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Deduce an expression for parallel plate capacitor with dielectric slab ?

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If dielectric slab is not placed in between the plate of P.P.C. its capacitance.Where A is area of the plate d is the distance between the two platesInitial electric field is EO.Now dielectric slab is placed in between the two plates of dielectric constant “K” K is always ‘+ve’ and greater than oneBy defn of polarisation.From relation between electric field and potential.By defn of capacitance of the capacitor Eqn 13 is the general equation for capacitance of d parallel plate capacitor with dielectric slab of dielectric constant ‘K’.Special case—If dielectric slab completely failed the plat.Conclusion—If a dielectric slab is placed in between two plate of ppc its capacitance increases ‘K’ times in which k is positive and greater than one.

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