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Complete Solutions to EXERCISE 7(C) of chapter REFLECTION OF LIGHT of Class 9 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions54
Academic Year2023-24
  1. What is a spherical mirror?

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  2. Name the two kinds of spherical mirrors and distinguish between them.

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  3. Define the terms pole, principal axis and centre of curvature with reference to a spherical mirror.

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  4. Draw suitable diagrams to illustrate the action of (i) concave mirror, and (ii) convex mirror, on a beam of light incident parallel to the principal axis.

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  5. Name the spherical mirror which (i) diverges (ii) converges the beam of light incident on it. Justify your answer by drawing a ray diagram in each case.

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  6. Define the terms focus and focal length of a concave mirror. Draw diagram to illustrate your answer.

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  7. Explain the meaning of the terms focus and focal length in case of a convex mirror, with the help of , suitable ray diagram.

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  8. State the direction of incident ray which after reflection from a spherical mirror retraces its path. Give a reason to your answer.

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  9. (i) Name the mirrors shown in fig a. and b.
    (ii) In each case a. and b, draw the reflected rays for the given incident rays and mark focus by the symbol f.

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  10. Complete the following diagrams in fig by drawing the reflected rays for the incident rays 1 and 2.

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  11. Complete the following diagrams in Fig. by drawing the reflected ray for the incident rays A and B.

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  12. State the two convenient rays that are chosen to construct the image by a spherical mirror for a given object? Explain your answer with the help of suitable ray diagrams.

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  13. Draw a ray diagram to show the formation of image by a concave mirror for an object placed between its pole and focus. State three characteristics of the image.

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  14. Draw a ray diagram to show the formation of image by a concave mirror for an object beyond its centre of curvature. State three characteristics of the image.

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  15. Draw the image formed by a convex mirror when the object is kept in front of the mirror and write the characteristics of the image.

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  16. Name the mirror which always produces an erect and virtual image. How is the size of image related to the size of object?

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  17. (a) For what position of object, the image formed by a concave mirror is magnified and erect?
    (b) State whether the image in part (a) is real or virtual?

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  18. (a) For what position of object, the image formed by a concave mirror is magnified and erect?
    (b) State whether the image in part (a) is real or virtual?

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  19. State the position of object for which the image formed by a concave mirror is of same size.

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  20. Write two more characteristics of the image.

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  21. What is a real image?

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  22. What type of mirror can be used to obtain a real image of an object?

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  23. Does the mirror mentioned in part b. form real image for all locations of the object?

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  24. Write the position and nature of the image formed in a concave mirror if the object is kept (a) at infinity (b) at F (c) between F and C (d) at (e) beyond C (f) between F and P.

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  25. Name the kind of mirror used to obtain:
    a. a real and enlarged image
    b. a virtual and enlarged image
    c. a virtual and diminished image
    d. a real and diminished image

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  26. How is the focal length of a spherical mirror related to its radius of curvature?

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  27. Write the spherical mirror's formula and explain the meaning of each symbol used in it.

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  28. What is meant by magnification ? Write its expression. What is its sign for the a. real b. virtual, image?

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  29. What may be the maximum distance of the image in a convex mirror can be obtained? What will be the location of object then?

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  30. Upto what maximum distance from a concave mirror, the image can be obtained ? What will be the location of object for it?

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  31. You are provided with (a) a plane mirror, (b) a convex mirror and ( c ) a concave mirror.
    How will you distinguish between them, without touching them?

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  32. State two uses of a concave mirror.

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  33. State the kind of mirror used
    a. by a dentist, b. as a search light reflector.

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  34. (a) When a concave mirror is used as a shaving mirror, where is the person.s face in relation to the focus of mirror?
    (b) State three characteristics of the image seen in part (a).

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  35. State three characteristics of the image seen in part a.

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  36. A mirror which is always used as a rear view mirror for vehicles is :

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  37. Why does a driver use a convex mirror instead of a plane mirror as arear view mirror? Illustrate your answer with the help of a ray diagram.

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  38. For an incident ray directed towards centreof curvature of a spherical mirror, the reflected ray:

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  39. The image formed by a convex mirror is

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  40. Name the kind of spherical mirror used to obtain : A real and enlarged image

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  41. The radius of curvature of a convex mirror is 40 cm. Find its focal length.

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  42. The focal length of a concave mirror is 10 cm. Find its radius of curvature.

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  43. An object of height 2 cm is placed at a distance 20cm in front of a concave mirror of focal length 12 cm. Find the position, size and nature of the image

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  44. An object is placed at 4 cm distance in front of a concave mirror of radius of curvature 24 cm. Find the position of image. Is the image magnified?

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  45. At what distance from a concave mirror of focal length 25 cm should an object be placed so that the size of image is equal to the size of the object.

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  46. An object 5 cm high is placed at a distance 60 cm in fornt of a concave mirror of focal length 10 cm. Find (i) the position and (ii) size, of the image.

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  47. A point light source is kept in front of a convex mirror at a distance of 40 cm. The focal length of the mirror is 40 cm. Find the position of image.

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  48. When an object of height 1 cm its kept at a distance 4 cm from a concave mirror, its erect image of height 1.5 cm is formed at a distance 6 cm behind the mirror. Find the focal length of mirror.

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  49. An object of length 4 cm is placed in front of a concave mirror at distance 30 cm. The focal length of mirror is 15 cm. a. Where will the image form? B. What will be the length of image?

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  50. A concave mirror forms a real image of an object placed in front of it at a distance 30 cm, of size three times the size of object. Find a. the focal length of mirror b. position of image.

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  51. A concave mirror forms a virtual imageof size twice that of the object placed at a distance 5 cm from it. Find: a. the focal length of the mirror b. position of image.

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  52. The image formed by a convex mirroris of size one third the size of object. How are u and v related?

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  53. The erect image formed by a concave mirror is of size double the size of object. How are u and v related?

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  54. The magnification for a mirror is -3. How are u and v related?

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EXERCISE 7(C) questions and complete solutions for chapter REFLECTION OF LIGHT of ICSE of Class 9