Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

What are beats ? Obtain an expression for the beat frequency ? Where and how are beats made us of ?

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Beats : Two sound waves of nearly same frequency are travelling in the same direction and interfere to produce a regular waxing and waning in the intensity of the resultant sound waves at regular intervals of time are called Beats.
If v1 and v2 are the frequencies of two sound notes superimposed along the same direction, no of beats heard per second =Δv=v1v2 .
Maximum no. of beats heard per heard per sec is 10 due to persistence of hearing .
Expression for the beat frequency :
(1) Consider the two wave trains of equal amplitude but of nearlyequal frequencies .
(2) Let the frequencies of the waves be v1 and v2. Say v1 is slightly greater than v2.
(3) Let the beat period be T seconds.
(4)No.of vibrations , made by the first wave train in T seconds =v1T
[ no. of oscillations in 1 sec = v]
[ no. of oscillations in T sec = vt ]
(5) No. ofvibrations ,made by the second wave train inT secons =v2T
(6)During the time interval T, the first wave train would have completed one vibration more than the second wave train.
(7) Hence, v1Tv2T=1 orv1v2=1T
(8) Since, T is the beat period, no.of beats per seconds=1T
(9) Hence the beat frequency =1T=v1v2=Δv
(10) That is the beat frequency is the difference between the frequencies of the two wave trains.
Practical applications of beats :
(i) Determination of an unknown frequency : Out of two tunning forks, one is loaded with wax and the other is filled. The excited tunning forks are close together and no. of beats can be heard.Then after unknown frequencies of them will be found practically.
(ii) For tuning musical instruments : Musicians use the beat phenomenon in tuning their musical instruments.
(iii) For producing colourful effects in music : Sometimes , a rapid succession of beats is knowingly introduced in music . This produces an effect similar to that of human voice and is appreciated by the audience.
(iv) For detection of Marsh gas ( dangerous gases) in mines.
