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Complete Solutions to Solved Examples of chapter SURFACE AREA AND VOLUME of Class 9 book with complete answers and questions

Class 9MATHS
Number Of Questions63
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Find the volume and total surface area of a cuboid, whose length = 15 cm, breadth = 10 cm and height = 8 cm.

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  2. The total surface area of a cube is `294 cm^(2)`, find its volume.

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  3. The length, breadth and height of a cuboid are in the ratio 6 : 5 : 3. If its total surface area is `504 cm^(2)`, find its dimensions. Also find the volume of the cuboid.

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  4. Three equal cubes are placed adjacently in a row. Find the ratio of total surface area of the new cuboid to that of the sum of the surface areas of the three cubes.

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  5. Find the volume of wood required for a closed wooden box with external dimensions `15cm xx 12cmxx8cm`, if the wood is `0.5 cm` thick.

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  6. The length, breadth and height of a room are `9 m, 7 m` and `4 m` respectively. There are two doors measuring `2m xx 1.5 m` and four windows measuring `1.5m xx 1m`. Find the area doors remaining walls.

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  7. The length, breadth and height of a room are 5 m, 4 m and 3 m respectively. Find the cost of white washing the walls of the room and the ceiling at the rate of `R s\ 7. 50\ p e r\ m^2dot`

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  8. Shanti sweets stall was placing an order for making cardboard boxes for packing their sweets. Two sizes of boxes were required. The bigger of dimensions `25cm xx 20cm xx 5 cm` and the smaller of dimensions `15cm xx 12cm xx 5cm`. For all the overlaps, `5%` of the total surface area is required for supplying `250` boxes of each kind.

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  9. In a box whose dimensions are `12cm xx 4cm xx 3cm`, how long stick can be placed ?

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  10. Water flows in a tank `150 mx100m` at the base, through a pipe whose cross-section is `3d m` by `1. 5 d m` at the speed of `15 km per hour dot` In what time, will the water be `3m e t r e s` deep?

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  11. A godown measures `40\ m\ xx\ 25\ m\ xx\ 10\ m`. Find the maximum number of wooden crates each measuring `1. 5\ m\ xx\ 1. 25\ m\ xx\ 0. 5\ m`that can be stored in the godown.

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  12. The sum of length, breadth and depth of a cuboid is 12 cm and its diagonal is `5sqrt(2)` cm. Find its surface area.

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  13. The circumference of the base of a cylinder is 130 cm andheight is 20 cm. Find its curved surface area.

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  14. Find the curved surface area of the cylinder whose height is 20 cm and the radius of base is 7 cm.

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  15. The area of the base of a right circular cylinder is `42pi cm^(2)` and height is 3.5 cm. Find its volume.

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  16. The height and radius of the base of a right circular cylinder is 'r'. Find its totalsurface area.

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  17. The side of a paper of square shape is 44 cm. It is folding and convert into a cylinder. Find the curved surface area and total surface of the cylinder.

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  18. The radius of base of a cylinder is 7 cm and height is 10 cm. Find its curved surface area and volume.

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  19. The area of base of a cylinder is `616 cm^(2)` and height is 30 cm. Find its volume and total surface area.

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  20. The volume of a cylindrical tub is `6160 m^(3)`. If the diameter of its base is 28 m, then find its depth.

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  21. The curved surface of a right circular is `4400 cm^(2)` and height is `50 cm.` Find its volume and total surface area.

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  22. The total surface area of a cylinder is `1540 cm^(2)`. The height of cylinder is 4 times the radius of the base. Find the height of the cylinder.

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  23. The radius and height of a cylinder are in the ratio 5 : 7 and its volume if `550\ c m^3dot` Find its radius. `(U s e\ pi=(22)/7)`

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  24. The radius of right circular cylinder is 14 cm. If its total surface area is `3872 cm^(2)`, then find its height.

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  25. A cylinder is formed by folding a square of side 5 cm. Find its curved surface area and the volume.

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  26. A rectangular paper of `22cm xx 12cm` is folded in two different ways and formed two cylinders.
    (i) Find the ratio of the volumes of two cylinders.
    (ii) Find the difference of the volumes of two cylinders.

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  27. The volume of a cylindrical vessel is `27720 cm^(3)`. Itscurved surface is `2640 cm^(2)`. Find its height and radius of base.

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  28. The diameter of a roller is `84 cm` and its length is `120 cm.` It takes `500` complete revolutions to move once over to level a playground. Find the area of the playground in `m^2`.

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  29. There is some water in a cylindrical vessel of diameter `11 cm` . A solid cube of side `5.5 cm` is dropped into the water , which immersed completely in the water . Find the increase in the height of surface of water in the vessel.

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  30. The rain water from a roof af dimensions ` 22 m xx 20 m ` drains into a cylindrical vessel having diameter of bases `2 m` and height `3.5 m.` If the rain water collected form the roof just fill the cylindrical vessel, them find the rainfall (in cm).

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  31. The diameter of a right circular cylinder is increased by 20%. Find the percentage decrease in its height if its volume remains unchanged.

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  32. A cylindrical well of radius 4m and depth 49 m is dug and the taken out is spread evenly on a ground of length40 m and breadth 28 m. If the volume of the earth taken out increases by 10%, find the increase in the height of the ground.

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  33. The external and internal radii of a hollow cylinder are 5 cm and 4 cm respectively. If the height of cylinder is 14 cm, then find its internal volume and total surface area.

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  34. The radius and height of a right circular cone are 4 cm and 9 cm respectively. Its volume will be :
    (i) `36pi cm^(3)` (ii) `48pi cm^(3)` (iii) `72pi cm^(3)` (iv) `100pi cm^(3)`

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  35. The ratio of the slant height and radius of the cone is 7 : 4. If itscurved surface area is `550 cm^(2)`, then find its radius.

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  36. `264m^(2)` cloth is used in a conical tent. If its slant height is 12 m, then find its height.

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  37. The volume of a right circular cone is `9702 cm^(3)` andheightis 21 cm. Find its curved surface area.

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  38. Five persons can accommodate in a conical tent. If each person required `18` square decimetre place on wrath and `108` cubic decimetre air for breathing, then find the height of the cone.

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  39. The slant height of a cone is `13 cm` and its total surface area is `90pi cm^(2)`. Find its radius of base.

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  40. The height and radius of a right circular cone are increased by `20%` and `25%` respectively. Find the ratio of the volume of new cone and old cone.

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  41. In a right angle, the sides conrtaining right angles are 5 cm and 12 cm. It is rotated aboutits hypotenuse taking it as axis. Find the total surface area and volume of formed figure.

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  42. An open conical cup is formed from a thin metallic semi-circular sheet of diameter 28 cm. Find its volume.

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  43. A conical tent is required to accommodate157 persons, each person must have `2 m^(2)` of space on the ground and `15 m^(3)` of air to breath. Find the height of the tent, also calculate the slant height.

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  44. The curved surface area of a cone of height 8 m is `188.4 m^(2)`. Find the volume of cone.

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  45. If `h , c ,V` are respectively the height, the curved surface and the volume of a cone, prove that `3piV h^3-C^2h^2+9V^2=0.`

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  46. Find the length of canvas, 1.5m in width, is required to make a conical tent 14 m in diameter and 24 m in height. Given that `8(1)/(3)%` of the canvas is used in folds and stiching. Also, find the cost of canvas at the rate of Rs. 28 per metre.

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  47. The radius of a sphere is 3 cm. Its total surface area will be :
    (1) `18pi cm^(2)` (ii) `36 pi cm^(2)` (iii) `72pi cm^(2)` (iv) `108 pi cm^(2)`

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  48. Find the volume and curved surface of a sphere whose diameter is 6 cm.

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  49. Find the volume of a spherewhose diameter is 1 cm.

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  50. Find the total surface area of a hemisphere whose radius is 1 cm.

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  51. The diameter of a sphere is 10 cm. Find its surface area.

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  52. The surface area of a sphere is `100pi cm^(2)` . Find its volume.

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  53. If volumes of two spheres are in the ratio 64:27 then the ratio of their surface areas is

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  54. The diameter and height of a right circular cylinder are equal to the diameter of a sphere. Find the ratio of volumes of cylinder and sphere.

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  55. Find the ratio of the surface of a sphere and total surface area of a hemisphere.

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  56. A semi-circle of radius 17.5 cm is rotated about its diameter. Find the curved surface of so generated solid.

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  57. Find the cost of painting at the rate of `Rs. 5.60 per m^(2)` on the hemispherical dome of diameter 10 m.

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  58. The sphere and cube have same surface. Show that the ratio of the volume of sphere to that of cube is `root`6 : `root``pi`

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  59. The diameters of three solid balls of iron are 6 cm, 8 cm and 10 cm. They are melted and recast a solid ball. Find the diameter of this ball.

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  60. How many balls, each of radius 1 cm, can be made from a solid sphere of lead of radius 8 cm?

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  61. A sphere and a cube has same surface area.Show that the ratio of the volume of sphere to cube is `sqrt6:sqrtpi`

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  62. A conical vessel of radius 6 cm and height 8 cm is completely filled with water. a sphere is lowered into the water and its size is such that when it touches the the sides, it just immersed. what fraction of water overflows.

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  63. The diagram shows the cross-section of eight identical iron balls touching each other on a horizontal surface.

    If the volume of a ball is `(9pi)/(2)cm^(3)`, then what should be the minimum length and depth of a box so that all the balls can be placed in it ?

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Solved Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter SURFACE AREA AND VOLUME of NAGEEN MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 9