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Explain the need for user-defined functions.

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The need for user-defined function:1. A programmer may have a block of code that he has repeated forty times throughout the program. A function to execute that code would save a great deal of space and it would also make the program more readable. 2. It is easy to locate and isolate a faulty function. Having only one copy of the code makes it easier to make changes. 3. Another reason for functions is to break down a complex program into logical parts. For example take a menu program that runs complex code when a menu choice is selected. The program would probably best be served by making functions for each of the actual menu choices and then breaking down the complex tasks into smaller more manageable tasks which could be in their own functions. In this way a program can be designed that makes sense when read. And has a structure that is easier to understand quickly. The worst programs usually only have the required function main and fill it with pages of jumbled code. 4. A function may be used by many other programs. A programmer can use already compiled function instead of starting over from scratch.

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