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Under the action of a constant voltage U a capacitor of capacitance C =10-11 F included in the circuit shown in Fig. 113 is charged to q1 = 10-9 C. The inductance of the coil; is L = 10-5 H and the resistance of the resistor is R = 100 Ω.Determine the amplitude q0 of steady state oscillations of the charge on the capacitor at resonance if the amplitude of the external sinusoidal voltage is U0 = U.

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During steady-state oscillations the work done by the external source of current must be equal to the amount of heat liberated in the resistor. For this the amplitudes of the external voltage and the voltage across the resistor must be equal: RI0 = U0. Since the current in the circuit and the charge on the capacitor are connected through the equation I = dq/dt the amplitudes I0 and q0 of current and charge can be obtained from the formulawhere the resonance frequency is By hypothesis

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