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Given that the number 59142a is divisible by 4, where a is a digit, what are the possible values of a ?

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To determine the possible values of the digit a in the number 59142a such that it is divisible by 4, we need to focus on the last two digits of the number, which are 2a. A number is divisible by 4 if the number formed by its last two digits is divisible by 4.

1. Identify the last two digits: The last two digits of the number 59142a are 2a.

2. Set up the divisibility condition: For 2a to be divisible by 4, we need to find values of a such that 2a is a multiple of 4.

3. List possible values of 2a: Since a is a digit, it can take values from 0 to 9. Thus, 2a can take the following values:
- If a=0, then 2a=0
- If a=1, then 2a=2
- If a=2, then 2a=4
- If a=3, then 2a=6
- If a=4, then 2a=8
- If a=5, then 2a=10
- If a=6, then 2a=12
- If a=7, then 2a=14
- If a=8, then 2a=16
- If a=9, then 2a=18

4. Check which values of 2a are divisible by 4:
- 0÷4=0 (divisible)
- 2÷4=0.5 (not divisible)
- 4÷4=1 (divisible)
- 6÷4=1.5 (not divisible)
- 8÷4=2 (divisible)
- 10÷4=2.5 (not divisible)
- 12÷4=3 (divisible)
- 14÷4=3.5 (not divisible)
- 16÷4=4 (divisible)
- 18÷4=4.5 (not divisible)

5. List the valid values of a:
- From the checks above, the values of 2a that are divisible by 4 are 0,4,8,12,16.
- Corresponding values of a are:
- 2a=0a=0
- 2a=4a=2
- 2a=8a=4
- 2a=12a=6
- 2a=16a=8

6. Final possible values of a: The possible values of a that make 59142a divisible by 4 are 0,2,4,6,8.

The possible values of a are 0,2,4,6,8.
