500. What per cent discount is offered during the sale?

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  77. In the year 2001, the number of malaria patients admitted in the hospitals of a state was 4,375. Every year this number decreases by 8%. Find the number of patients in 2003.

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  78. Jyotsana bought a product for Rs 3,155 including 4.5% sales tax. Find the price before tax was added.

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  79. An average urban Indian uses about 150 litres of water every day.

    (a) What per cent of water is used for bathing and sanitation together per day?
    (b) How much less per cent of water is used for cooking in comparison to that used for bathing?
    (c) What per cent of water is used for drinking, cooking and gardening together?

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  80. In 1975, the consumption of water for human use was about 3850 It increased to about 6000 in the year 2000. Find the per cent increase in the consumption of water from 1975 to 2000. Also, find the annual per cent increase in consumption (assuming water consumption increases uniformly).

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  81. Harshna gave her car for service at service station on 27-05-2009 and was charged as follows:
    (a) 3.10 litres engine oil @ Rs 178.75 per litre and VAT @ 20%.
    (b) Rs 1,105.12 for all other services and VAT @ 12.5%.
    (c) Rs 2,095.80 as labour charges and service tax @10%.
    (d) 3% cess on service Tax.
    Find the bill amount.

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  82. Given the principal = Rs 40,000, simple rate of interest = 8% p.a. Find the total amount after 3 years.

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  83. In Delhi University, in the year 2009 – 10, 49,000 seats were available for admission to various courses at graduation level. Out of these 28,200 seats were for the students of General Category while 7,400 seats were reserved for SC and 3,700 seats for ST. Find the per centage of seats available for
    (i) Students of General Category.
    (ii) Students of SC Category and ST Category taken together.

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  84. Prachi bought medicines from a medical store as prescribed by her doctor for Rs 36.40 including 4% VAT. Find the price before VAT was added.

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  85. Kritika ordered one pizza and one garlic bread from a pizza store and paid Rs 387 inclusive of taxes of Rs 43. Find the tax%.

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  86. Arunima bought household items whose marked price and discount % is as follows:

    Find the total amount of the bill she has to pay.

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  87. Devangi’s phone subscription charges for the period 17-02-09 to 16-03-09 were as follows :

    Find the final bill amount if 3% education cess was also charged on service tax.

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  88. Shyam deposited in a bank Rs 7500 for 6 months at the rate of 8% interest compounded quarterly. Find the amount he received after 6 months.

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  89. Babita bought 160 kg of mangoes at Rs 48 per kg. She sold 70% of the mangoes at Rs 70 per kg and the remaining mangoes at Rs 40 per kg. Find Babita’s gain or loss per cent on the whole dealing.

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  90. A shopkeeper was selling all his items at 25% discount. During the off season, he offered 30% discount over and above the existing discount. If Pragya bought a skirt which was marked for Rs 1,200, how much did she pay for it?

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  91. Ayesha announced a festival discount of 25% on all the items in her mobile phone shop. Ramandeep bought a mobile phone for himself. He got a discount of Rs 1,960. What was the marked price of the mobile phone?

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  92. Find the difference between Compound Interest and Simple Interest on Rs 45,000 at 12% per annum for 5 years.

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  93. A new computer costs Rs 1,00,000. The depreciation of computers is very high as new models with better technological advantages are coming into the market. The depreciation is as high as 50% every year. How much will the cost of computer be after two years?

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  94. The population of a town was decreasing every year due to migration, poverty and unemployment. The present population of the town is 6,31,680. Last year the migration was 4% and the year before last, it was 6%. What was the population two years ago?

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  95. Lemons were bought at Rs 48 per dozen and sold at the rate of Rs 40 per 10. Find the gain or loss per cent.

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  96. If the price of petrol, diesel and LPG is slashed as follows:

    Complete the above table.

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  97. What is the percentage increase or decrease in the number of seats won by A, B, C and D in the general elections of 2009 as compared to the results of 2004?

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  98. How much more per cent seats were won by X as compared to Y in Assembly Election in the state based on the data given below.

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  99. Ashima sold two coolers for Rs 3,990 each. On selling one cooler she gained 5% and on selling the the other she suffered a loss of 5%. Find her overall gain or loss % in whole transaction.

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  100. A tradesman marks his goods 25% above the cost price and allows his customers 12 % reduction on their bills. What percent profit does he make?

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Exercise questions and complete solutions for chapter COMPARING QUANTITIES of NCERT EXEMPLAR of Class 8