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CleAir Pvt. ltd. started a business of making three varieties of portable air purifiers for vehicles - Vincent Banish Exclusive. From the following information calculate Breakeven point in units for the company and suggest which variety is most revenue generating. Fixed costs are Rs. 15 20 000.VincentBanishExclusiveSales Price800450600Variable Cost400150200Sales mix50%20%30%

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VincentBanishExclusiveSales Price 800450600Variable Cost400150200Contribution 400300400Sales mix50%20%30%Contribution × sales mix20060120Weighted Contribution= 200 + 60 + 120 =  Rs.380BEP  = Fixed cost/WACM = 1520000/380= 4000 unitsIn Units: Vincent = 50% of 4000 = 2000 unitBanish = 20% of 4000 = 800 unitExclusive = 30% of 4000 = 1200 units.In Rupees: Vincent = 2000 units x 800 = Rs.1600000Banish = 800 units x 450 = Rs. 360000Exclusive = 1200 units X 600 = Rs. 720000The company is earning more revenue in the sale of Vincent

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