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Complete Solutions to Question Bank - 19 (b) of chapter COMPOUND INTEREST of Class 8 book with complete answers and questions

Class 8MATHS
S CHAND IIT JEE FOUNDATIONQuestion Bank - 19 (b)
Number Of Questions15
Academic Year2023-24
  1. It is observed that the population of a city increases at the rate of 8% per annum. If the present population of the city is 125000, then the population of the city after 2 years will be

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  2. The population of a city is 7.26 lakh today. If the population has been increasing at the rate of 10% per year, then two years ago, the poplulation would have been

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  3. The population of a village was 20,000 and after 2 years it became 22050. What is the rate of increase per annum?

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  4. The population of a city increases at the rate of 4% per annum. There is additional annual increase of 1% due to influx of job seekers. The % increase in the population after 2 years is

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  5. The value of a machine depreciates at the rate of 10% every year. It was purchased 3 years ago. If its present value is ₹ 8748, its purchase price was

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  6. Railway police caught 4000 passengers without ticket in April. This number increased by 52% in may. Because of vigilance of railwayemployees and police number passengers without ticket decreased by 5% in June and by 10% in JulyFind the total number ofticketless passengers caught in July.

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  7. The population of a variety of tiny bush in an experimental field increased by 10% in the first year, increased by 8% in the second year but decreased by 10% in the third year. If the present number of bushes in the experimental field is 26730, then the number of bushes in the beginning was `25000` b. `27000` c. `28000` d. `24600`

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  8. A building worth Rs. 1,33,100 is constructed on land worth Rs. 72,900. After how many years will the value of both be the same if land appreciates at 10% p.a and building depredates at 10% p.a.? `1 1/2` b. `2` c. `3` d. `2 1/2`

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  9. The bacteria in a culture grows by 10% in the first hour, decreases by 10% in the second hour and again increases by 10% in the third hour. If the original count of the bacteria in a sample is 10000, find the bacteria count at the end of 3 hours.

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  10. Sanjay opened a grocery shop with an initial investment of ₹ 40,000. In the first year, he incurred a loss of 5%. However during the second year, he earned a profit of 10% which in the third year rose to `121/2%` . Calculate the net profit for the entire period of three years ?

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  11. The production of a company has ups and downs every year. The production increases for two consecutive years consistently 'by 15% and in the third year it decreases by 10%. Again in the next two years it increases by 15% each year and decreases by 10% in the third year. If we start counting from the year 2008, approximately what will be the effect on production of the company in 2012? `27 %\ in c r e a s e` b. `32 %\ in c r e a s e` c. `37 %\ in c r e a s e` d. `425\ in c r e a s e` `52\ in c r e a s e`

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  12. The population of a town increases 4% annually but is decreased by emigration annually to that extent of (1/2)%. What will be the increase percent in 3 years? `9. 8` b. `10` c. `10. 8` d. `10. 5`

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  13. The current birth rate per thousand is 32, whereas the corresponding death rate is 11 per thou and The net growth rate in terms of population increase in percent is given by `0. 0021 %` b. `0. 021 %` c. `2. 1 %` d. `21 %`

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  14. Food grain production in India in 1994 was 1520 lakh tonnes. If the product is increasing at a constant rate of 2.8% p.a., what is the production expected to be in 2010?
    (`(1.028)^(16)` = 1.55557)

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  15. The half life of Uranium -233 is 160000 yr i.e. Uranium -233 decays at a constant rate in such a way that it reduces to 50% in 160000 yr. In how many years, will it reduce to 25%

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Question Bank - 19 (b) questions and complete solutions for chapter COMPOUND INTEREST of S CHAND IIT JEE FOUNDATION of Class 8