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The pattern of farmer's suicides points to the significant crisis that the rural areas are exf eriencing.' What do you understand by 'matrix event' and how are they responsible for farmer's suicides?

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Matrix Events: A range of factors that coalesce or combine or come together to form an event are called matrix events e.g, farmers/distress suicide.
Sociologists have tried to analyze this event of sucides by looking at the structural and social changes that have been taking place in society, such suicides have become matrix events.
Farmers in our country for centurics bave periodically faced lots of distress due to crop failures, droughe and debt. They have been facing terrible conditions which encourages them to take negative steps. Some of the reasons why suicides are becoming a regular phenomenon are because the farmers are:
1. Unable to bear the burden of debt.
2. They can not fulfill their social obligations due to loss in crops.
3. Costs of agricultural equipment, costs of chemicals and sceds for cultivation and farming are already high and increasing every day. This creates difficulties for the farmers to survive.
4. Hiring labour and breeding animals is getting costlier too.
5. Lack of adequate support or market price also contributes.

Updated on:21/07/2023

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    Temporary measures through monetary relief would not be the solution. The governmental efforts should be targeted at improving the entire structure of the small where in the relief is not given on a drought to drought basis, rather they are taught to overcome their difficulties through their own skills and capabilities,. Social responsibility also goes a long way to help the farmers. General public, NGOs, Corporate and other organisations too can play a part in helping farmers by adopting drought affected villages and families and helping them to rehabilitate.
    The nation has to realise that farmers' suicides are not minor issues happening in remote parts a few states, it is a reflection of the true state of the basis of our economy.
    What does the author suggest as opposed to providing temporary monetary relief to the farmers ?
    (A) To improve the entire agricultural setup in India instead of providing relief in the face of adversities.
    (B) Providing the local money lender with large amount of money so that small farmers can easily obtain loans from them.
    (C) Empowering the farmers so that they can sustain a livelihood throughout life without having to face the desperation that adversity drives them to.

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    BOnly A and B
    COnly B
    DOnly A and C