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You are Chuck Hooper‘s wife Marcy. You remained overwhelmed at Duke‘s dedications towards the recovery of your husband. Write a letter to your friend describing how Duke has become your saviour.

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2nd CrossNew TowersLondon10th Nov 2012Dear Anne You will be glad to learn that my husband Chuck is able to walk now and has also joined office. It is all because of our pet dog Duke the Doberman Chuck had brought. I was a little reluctant at the beginning though I agreed to have him later. I had actually sent Duke to a kennel afterChuck‘s accident but brought him back to give Chuck company during his bedridden days after he was released from hospital.Duke appeared to be an epitome of hope and determination. There was some sort of understanding between Duke and Chuck. Duke always stayed with Chuck and helped him whenever needed. It was Duke who helped Chuck make efforts to put his first step.Dukemiraculously managed to re-awaken the dead spirit of Chuck to live and Chuck started walking step by step every day. It was clear that Duke understood his master‘s grief and determined to help him get over the state of helplessness.Whenever Chuck lost his balance Duke would be by him like a post. Indeed God has sent an angel to my home in disguise of Duke.That my dear husband is not only walking but also working today is nothing but a miracle.Duke‘s loyalty affection and determination were instrumental in the recovery of his master.Unfortunately when his master is fit today Duke is no more to enjoy the delight of seeing his master back in his original form. Duke met with a motor accident and breathed his last a few days back.I have posted few of his photographs in my Facebook account for all of you. God give his soul rest and peace.With lots of loveMarcy

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