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Complete Solutions to Unit Test-3 of chapter DISTANCE, TIME AND SPEED of Class 8 book with complete answers and questions

Class 8MATHS
Number Of Questions20
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If an amount of Rs. 1,50,000 is shared among A, B and C in the ratio of 2 : 3 : 5, then A receives the same amount as he would receive if another sum of money is shared between A, B and C in the ratio of 5 : 3 : 2. The ratio of Z 1,50,000 to the second The amount of money is `2:3` b. `3:2` c. `5:2` d. `5:3`

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  2. Two vessels contain mixture of milk and water in the ratio of `1:3 and 3:5` to be mixed to get a new mixture in which the ratio of milk to water is `1 : 2`. In what ratio should quantities of mixtures be taken from vessels.

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  3. A man's income is increased by Rs. 1200 and at from the same time, the rate of tax to be paid is reduced 12% to 10%. He now pays the same amount of tax as before. What is his increased income if 20% of his income is exempted from tax in both cases? `R s .4500` b. `R s .6300` c. `R s .6500` d. `R s .7200`

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  4. In an institute `60% ` of the students are boys and the rest are girls. Further `15% ` of the boys and `7.5% ` of the girls are getting a fee waiver. If the number of those getting a fee waiver is 90, find the total number of students getting `50% ` concessions if it is given that `50%` of those not getting a fee waiver are eligible to get half fee concession?

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  5. Jai sells a shirt at a profit of 25 per cent. Had he bought it at 25 per cent less and sold it for Rs. 25 less, he still would have gained 25 per cent. The cost price of the shirt is:

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  6. A person buys two watches for Rs. 1,000. He sells one at a loss of 5% and the other at 20% gain and on the whole he gains Rs. 50. Find the cost price of each watch.

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  7. A dealer buys an article listed at Rs. 100 and gets successive discounts of 10% and 20%. He spends 10% of the cost price on transportation. At what price should he sell the article to earn a profit of 15% ?

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  8. A manufacturer marks his goods at 40% above the cost price. He allows a discount of 10% for cash customers and 5% to credit customers.`3/5` of the goods are sold for cash and the rest on credit. What is the percentage of profit when all the goods are sold and amount realised?

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  9. The average of four consecutive even numbers is one-fourth of the sum of these numbers. What is the difference between the first and last number?

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  10. The average weight of 3 men `A ,\ B` and `C` is 84 kg. Another man `D` joins the group and the average now becomes 80 kg. If another man `E` , whose weight is 3 kg more than that of `D` , replaces `A` , then the average weight of `B ,\ C ,\ D` and `E` becomes 79 kg. The weight of `A` is (a) 70 kg (b) 72 kg (c) 75 kg (d) 80 kg

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  11. A person invested some amount at the rate of 12% simple interest and a certain amount at the rate of 10% simple interest. He received yearly interest of Rs 130. But if he had interchanged the amounts invested, he would have received Rs 4 more as interest. How much did he invest at 12% simple interest? (a) Rs 400 (b) Rs 500 (c) Rs 700 (d) Rs 800

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  12. Shubhaiaxmi took a loan of Rs 18000 from Surya Finance to purchase a TV set. If the company charges compound interest at 12% per annum during the first year and `12(1)/(2)%` per annum during the second year, how much will she have to pay after 2 years?

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  13. Sanju puts equal amount of money one at 10% per annum compound interest payable half yearly and the second at a certain rate per cent per annum compound interest payable yearly. If he gets equal amounts after 3 years, what is the value of the second rate per cent?

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  14. A machine depreciates in value each year at the rate of 10% of its previous value. However, every second year there is some maintenance work so that in that particular year, depreciation is only 5% of its previous value. If at the end of the fourth year, the value of the machine stands at Rs. 1,46,205, then find the value of the machine at the start at the first year?

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  15. A, B and C can do a piece of work in 36, 54 and days respectively. They started the work but A left days before the completion of the work while B 12 days before the completion. The number of days for which C worked is `4` b. `8` c.`\ 12` d. `24`

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  16. A certain number of men, twice as many women and thrice as many boys earn in 6 days Rs. 5100. A woman earns one and a half times as a boy and a man as much as a woman and a boy together per day. How many women were there, if a boy earned Rs. 25 daily.

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  17. Two taps P and Q can fill an empty tank in 15 hours and 30 hours respectively. Both taps were opened at 4 a.m. and after some time, tap Q was closed. It was found that the tank was full at 4 p.m. At what time was the tap Q shut ?

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  18. From a light-house an observer two ships `A` and `B`. Ship `A` proceeding towards north at a speed `20sqrt(2) km//h` and ship `B` proceeding towards north-east at a speed of `20 km//h`. Find in which direction and at what speed the ship `B` would appear to move to an observer standing on the deck of the ship `A`.

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  19. Two trains of equal length are running on parallel lines in the same direction at 46 km/h and 36 km/h respectively. The faster train passes the slower train in 36 seconds. The length of each train is

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  20. A man rows a boat upstream a certain distance and then returns back to the same place. If the time taken by him in going upstream is twice the time taken in rowing downstream, find the ratio of the speed of the boat in still water and the speed of the stream.

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Unit Test-3 questions and complete solutions for chapter DISTANCE, TIME AND SPEED of S CHAND IIT JEE FOUNDATION of Class 8