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Explain the role played by zamindars in Mughal India.

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(i) The zamindars in the Mughal period were the class of those people who lived off agriculture but did not participate directly in the proccsses of agricultural production. The zamindars were landed proprietors who had some social and economic privileges by virtue of their superior status in rural Society.
(ii) Caste hierarchy was also responsible for the higer status of zamindars. They also performed certain services (Khidmat) for the state.
(iii) The zamindars had extensive personal lands termed milkiyat. This milkiyat lands were cultivated for the personal use of the zamindars, with the help of lired or servile labour.
(iv) The zamindars were at liberty to sell, mortgage these lands at will. They could often collect revenue on ehalf of the state.
(v) The other source of zamindars' power was their over military sources. Most of them had fort resses as well as an armed contingent comprising units of infantry, cavalry and artillery.
(vi) If we visualise of social relations in the Mughal countryside its very narrow apex. In this context Abul Fazl's account indicates an "Upper caste", Brahmana-Rajput combine had already made that firm control overural society. It also reflects a fairly good representation from intermediate castes along with a liberal as a pyramid, zamindars constituted sprinkling of Muslim zamindars.
(vii) The dispossession of weaker people by a powerful military chieftain was a popular way of expainding zamindari. In northern India the Rajputs and the Jars fallownd the strategies to firm up their control over cxtensive swathes of tetritory (viii) The zamindars led the colonisation of agricultural land and helped in settlling cultivators by providing them cash loans, another means of cultivation.
(ix) Zamindars were an exploitative class and their relationship with the peasantry had a touch of reciprocity parermatismrand patronagee That is why zamindars often got the support of the peasantry in their conflict against the state
