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The electrical resistivities of three materials P Q and R are given below :a P   2.3 x 103 Ohm-mb Q   2.63 x 10-8 Ohm-mc R    1.0 x 1015 Ohm-mWhich material will you use for making a electric wires b handle for soldering iron and c solar cells ? Give reasons for your choices.

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Solution : a Material Q with resistivity 2.63 X 10-8 ohm-m can be used for making electric wires because it has very low resistivity. b Material R with resistivity 1.0 X 1015 ohm-m can be used for making handle of soldering iron because it has very high resistivity. c Material P with resistivity 2.3 X 103 ohm-m can be used for making solar cell because it is a semiconductor.

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