A liquid flows between two parallel plates along the x-axis. The difference between the velocity of two layers separated by the distance dy is dv. If A is the area of each plate then Newtons law of viscosity may be written as
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A liquid flows between two parallel plates along the x-axis. The difference between the velocity of two layers separated by the distance dy is dv . If A is the area of each plate, then Newton's law of viscosity may be written as
View SolutionA liquid flows between two parallel plates along the x-axis. The difference between the velocity of two layers separated by the distance is . If is the area of each plate, then Newton's law of viscosity may be written as
View Solution0.1 मी भुजा वाली एक वर्गाकार प्लेट दूसरी प्लेट के समानान्तर 0.1 मी से के वेग से चल रही है। दोनों प्लेटें पानी के अन्दर यदि श्यान बल 0.002 न्यूटन एवं श्यानता गुणांक 0.001 पाइज दोनों प्लेटों के बीच की दूरी होगी-
View SolutionThe distance between the two plates of an isolated charged parallel plate air capacitor is increased. The potential difference between the plates will……………………..
View Solution1 मीटर भुजा वाली एक वर्गाकार प्लेट एक दूसरी प्लेट के समान्तर के वेग से गतिशील है। दोनों प्लेटों के मध्य पानी की परत है। यदि प्लेटों पर श्यान बल 2N तथा पानी का श्यानता गुणांक 0.01 पॉइज हो तो प्लेटों के मध्य दूरी मिमी. में होगी।
View SolutionIf there is a thin layer of water between two parallel plates then it is easier to seperate the plates by-
View SolutionWhen a liquid flows in a tube, there is relative motion between adjacent layers of the liquid. This force is called the viscous force which tends to oppose the relative motion between the layers of the liquid. Newton was the first person to study the factors that govern the viscous force in a liquid. According to Newton’s law of viscous flow, the magnitude of the viscous force on a certain layer of a liquid is given by F = - eta A (dv)/(dx) where A is the area of the layer (dv)/(dx) is the velocity gradient at the layer and eta is the coefficient of viscosity of the liquid. The dimensional formula for the coefficient of viscosity is :
View SolutionWhen a liquid flows in a tube, there is relative motion between adjacent layers of the liquid. This force is called the viscous force which tends to oppose the relative motion between the layers of the liquid. Newton was the first person to study the factors that govern the viscous force in a liquid. According to Newton’s law of viscous flow, the magnitude of the viscous force on a certain layer of a liquid is given by
where A is the area of the layer is the velocity gradient at the layer and is the coefficient of viscosity of the liquid.
The dimensional formula for the coefficient of viscosity is :
View SolutionFind the charge on each plate given area of each plate is A and separation between two consecutive plates is d.
View SolutionFind the charge on each plate given area of each plate is A and separation between two consecutive plates is d.
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View Solutionएक समान्तर प्लेट संधारित्र की प्रत्येक प्लेट का क्षेत्रफल A एवं प्लेटों के बीच की दूरीd हैं, इसे नियत धारा । से आवेशित किया गया है यदि A/2 क्षेत्रफल की एक समतल सतह प्लेटों के मध्य इनके समान्तर स्थित हो तो इस सतह से प्रवाहित विस्थापन धारा होगी
View SolutionExplain the underlying principle of working of a parallel plate capacitor . If two similar plates , each of area A , having surface charge densities +sigma and -sigma are separated by a distance 'd' in air , write expression for : the potential difference between the plates.
View Solutionएक समान्तर प्लेट संधारित्र की प्रत्येक प्लेट का क्षेत्रफल 50 है तथा दोनों प्लेटों के बीच वैघुत क्षेत्र की तीव्रता 75 न्यूटन/कुलोम है। प्रत्येक प्लेट पर कितना आवेश है?
View SolutionA liquid whose coefficient of viscosity is eta flows on a horizontal surface. Let dx represent the vertical distance between two layers of liquid and dv represent the difference in the velocities of the two layers. Then the quantity eta (dv//dx ) has the same dimensions as:
View SolutionA liquid whose coefficient of viscosity is flows on a horizontal surface. Let represent the vertical distance between two layers of liquid and dv represent the difference in the velocities of the two layers. Then the quantity has the same dimensions as:
View SolutionFind the viscous drag between the two liquid layers each of area 100 cm^(2) , and having relative velocity 8 cm s^(-1) . The viscosity of the liquid is 0.004 PI and the layers are separated by a distance 4 cm.
View SolutionFind the viscous drag between the two liquid layers each of area 100 cm^(2) , and having relative velocity 8 cm s^(-1) . The viscosity of the liquid is 0.004 PI and the layers are separated by a distance 4 cm.
View SolutionX और Y दो सामन्तर प्लेट संधारित्र है जिनकी प्लेटो के क्षेत्रफल सामान है तथा प्लेटो के बिच की दुरी भी सामान है। संधारित्र X की प्लेटो के बिच वायु तथा संधारित्र Y की प्लेटो के बिच वाला कोई परवहुत माध्यम है।
X और Y की प्लेटो के बिच विभान्तर ज्ञात कीजिये|
View SolutionThe equivalent capacitance between P and Q in the figure is (area of each plate is A and separation between two consecutive plates is d)
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