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Complete Solutions to Section-A (Question Bank-21(a)) of chapter DISTANCE, TIME AND SPEED of Class 8 book with complete answers and questions

Class 8MATHS
S CHAND IIT JEE FOUNDATIONSection-A (Question Bank-21(a))
Number Of Questions30
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A person wants to travel a distance of 50 km by his bicycle. He travels with a speed of 12.5 km/hr. After every 12.5 km, he takes a rest of 20 minutes. How much time will he take to complete the whole distance?

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  2. Two cars start at the same time from one point and move along two roads at right angles to each other. Their speeds are 36 km/hr and 48 km/hr respectively. After 15 seconds, the distance between them will be

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  3. In a race of 800 m, A can beat B by 40 m. In a race of 500 m, B can beat C by 5 m. In a race of 200 m, A will beat C by

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  4. A constable follows a thief who is 200 m ahead of the constable. If the constable and the thief runs at the speeds of 8 km/hr and 7 km/hr respectively, the constable would catch the thief in

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  5. Two buses travel to a place at 45 km/hr and 60 km/hr respectively. If the second bus takes `5(1)/(2)` hrs less than the first for the journey, the length of the journey is

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  6. A cyclist covering a distance of 40 km would have reached 1 hour earlier, if he had run at an increased speed of 2 km/hr. His speed in (km/hr) was

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  7. Ram travels from P to Q at 10 km/hr and returns at 15 km/hr. Shyam travels from P to Q and returns at 12.5 km/hr. If he takes 12 minutes less than Ram, then what is the distance between P and Q?

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  8. A student reached his school late by 20 minutes by travelling at a speed of 9 km/hr. Had he travelled at the speed of 12 km/hr, he would have reached his school 20 minutes early. Find the distance between his house and the school?

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  9. An aircraft was to take off from a certain airport at 8 a.m., but it was delayed by 30 min. To make up for the lost time, it was to increase its speed by 250 km/hour from the normal speed to reach its destination 1500 km on time. What was the normal speed of the aircraft?

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  10. Robert is travelling on his cycle and has calculate to reach point A at 2 P.M. if he travels at 10 kmph; he will reach there at 12 noon if he travels at 15 kmph. At what speed must he travel to reach A at 1 P.M.? `8\ k m p h` b. `11\ k m p h` c.`\ 12\ k m p h` d. `14\ k m p h`

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  11. A is faster than B. A and B each walk 24 km. the sum of their speeds is 7 km /hr and the sum of times taken by them is 14 hours. Then As speed is equal to `3k m//h r` b. `4\ k m//h r` c. `\ 5\ k m//h r` d. `7\ k m//h r`

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  12. A car travels the first one third of a certain distant with a speed of 10 km/hr, the next one third distant with a speed of 20 km/hr and the last one third distance with a speed of 60 km/hr. The average speed of the car for the whole journey is `18\ k m//h r` b. `24\ k m//h r` c. `30 k m//h r` d. `36\ k m//h r`

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  13. A motor car starts with a speed of 70 km/hr with its speed increasing every two hours by 10 km/hr. In how many hours will it cover 345 kms?

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  14. A train can travel 0% faster than a car,. Both start from point A at the same time and reach point B 75 kms away from A at the same time. One the way, however, the train lost about 12.5 minutes while stopping at the stations. The speed of the car is `100\ k m p h` b. `120\ k m p h` c. `110\ k m p h` d. `130\ k m p h`

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  15. Shyam went from Delhi to Shimla via Chandigarh by car. The distance from Delhi to Chandigarh is `(3)/(4)` times the distance from Chandigarh to Shimla. The average speed from Delhi to Chandigarh was one and a half times that from Chandigarh to Shimla. If the average speed for the entire journey was 49 km/hr, what was the average speed from Chandigarh to Shimla?

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  16. A and B walk around a circular track. They start at 8 a.m. from the same point in the opposite directions. A and B walk at a speed of 2 rounds per hour and 3 rounds per hour respectively. How many times shall they cross each other before 9.30 am.? `5` b. `6` c. `7` d. `8`

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  17. A man covered a certain distance at some speed Had he moved 3 kmph faster, he would have taken 40 minutes less. If he had moved 2 kmph slower; he would have taken 40 minutes more. The distance (in km) is `35` b. `40` c. `36 2/3` d. `37 1/2`

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  18. A and B are 25 km apart. If they travel in opposite directions, they meet after one hour. If they travel in the same direction, they meet after 5 hours. If A travels faster than B, then the speed of A is

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  19. A small aeroplane can travel at 320 km/hr in still air. The wind is blowing at a constant speed of 40 km/hr. The total time for a journey against the wind is 135 minutes. What will be the time, in minutes for the return journey with the wind? (Ignore take off and landing times for the aeroplane.)

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  20. A man reduces his speed to two-third to walk a distance and consequently becomes late by 1 hour. With his usual speed, he covers the same distance in

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  21. If I walk at 3 km/hr, I miss a train by 2 minutes. If, however, I walk at 4 km/hr, then I reach the station 2 minutes before the arrival of the train. How far do I walk to reach the station?

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  22. A car driver, driving in a fog, passes a pedestrian who was walking at the rate of 2 km/hr in the same direction. The pedestrian could see the car for 6 minutes and it was visible to him upto a distance of 0.6 km. What was the speed of the car?

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  23. A train increases Its normal speed by 12.5% and reaches its destination 20 minutes earlier. What is the actual time taken by the train in the journey? `145\ m in` b. `180\ m in` c. `160\ m in` d. `220\ m in`

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  24. A bike travels a distance of 200 km at a constant speed, If the speed of the bike is increased by 5 km/hr, the journey would have taken 2 hours less. What is the speed of the bike?

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  25. Two persons P and Q start at the same time from city A to city B, 60 km away. P travels 4 km/hr slower than Q. Q reaches city B and at once turns back meeting P, 12 km from city B. What is the speed of P?

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  26. A starts from a place P to go to a place Q. At the same time B starts from Q to P. If after meeting each other A and B took 4 and 9 hours more respectively to reach their destinations, the ratio of their speeds is

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  27. In covering a certain distance, the speeds of A and B are in the ratio of 3:4. A takes 30 minutes more than B to reach the destination. The time taken by A to reach the destination is `1\ hou r` b. `2\ hou r s` c. `1 1/2hou r s` d. `2 1/2hou r s`

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  28. A and B run a kilometre and A wins by 25 sec. A and C run a kilometre and A wins by 275m. When B and C run the same distance, B wins by 30 sec. The time taken by A to run a kilometre is

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  29. A hare sees a dog 200 m away from her and scuds off in the opposite direction at a speed of 24 km/hr. Two minutes later, the dog perceives her and gives chase at a speed of 32 km/hr. How soon will the dog overtake the hare and what is the distance from the spot from where the hare took flight?

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  30. A, B and C start from the same place and travel the same directions at speeds of 30, 40 and 60 km/hr respectively. B starts two hours after A. If B and C overtake A at the same instant, how many hours after A did C start.

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Section-A (Question Bank-21(a)) questions and complete solutions for chapter DISTANCE, TIME AND SPEED of S CHAND IIT JEE FOUNDATION of Class 8