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Given that the number 60ab57377 is divisible by 99, where a and b are digits, what are the values of a and b ?

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60ab57377 is divisible by 99.
So, it is also divisible by the factors of 99 which are 9 and 11.
Divisibility of 9
Sum of digits =6+0+a+b+5+7+3+7+7=a+b+35
As the given number is divisible by 9, so a+b+35 is also divisible by 9.
Therefore, possible values for a+b+35 are 36,45,54,63,72,81.........
a+b can be 1,10,19,28,37,46,55......(1)
Divisibility of 11
Sum of the digits at even places =0+b+7+7=14+b
Sum of the digits at odd places =6+a+5+3+7=21+a
Difference between the sum =(21+a)(14+b)
As the given number is divisible by 11,7+ab is also divisible by 11.
7+ab can be 0,11,22,33,44...........
ab can be - 7,4,15,26......(2)
) If a+b=1;a=0or 1 and b=1 or 0
Which do not satisfy the condition(2).
) If a+b=10, where a=1,2,3,4.........9 and b=9,8,7,6.........1
When a=7 andb=3,
This satisfies the condition (2).
Hence, the required values of a is 7 and b is 3
Let us check this by putting the possible values of a and b.
So, 607357377 is exactly divisible by 99.
