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Complete Solutions to Question Bank - 19 (a) of chapter COMPOUND INTEREST of Class 8 book with complete answers and questions

Class 8MATHS
S CHAND IIT JEE FOUNDATIONQuestion Bank - 19 (a)
Number Of Questions25
Academic Year2023-24
  1. What is the compound interest on an amount of ₹ 4800 at the rate of 6 per cent p.a. at the end of 2 years?

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  2. The principal that amounts to Rs 4913 in 3 years at `6 1/4%` per annum compound interest compounded annually, is (a) Rs 3096 (b) Rs 4076 (c) Rs 4085 (d) Rs 4096

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  3. Rs. 8000 invested at compound interest, gives Rs. 1261 as interest after 3 years. The rate of interest per annum is:

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  4. The compound interest on Rs 30,000 at 7% per annum is Rs 4347. The period (in years) is (a) 2 years (b) `2 1/2` years (c) 3 years (d) 4 years

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  5. How much would a sum of Rs 16000 amount to is 2 years time at 10% per annum compound interest, interest being payable half-yearly?

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  6. The difference between simple interest and compound interest on Rs 1200 for one year at 10% per annum reckoned half-yearly is (a) Rs 2.50 (b) Rs 3 (c) Rs 3.75 (d) Rs 4 (e) None of these

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  7. In how many years will a sum of Rs. 800 at 10% per annum compound Interest, compounded semi-annually becomes Rs. 926.10?

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  8. The compound interest on ₹ 16000 for 9 months at 20% p.a, compounded quarterly is

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  9. A sum of ₹ 24000 is borrowed for `1 1/2` years at the rate of interest 10% per annum compounded semi anually. What is the compound interest (x) ?

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  10. An amount of ₹ x at compound interest at 20% per annum for 3 years becomes y. What is y: x?

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  11. A man deposited ₹ 6000 in a bank at 5% simple interest. Another man deposited 5000 at 8% compound interest. After 2 years, the difference of their interests will be

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  12. The difference between compound interest and simple interest on a sum for 2 years at 8 per cent is Rs 768. The sum is (a) Rs 100000 (b) Rs 110000 (c) Rs 120000 (d) Rs 170000

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  13. The compound interest on a sum of money for 2 years is Rs 832 and the simple interest on the same sum for the same period is Rs 800. The difference between the compound interest and the simple interest for 3 years will be (a) Rs 48 (b) Rs 66.56 (c) Rs 98.56 (d) None of these

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  14. A money-lender borrows money at 4% per annum and pays the interest at the end of the year. He lends it at 6% per annum compound interest compounded half-yearly and receives the interest at the end of the year. In this way, he gains Rs 104.50 a year. The amount of money he borrows, is (a) Rs 4500 (b) Rs 5000 (c) Rs 5500 (d) Rs 6000

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  15. If a sum of money at compound interest amounts to thrice itself in 3 years then in how many years will it be 9 times itself?

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  16. If the compound interest on a certain sum of money for 3 years at 10% p.a be ₹ 993. what would be the simple interest?

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  17. If the amount is `2 1/4` times of the sum after 2 years, then the rate of compound interest must be

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  18. A sum of money invested at compound interest amounts in 3 years to ₹ 2400 and in 4 years to ₹ 2520. The interest rate per annum is

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  19. The compound interest on ₹ 2000 in 2 years if the rate of interest is 4% per annum for the first year and 3% per annum for the second year will be

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  20. Two partners A and B together lend ₹ 84100 at 5% compounded annually. The amount which A gets at the end of 3 years is the same as what B gets at the end of 5 years. Determine the ratio of shares of A and B.

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  21. A principal sum of money is lent out at compound interest compounded annually at the rate of 20% per annum for 2 years. It would give ₹ 2410 more if the interest is compounded half yearly. Find the principal sum.

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  22. A man borrowed ₹ 5000 at 10% per annum compound interest. At the end of each year he has repaid 1500. The amount of money he still owes after the third year is

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  23. The compound interest on a certain sum for 2 years at 10% per annum is Rs 525. The simple interest on the same sum for double the time at half the rate percent per annum is (a) Rs 400 (b) Rs 500 (c) Rs 600 (d) Rs 800

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  24. Two friends A and B jointly lent out ₹ 81600 at 4% compound interest. After 2 years A gets the same amount as B gets after 3 years. The investment made by B was

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  25. Find the compound interest on Rs 24000 at 15% per annum for years.

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Question Bank - 19 (a) questions and complete solutions for chapter COMPOUND INTEREST of S CHAND IIT JEE FOUNDATION of Class 8