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State the Variation of pressure at two points when fluid is in horizontal acceleration.

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When a fluid is subjected to a constant acceleration different elements of the fluid orient them selves so as to obtain a new equilibrium position with respect to the vessel. Since the fluid particles are relatively at rest with respect to one another therefore the laws of fluid statics area applicable but in the modified form to take into account the effect of acceleration. Consider a horizontally accelerating container with liquid in it. Take two points A and B at a horizontal distance l along the line of acceleration a. Take a horizontal cylinder within the two areas ΔS containing points A and B. Let pressure at A is PA & at B is PB.The forces along the line AB are PA ΔS towards right and PB ΔS towards left. Under the action of these forces the element is accelerating.i.e. two points in same horizontal level do not have equal pressure for a fluid accelerating horizontally. If atmospheric pressure is P0 then PA = P0 + hA ρg and PB = P0 + hB ρg as there is no vertical acceleration. hA and hB are the depths of points A& B from free surface.where θ is the inclination of the free surface with the horizontal.

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