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Competing interests do not always reflect clear class divide. Explain with suitable examples.

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Competing interests do not always reflect a clear class divide. The multi-religious and multicultural composition of the population with distinct streams of uribal culture is one aspect of the plurality. Many divides classify the Indian people. The impact that culture, religion, and caste have on the urban-rural divide, rich-poor divide and the literate-illiterate divide is varied. However, there are some basic objectives laid down in the constitution and which are generally agreed in the Indian political world as being obviously just. These would be empowerment of the poor and marginalised, proverty alleviation, ending of caste and positive steps to treat all groups equally.
For example:, the issue because they emit toxic waste and affect the health of those around this is a matter of life which the constitution protects. Closure of the factory will render people jobless. This does not however reflect class divide.
