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Obtain all zeros of the polynomial f(x)=2x4+x314x219x6 , if two of its zeros are 2 and 1 .

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To find all the zeros of the polynomial f(x)=2x4+x314x219x6 given that two of its zeros are 2 and 1, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the known roots and form factors
Since we know that 2 and 1 are roots, we can express these roots as factors of the polynomial:
- The factor for 2 is (x+2)
- The factor for 1 is (x1)

Thus, we can form the quadratic factor from these roots:

Step 2: Divide the polynomial by the quadratic factor
Next, we need to divide the polynomial f(x) by the quadratic factor x2+x2 to find the remaining factors. We will perform polynomial long division.

1. Divide the leading term of f(x) by the leading term of x2+x2:
2. Multiply 2x2 by x2+x2:
3. Subtract this from f(x):

4. Repeat the process with the new polynomial:
5. Multiply x by x2+x2:
6. Subtract:

7. Continue dividing:
8. Multiply 9 by x2+x2:
9. Subtract:

Step 3: Factor the resulting polynomial
Now we have:

Step 4: Find the roots of the quadratic 2x29=0
To find the remaining zeros, we solve:
This simplifies to:

Step 5: Compile all the zeros
The zeros of the polynomial f(x) are:
1. 2
2. 1
3. 322
4. 322

Final Answer
Thus, the complete set of zeros of the polynomial f(x)=2x4+x314x219x6 is:
