A daily-wages laborer was engaged for a certain number of days for ₹5750; but being absent on some of those days he was paid only ₹ 5000. What were his maximum possible daily wages?
1 ₹ 125
2 ₹ 250
3 ₹ 375
4 ₹ 500
Answer : 4. "₹ 500"
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A labourer was engaged for a certain number of days for Rs. 5750 but being absent on some of these days he was paid only Rs.5000. What is the maximum daily wages?
View SolutionA daily wage labourer was engaged for a certain number of days for Rs 5750, but being absent on some of those days he was paid only Rs 5000. What was his maximum possible daily wage? (a) Rs 125 (b) Rs 250 (c) Rs 375 (d) Rs 500
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