
Find VA and VB by “nodal analysis” for the circuit shown in Fig..

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Let the conductance be represented by g. Let all the sources be current sources. For this a voltage-source in series with a resistor is transformed into its equivalent current source. This is done in Fig..Observing the circuit g11 = 1/5 + 0.6 = 0.8 g22 = 0.40 + 0.2 = 0.6 g12 = 0.2  Current sources : + 5 amp into ‘A’ + 5.67 amp into ‘B’VA = 4.134/0.44 = 9.4 volts  VB = 5.536/0.44 = 12.6 volts. Current in 5-ohm resistor = VB −VA/5 = 0.64 amp Check : Apply Thevenin’s Theorem : VA = 10 × 10/12 = 8.333 V VB = 17/3 × 2.5 = 14.167 V VTH = 14.167 − 8.333 = 5.834 V RTH = 4.167 I5 = 5.834/4.167 + 5 = 0.64 A

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