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Simplify: 1225×1528×3536 (ii) 1027×3956×2865 2217×729×13352

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To simplify the given fractions, we will follow a step-by-step approach for each part of the question.

Part (i): Simplify (12/25)×(15/28)×(35/36)

1. Write the expression:

2. Multiply the numerators and the denominators:

3. Factor the numbers:
- 12=22×3
- 15=3×5
- 35=5×7
- 25=52
- 28=4×7=22×7
- 36=62=22×32

So, we can rewrite the expression as:

4. Simplify the expression:
- Cancel out common factors:
- 22 cancels with 22
- 3 cancels with one 3
- 5 cancels with one 5
- 7 cancels with 7

After canceling, we are left with:

Part (ii): Simplify (10/27)×(39/56)×(28/65)

1. Write the expression:

2. Multiply the numerators and the denominators:

3. Factor the numbers:
- 10=2×5
- 39=3×13
- 28=4×7=22×7
- 27=33
- 56=7×8=7×23
- 65=5×13

So, we can rewrite the expression as:

4. Simplify the expression:
- Cancel out common factors:
- 5 cancels with 5
- 13 cancels with 13
- 7 cancels with 7
- 2 cancels with one 2
- 3 cancels with one 3

After canceling, we are left with:

Part (iii): Simplify 2217×729×13352

1. Convert mixed numbers to improper fractions:
- 2217=2×17+217=3617
- 729=7×9+29=659
- 13352=1×52+3352=8552

Now we have:

2. Multiply the numerators and the denominators:

3. Factor the numbers:
- 36=22×32
- 65=5×13
- 85=5×17
- 17 is prime
- 9=32
- 52=4×13=22×13

So, we can rewrite the expression as:

4. Simplify the expression:
- Cancel out common factors:
- 17 cancels with 17
- 13 cancels with 13
- 32 cancels with 32
- 22 cancels with 22
- 5 cancels with one 5

After canceling, we are left with:

Final Answers:
1. 14
2. 19
3. 5
