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Explain the role played by Zamindars during sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in India

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Role played by the Zamindars in the sixteenth and seventeeth centuries in India:
(i) The zamindars were the propricetors of their lands. They could sell, bequeath or mortgage these at will. They cnjoyed certain social and cconomic privileges because of their supcrior status in rural society.
(ii) The zamindars belonged to the upper caste which added to their exalted status in society.
(iii) The zamindars rendered certain services (Khidmat) for the state. So they received respect and position in the state.
(iv) The zamindars attained power as their job was to collect revenue on behalf on the state, for which they were compensated financially
(v) Control over military resources was another source of power. Most zamindars had fortresses (qilachas) as well as an armed contingent comprising units of cavalry, artillery and infantry.
(vi) The zamindars spearheaded the colonisation of agricultural land, and helped in settling cultivators by providing them with the means of cultivation, inclading cash loans. The buying and selling of zamindaris accelerated the process of monetization in the countryside.
The zamindars also sold the produce from their milkiyat lands. There is evidence to show that zamindars often established markets (haats) to which peasants also came to sell their produce.
(viii) If we observe social relation of village of Mughal age as a pyramid, then zamindars were at the top. They occupied the highest position in the society.
