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While assessing the market an entrepreneur has to prepare details on four factors one of them being ‘project innovation and change’. Explain briefly the other three.

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Selection of a product or service will depend upon many factors. While assessing the market an entrepreneur has to prepare details on the following lines:i Demand : The demand assessment will be based on the size of market being targeted i.e. local markets market at state level or national/international market. It will also involve a study of the target groups of consumers their preferences tastes and other related variables.ii Supply and nature of competition : While assessing market supply position is also studied by entrepreneurs. By supply position what is meant is the complete picture of quantities of the product made available in the market by all the existing players. It should take into account future supplies from possible entrants in the field.iii Cost and price of product : It is important to determine the cost of the product and its comparison with available products in the market. Cost variable of competitors in terms of transportation delays wastage storage etc. have to be studied to spot cost advantage. This will influence the delivery mechanism of the identified product or service.

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