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i Draw the circuit arrangement for studying the V - I characteristics of a pn junction diode ini forward and ii reverse bias. Briefly explain how the typical V - I characteristics of a diode are obtained and draw these characteristics.ii With the help of necessary circuit diagram explain the working of a photo diode used for detecting optical signal

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Reverse biasing The VI characteristics are obtained by connecting the battery to the diode through a potentiometer the battery to the diode through a or rheostat. The applied voltage to the diode is changed. The applied voltage to the diode is changed. The values of current for different values of voltage are noted and a graph between V and I is plotted. The V-I characteristics of a diode have the form the form shown here.ii The circuit diagram for the photo diode is shown here.The photo diode is ilIuminated by optical signal whose photon energy is greater than the energy gap of the semiconductor used.The electric field at the junction separates the electrons and holes and thus gives rise to an emf.When an external load is connected a photo current is proportional to the intensity of light incident on the photo diode.

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