Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Draw a triangle whose sides are of lengths 4 cm, 5 cm and 7 cm. Draw the perpendicular bisector of the largest side.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Draw the Base of the Triangle:
- Start by drawing a line segment AB that measures 7 cm. This will be the longest side of the triangle.
- Hint: Use a ruler to ensure the line segment is exactly 7 cm long.

2. Find the Midpoint of AB:
- Measure the length of AB (7 cm) and find its midpoint. Label this point as M.
- Hint: The midpoint will be at 3.5 cm from either end of the segment AB.

3. Draw Circles to Locate Points C:
- Using a compass, place the pointer at point A and draw a circle with a radius of 4 cm.
- Then, place the pointer at point B and draw another circle with a radius of 5 cm.
- Hint: Ensure that the compass is set to the correct radius before drawing each circle.

4. Identify Point C:
- The two circles will intersect at two points. Choose one of these intersection points and label it as C.
- Hint: You may need to adjust the compass slightly to see the intersection clearly.

5. Draw the Triangle:
- Connect points A and C to form side AC (4 cm) and points B and C to form side BC (5 cm).
- Hint: Use a ruler to measure and ensure the lengths are correct.

6. Draw the Perpendicular Bisector of AB:
- With the compass still set to a radius of 3.5 cm (half of 7 cm), place the pointer at point A and draw an arc above and below the line segment AB.
- Repeat this step with the pointer at point B to create two more arcs that intersect the previous arcs.
- Hint: Make sure the arcs are drawn above and below the line segment for clarity.

7. Label the Intersection Points:
- Label the points where the arcs intersect as E and F.
- Hint: These points will help you draw the perpendicular bisector.

8. Draw the Perpendicular Bisector:
- Use a ruler to draw a straight line through points E and F. This line is the perpendicular bisector of segment AB.
- Hint: Ensure that the line is straight and intersects AB at the midpoint M.

Summary of Steps:
- Draw line segment AB (7 cm).
- Find and mark the midpoint M.
- Draw circles from A (4 cm) and B (5 cm) to find point C.
- Connect A, B, and C to form triangle ABC.
- Draw arcs from A and B to find points E and F.
- Connect E and F to draw the perpendicular bisector of AB.
