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Recall Trigonometric Functions

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Step-by-Step Solution

1. Sine Function (sin)
- Domain: The sine function is defined for all real numbers. Therefore, the domain is R.
- Co-domain: The co-domain is also R.
- Range: The sine function takes values from -1 to 1, inclusive. Thus, the range is (1,1).

2. Cosine Function (cos)
- Domain: Similar to the sine function, the cosine function is defined for all real numbers. Therefore, the domain is R.
- Co-domain: The co-domain is also R.
- Range: The cosine function also takes values from -1 to 1, inclusive. Thus, the range is (1,1).

3. Tangent Function (tan)
- Domain: The tangent function is defined for all real numbers except where the cosine function is zero. This occurs at π2+nπ where n is any integer. Therefore, the domain is R{π2+nπnZ}.
- Co-domain: The co-domain is R.
- Range: The tangent function can take any real value. Thus, the range is R.

4. Cotangent Function (cot)
- Domain: The cotangent function is defined for all real numbers except where the sine function is zero. This occurs at nπ where n is any integer. Therefore, the domain is R{nπnZ}.
- Co-domain: The co-domain is R.
- Range: The cotangent function can take any real value. Thus, the range is R.

5. Secant Function (sec)
- Domain: The secant function is defined for all real numbers except where the cosine function is zero. This occurs at π2+nπ where n is any integer. Therefore, the domain is R{π2+nπnZ}.
- Co-domain: The co-domain is R.
- Range: The secant function takes values outside the interval (-1, 1). Thus, the range is (,1)(1,).

6. Cosecant Function (csc)
- Domain: The cosecant function is defined for all real numbers except where the sine function is zero. This occurs at nπ where n is any integer. Therefore, the domain is R{nπnZ}.
- Co-domain: The co-domain is R.
- Range: The cosecant function takes values outside the interval (-1, 1). Thus, the range is (,1)(1,).

Summary of Trigonometric Functions

| Function | Domain | Co-domain | Range |
| Sine (sin) | R | R | (1,1) |
| Cosine (cos) | R | R | (1,1) |
| Tangent (tan) | R{π2+nπ} | R | R |
| Cotangent (cot) | R{nπ} | R | R |
| Secant (sec) | R{π2+nπ} | R | (,1)(1,) |
| Cosecant (csc) | R{nπ} | R | (,1)(1,) |
