What if I fail in one subject?
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In an examination, 30% of the students have failed in subject I, 20% of the students have failed in subject II and 10% have failed in both subject I and subject II. A student is selected at random, what is the probability that the student: a) has failed in subject I, if it is known that he is failed in subject II ? b) has failed in at least one subject ? c) has failed in exactly one subject ?
View SolutionThe chances to fail in Physics are 20% and the chances to fail in Mathematics are 10%. What are the chances to fail in atleast one subject ?
View SolutionThe chances to fail in Physis are 20% and the chances to fail in Mathematics are 10%. What are the chances to fail in atleast one subject ?
View SolutionIn an examination 35% of the students failed in one subject and 42% failed in another subject, whereas 15% of the students failed in both the subjects. If the total number of students is 2500, then how many students passed in only one subject?
View SolutionIn an examination, 47% passed in science and 51% failed in mathematics. If 42% failed in both subjects, what percentage passed in both subjects?
एक परीक्षा में, विज्ञान में 47% सफल रहे तथा गणित में 51% असफल हो गए | यदि 42% दोनों विषयों में असफल रहे, तो दोनों विषयों में कितने प्रतिशत सफल रहे ?
View Solutionएक परीक्षा में, 35% प्रतियोगी गणित में तथा 25% प्रतियोगी अंग्रेजी में असफल रहे । यदि 10% प्रतियोगी दोनों विषयो में असफल रहे, तो कितने प्रतिशत प्रतियोगी दोनों विषयो में सफल रहे ?
View SolutionIn an examination, 52% students failed in Hindi and 42% failed in English. If 17% failed in both the subjects, what percentage of students passed in both the subjects ?
View SolutionIn an examination, 35% students failed in Hindi, 45% students failed in English and 20% students failed in both the subjects. What is the percentage of students passing in both the subjects?
View Solutionएक परीक्षा में, 34% प्रतियोगी गणित में तथा 42% प्रतियोगी अंग्रेजी में असफल होते है । यदि 20% प्रतियोगी दोनों विषयो में असफल हुए हो तो कितने प्रतिशत प्रतियोगी दोनों विषयो में सफल होते है ?
View SolutionIn an examination, 53% of the candidates failed in science and 48% failed in mathematics. If 40% failed in both subjects, what percentage passed in both subjects?
एक परीक्षा में 53% छात्र विज्ञान में अनुत्तीर्ण हुए तथा 48% गणित में अनुत्तीर्ण रह गए | यदि 40% दोनों विषयों में अनुत्तीर्ण रहे, तो दोनों विषयों में कितने प्रतिशत उत्तीर्ण हुए?
View SolutionIn an examination, 53% of the candidates failed in science and 48% failed in mathematics. If 40% failed in both subjects, what percentage passed in both subjects?
एक परीक्षा में 53% छात्र विज्ञान में अनुत्तीर्ण हुए तथा 48% गणित में अनुत्तीर्ण रह गए | यदि 40% दोनों विषयों में अनुत्तीर्ण रहे, तो दोनों विषयों में कितने प्रतिशत उत्तीर्ण हुए?
View SolutionIn an examination, 52% candidates failed in English and 42% failed in Mathematics. If 17% failed in both the subjects, then what percent passed in both the subjects ?
View Solutionभौतिक शास्त्र में फेल होने की संभावना 20% तथा गणित में फेल होने की संभावना 10% है। कम से कम एक विषय में फेल होने की संभावना है
View SolutionIn the final examinations for grade students of New York Public School, 4 students failed in Mathematics Sceince and History, 16 students failed in at least two of the above - mentioned subjects and 25 students failed in at least one of the above subject . How many students failed in exactly one of the mentioned subjects ?
View SolutionThere are 100 students in a class. In the examination, 50 of them failed in Mathematics, 45 failed in Physics, 40 failed in Biology and 32 failed in exactly two of the three subjects. Only one student passed in all the subjects. Then, the number of students failing in all the three subjects is
View SolutionThere are 102 students in a class. In an examination, 50 of them failed in Mathematics, 45 failed in Physics and 40 failed in Chemistry, 32 failed in exactly two of these three subjects. Only one student passed in all the three subjects. Find the number of students failing in all the three subjects.
View SolutionIn an examination, 48% of candidates passed in science and 56% failed in mathematics. If 32% failed in both subjects, then what percent passed in both subjects? /
एक परीक्षा में 48% छात्र विज्ञान में उत्तीर्ण हुए जबकि 56% छात्र गणित में अनुत्तीर्ण रह गए | यदि 32% छात्र दोनों विषयों में असफल रहे, तो दोनों विषयों में कितने प्रतिशत उत्तीर्ण हुए ?
View SolutionIn an examination 58% of the students failed in English, 37% in Mathematics and 19% in both the subjects failed. What is the percentage of students passed in both the subjects?
View SolutionIn an examination 47% students passed in Science and 51% students failed in Mathematics. If 42% of the students failed in both the subjects, then what percentage of the students passed in both the subjects?
View SolutionIn an examination 54% of the students passed in Science and 42% failed in Mathematics. If 32% students failed in both the subjects. What percentage of students passed in both the subjects?
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