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A world-class runner can complete a 100 m dash in about 10 s. Past studies have shown that runners in such a race accelerate uniformly for a time t and then run at constant speed for the remainder of the race. A world-class runner is visiting your physics class. You are to develop a procedure that will allow you to determine the uniform acceleration a and an approximate value of t for the runner in a 100 m dash. By necessity your experiment will be done on a straight track and include your whole class of eleven students. a By checking the line next to each appropriate item in the list below select the equipment other than the runner and the track that your class will need to do the experiment. ____Stopwatches ____Tape measures ____ Rulers ____ Masking tape ____Metersticks ____ Starters pistol ____ String ____ Chalk b Outline the procedure that you would use to determine a and t including a labeled diagram of the experimental setup. Use symbols to identify carefully what measurements you would make and include in your procedure how you would use each piece of the equipment you checked in part a. c Outline the process of data analysis including how you will identify the portion of the race that has uniform acceleration and how you would calculate the uniform acceleration.

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Two general approaches were used by most of the students.Approach A: Spread the students out every 10 meters or so. The students each start their stopwatches as the runner starts and measure the time for the runner to reach their positions.Analysis variant 1: Make a position vs. time graph. Fit the parabolic and linear parts of the graph and establish the position and time at which the parabola makes the transition to the straight line. Analysis variant 2: Use the position and time measurements to determine a series of average velocities vavg = ∆x/∆t   for the intervals. Graph these velocities vs.  time to obtain a horizontal line and a line with positive slope. Establish the position and time at which the sloped and horizontal lines intersect.Analysis variant 3: Use the position and time measurements to determine a series of average accelerations ∆x = v0t + 1/2at2. Graph these accelerations vs. time to obtain two horizontal lines one with a nonzero value and one at zero acceleration. Establish the position and time at which the acceleration drops to zero. Approach B: Concentrate the students at intervals at the end of the run in order to get a very precise value of the constant speed vf or at the beginning in order to get a precise value for a. The total distance D is given by a = ½ atu2 + vfT – tu where T is the total measured run time. In addition vf = atu These equations can be solved for a and tuif vf is measured directly or vf and tuif a is measured directly. Students may have also defined and used distances speeds and times for the accelerated and constant-speed portions of the run in deriving these relationships.

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